Points/Events in History Destroying the United States

  • From: unknown

When did the USA crash & burn?

First off, let’s agree what “crash & burn” means. I believe you are referring to transitioning from a Constitutional Republic established by our Founders to the hideous and oppressive political monster we struggle under today. That being the case…

I am not convinced that there is a single event that can be pointed to that destroyed the US as a Constitutional Republic…or rather began its destruction. To fully understand that path of destruction I think it wise to understand what the Founding Fathers saw as a threat to the new Constitutional Republic and how to avoid it.

The Founders saw utter evil in:

  • The British Empire system of an all-powerful central government (oppression & tyranny).
  • A standing, professional army to enforce that power.
  • A tightly controlled economic system that didn’t allow for free markets, and the application of excessive taxes.
  • Worshiping a King more than, or equal to, God.

Once the colonies defeated the British Empire they desired to establish safeguards against such a tyrannical and oppressive government taking root in America. To that end they established preventative ideals/principles:

  1. Recognize God in defeating the British and inspiring both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Knowing full well both were meant only for a moral and righteous people. Doing so by integrating God into public life and the government process.
  2. Creating the Constitution to severely limit the federal government in both scope and power; and making it subservient to state governments in all matters excepting international relations.
  3. Established a state-based militia style of a military system to ensure that there was no professional, standing all-powerful army to enforce tyranny or to support a despotic leader.
  4. Ensuring that the Constitution supported a free-market system, free from any but nominal federal government control.
  5. Establish a gold/silver standard for the US dollar ensuring a solid and internationally recognized currency, eliminating the economy destroying fiat currency potential.
  6. Created the Bill of Rights to ensure that a federal government would not be able to establish an oppressive and tyrannical form of government against US citizens. And the Second Amendment was specifically adopted to ensure that the citizens of the US and states could keep the federal government from oppressing the people. Or, should the federal government become tyrannical and oppressive, the Second Amendment and militia style military would ensure that such government could be replaced as per the Declaration of Independence should the ballot box fail to remedy the situation.

So all that being said, here are the points in history that I believe have led the US federal government to become even worse, far worse, than the British Empire ever was:

  • 1909 – Corporate Income Tax: Legalized corporate tax transferring massive amount of wealth annually from US corporations to a bureaucratic federal government.
  • 1913 – The establishment of The Federal Reserve: Moved control of the US economy and currency away from the government and into the hands of private banks unaccountable to anyone. Transferring the entire control of the US economy into the hands of a few powerful individuals. It ensured the eventual complete destruction of a free-market economic system.
  • 1913 – Sixteenth Amendment: Legalized progressive income tax transferring massive amount of wealth annually from individual US citizens to a bureaucratic federal government.
  • 1913 – Seventeenth Amendment: Removal of power from the states to elect Senators via state legislatures. Effectively eliminating the power of state governments to be a check and balance on the federal government.
  • 1916 – Estate Tax: Legalized a tax on people who died transferring massive amount of wealth from dead individual US citizens to a bureaucratic federal government. The estate tax collections that had already been additionally taxed annually via federal income tax.
  • 1918 – World War I: The US realized just how powerful of a military the country could wield, basically unmatched in the world. A large, standing, professional army was created in direct opposition to the Founders’ intent and design.
  • 1932 – Gift Tax: Legalized tax on people who gave money to others, primarily family, transferring significant wealth annually from individual US citizens/families to a bureaucratic federal government. The money that had already been taxed annually via federal income tax.
  • 1934 – The National Firearms Act: Ensured the eventual total destruction of the Second Amendment and eliminating the ability of US citizens to oppose government tyranny and oppression.
  • 1935 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation: The creation of the FBI, the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world, destroyed any last hopes that the Constitution and Bill of Rights would remain intact and remain the law of the land protecting the rights/liberties/freedoms of US citizens.
  • 1945 – Military-Industrial Complex created/expanded: By the end of WW2 virtual control of the US military moved into private hands of industry via the monetary influence of decision makers inside the military and Congress. The number of “military actions” increased dramatically moving 10’s of trillions of dollars into a few private industries.
  • 1947 – Central Intelligence Agency: The creation of the CIA gave unlimited power, legal or otherwise, to the federal government to kill, imprison, or torture at will anyone, anywhere, for any reason without accountability or legal basis. This included political leaders, military leaders, entire governments, and any other person they deemed worthy of such treatment…foreign or domestic.
  • 1947 – Separation of Church and State: Everson v. Board of Education established the SCOTUS basis of eliminating God from the public square and ensuring the total fall of morality in public life.
  • 1962 – School Prayer Outlawed: Nine judges (SCOTUS) made the decision to eliminate prayer from schools.
  • 1971 – Gold standard abandoned: When the US abandoned the gold standard as a monetary policy it enabled a fiat currency and the adoption of Modern Monetary Theory. This move ensured the eventual collapse of the US currency and economy.
  • 1972 – ATF created: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE), commonly referred to as the ATF was established. This gave the federal government a dedicated law enforcement agency whose sole mission was the elimination of the Second Amendment and the imprisonment or murder of alleged Second Amendment violators.
  • 1973 – Abortion legalized: Roe v. Wade decision by nine judges (SCOTUS) to legalize abortion has led to the death of 10’s of millions of babies in the US. A huge loss of life and human potential as well as an unfathomable offense against God. Infanticide on an unimaginable scale.
  • 1973 – National Debt: By 1973 the national debt began its unlimited, albeit a slow, rise since the US dollar was now a fiat currency.
  • 2001 – The Patriot Act: Ensured the immediate or eventual elimination of any and all Constitutional rights of US citizens.
  • 2002 – The Homeland Security Act: This gave ability to enforce the eventual destruction of all Constitutional under the Patriot Act, including creating an entire federal level ‘department’ (DHS) dedicated to the destruction of all rights/liberties/freedoms under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
  • 2002 – National Debt: In 2002 the national debt began its out-of-control, skyrocketing rise with full implementation of Modern Monetary Theory.
  • 2007 – The Great Recession: While the huge transfer of wealth from average US citizens to the country’s wealthy elite was significant in itself (largest in the history of the world), the methodology implemented to “correct/stop” the economy free-fall was far worse. The federal government, under Bush #2 direction, used communist principles and “crony capitalism” principles to forever change the US financial system and remove any last vestiges of a free-market system from the US.
  • 2016 – Banana Republic (FBI): The FBI embedded spies in the campaign staff of an opposition US Presidential campaign creating a weaponized political system in the US (i.e. third-world Banana Republic).
  • 2017 – Banana Republic (FBI & CIA): the FBI in coordination with the CIA began a coup against a sitting US President to protect the DeepState and ensure the continuance of the fundamental transformation of the US.
  • 2020 – Banana Republic (FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc.): the FBI in coordination with the DOJ and CIA, along with mainstream media, social media, and tech companies began the largest election interference operation in US history ensuring the election ‘loss’ of a sitting US President.

In my opinion you can take each of these history points and directly apply them to the destruction of each of the 6 principles/ideals of the Founders…the foundation of the former US Constitutional Republic.

Ironically all the events noted above have occurred under both Democrat and Republican Presidents, and under both Democrat and Republican controlled Congresses. That to me points to one thing…the parties are one-in-the-same…there is no fundamental difference in their true intentions, motivations, and goals. Sadly our very first President, George Washington, rang the warning bell loud and clear over 200 years ago against the threat/danger of a two-party political system…and we as a country ignored that warning.

By ignoring that warning and allowing the unbridled lust for power and money to prevail in our political system we find ourselves suffering under an even worse situation than the British imposed on the early American Colonists. Today, tyranny, oppression, and despotism through an all-powerful, out-of-control federal government rules over us. The Democrats and Republicans have achieved their initial goals…but they aren’t done yet.

To me there is only a single, multi-faceted, answer to fix this, if there is one at all, and that is:

  1. The elimination of the two-party political system.
  2. The total and complete restoration of the Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) as intended and designed by the Founders.
  3. Understand, believe in, and be willing to implement the Declaration of Independence when/if needed.
  4. The return of God to American life…private and public.

Until such occurs, or divine intervention itself, the US has collapsed, the Constitutional Republic is a long forgotten ideal, and evil reigns in the US.

The absolute sad part…I believe that Americans are truly, essentially awesome good people with big hearts and compassionate souls. The national cancer is the US federal government…and it has been intentionally killing everything good and right in America bit-by-bit for over a hundred years. Americans deserve more than this federal government, its masters, and the ruling class.

What I have done next is identify the Founders’ ideals/principles into categories and then listed each historic event under that category to show the destruction of that ideal/principle.

God/Morals/Righteous Nation

  • 1947 – Separation of Church and State
  • 1962 – School Prayer Outlawed
  • 1973 – Abortion legalized

Limited Federal Government

  • 1913 – Sixteenth Amendment (Income Tax)
  • 1913 – Seventeenth Amendment (States’ check & balance)
  • 1916 – Estate Tax
  • 1932 – Gift Tax
  • 1935 – FBI created
  • 1947 – Central Intelligence Agency created
  • 1972 – ATF created
  • 2001 – The Patriot Act
  • 2002 – The Homeland Security Act
  • 2016 – Banana Republic (FBI)
  • 2017 – Banana Republic (FBI & CIA)
  • 2020 – Banana Republic (FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc.)

Militia Style Military (no professional, standing army)

  • 1918 – WWI (established professional, standing army)
  • 1945 – Military-Industrial Complex

Free-Markets (free economy)

  • 1909 – Corporate Income Tax
  • 1913 – The Federal Reserve
  • 1913 – Sixteenth Amendment (Income Tax)
  • 1916 – Estate Tax
  • 1932 – Gift Tax
  • 2007 – The Great Recession

Non-Fiat Currency & Non-Modern Monetary Policy

  • 1971 – Gold standard abandoned
  • 1973 – National Debt
  • 2002 – National Debt
  • 2007 – The Great Recession

Ability to Resist/Defeat Oppression & Tyranny

  • 1913 – Seventeenth Amendment (States’ check & balance)
  • 1934 – The National Firearms Act
  • 1935 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation created
  • 1945 – Military-Industrial Complex
  • 1947 – Central Intelligence Agency created
  • 1972 – ATF created
  • 2001 – The Patriot Act
  • 2002 – The Homeland Security Act
  • 2016 – Banana Republic (FBI)
  • 2017 – Banana Republic (FBI & CIA)
  • 2020 – Banana Republic (FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc.)

It was not my intention to include every single historic event that has led to a failed and destroyed US Constitutional Republic. Rather, I have listed what I believe to be the most significant primary events that have directly destroyed the very foundation of our country that our Founding Fathers believed in, fought for, died for, and eventually established via our Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights.

Anything other than a restoration of the principles, ideals, and values contained in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights will simply perpetuate the evil gripping the USA. We now suffer under a US Empire system that is no better, actually worse, than the British Empire that our forefathers fought against and died defeating.

Make no mistake, have no doubt, these are intentional and planned events in a grand scheme. A scheme to turn the US into an authoritarian/totalitarian state that benefits only a select few. These events did not occur in a vacuum or randomly by chance. It is all planned…and there is more of their evil to come…but not much more because their plan is almost complete. And that is what you must be aware of…and prepare for…there is nothing that can stop their plan…nothing. Well, other than a restoration or divine intervention. And I don’t see any group of people who are committed enough, brave enough, and knowledgeable enough to restore the Republic. At least not at this point.

And no…there is no Republican or Democrat candidate/politician that is committed enough, brave enough, and knowledgeable enough to lead a restoration. It has been the Republicans and Democrats behind the plan and implementing the plan all along.

Oh, just as George Washington warned us about…and we’ve ignored.

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