Multiple flights of C-17’s this morning…

This morning I saw multiple flights of C-17 Globemasters flying overhead. They were transiting from west to east at a relatively low altitude. They were also flying in a specific formation. The flights were spaced about 15 – 20 minutes apart.

Odd or interesting?

For me it was both. Why?

In 8 years there has never been a single military aircraft fly over our property or anywhere in the area. And there is no military air base anywhere near by. And no, no airport nearby other than a very small regional airport and an air park. I live in the southwest US.

Anyone else seeing an uptick in USAF air traffic?

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Iran’s attack on Israel – After Action Report

Yesterday Iran attacked Israel…and failed miserably. Iran was unable to accomplish any notable damage of significance. The only serious injury was a young child that was hit by shrapnel from an Iron Dome interceptor missile. Reportedly an Israeli airbase was hit but with little damage and no serious injuries. Iran failed in any military objective…except…

If I was Iranian military leadership and conducting an After Action Report (AAR) I would be embarrassed more than anything…unless…

From strictly a military perspective, last year’s October attack on Israel by Hamas was thousands of times more effective. But what does that have to do with yesterday’s drone and missile attack? Everything!

There is a lesson learned here for Iran…conventional warfare tactics won’t work against Israel.

Iran fired over 100 missiles and drones at Israel, including ballistic missiles. Not a single one made any real impact on any military or civilian target. Further, it showcased two things; 1) Israeli Iron Dome and Air Force can very effectively defend against such an attack, 2) It showed that countries can and will work together to defend Israel (i.e. Jordan and the US).

I am estimating that Iran spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000,000 dollars yesterday in the attack. But it was a minimal price to pay for the lesson that they learned. And the $10,000,000 was probably reimbursed by either Obama or Biden’s cash payments over the last 15 years.

So what is next?

If Israel responds as history predicts and rhetoric sounds like at this point…Israel will strike out at Iran directly or at their proxies; maybe both. But they don’t need to.

Israel humiliated Iran yesterday…period. Everyone around the world, with any brain cells, can look at this attack as a complete and total failure on the part of Iran. It diminishes Iran’s political, diplomatic, and military power exponentially. It shows that they are a second rate military power (at best) with no ability to go head-to-head with Israel’s military. Humiliating for Iran!

If I was Israel I would play the diplomatic side of this…the “high road”. I would release a couple well-worded statements subtly insulting Iran’s capabilities, their weakness, their leadership, and showing Iran to be a bully that was disposed of quite easily.

At this point there is no effectual reason to strike back at Iran militarily. Israel has shown it can’t be bullied by a second rate military power…a tiger with no teeth or claws. If I was Israel I would concentrate on preparing to defend against another October 7th type attack…or some other unconventional attack.

Now here is the important part of all of this…

Beware of those calling for an attack against Iran, especially a joint operation.

This is the desire of ‘hawks’, ‘war-mongers’, those in the world’s military-industrial complex that would profit by yet another war in the world, or those simply confused in the difference between war and peace. Those calling for a military response strike against Iran only want to see destruction and death…they do NOT want peace in the world.

And ask the question, “Why don’t they want peace?

Think that one through for a while and you will see how the world is divided right now.

While your at it ask another question, “Do you honestly think that Iran thought they could get many, if any, of their drones and missiles through Israel’s defenses? So what might have been Iran’s real objective from that attack?

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>>>IMPORTANT: Tucker Carlson’s interview with President Putin

I’ve watched the entirety of the interview Tucker Carlson had with Russian President Putin; some parts twice. Interesting to say the least. I will be commenting on it later, probably Monday. In the meantime I would like you to listen to the entire interview yourself BEFORE you read anyone’s commentary on the interview. Watch it even before you talk to anyone about it.


I want you to listen to it objectively and openly before anyone can influence you. This is important…very, very important. I want you to hear their own words…not someone’s take on their words and messages.

Yes, it will take 2 hours of your time…your country is worth it.

Easier to Identify…the darkness of the GOP

Well, well, well…ain’t it interesting!

So another California swamp rat runs the House of Representatives…swapped one power-hungry, rich, elite, Californicator libertine for another. Congratulations to the GOP…as expected…different side to the same coin. But that is not really the point of this post; the point is “who is who.”

So good ole Kevin “the power-mad” McCarthy won…supported early on by 200 die-hard Republicans and a whole lot of folks in the conventional media.

So let’s look at who those Republican supporters are; 1) called the GOP holdouts “terrorists”, 2) tried to physically attack them, 3) called them “stupid”, “children”, and “enemies.” All of that from fellow Republicans no less…staunch, die-hard, “politics-above-principles” Republicans.

Then there were the media talking heads who also went on the offensive attacking any House Republican who wouldn’t support McCarthy. The two most high-profile of those attackers; Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, both of whom really went after the holdouts on television, radio, and Internet. And I find it interesting…both, but especially Hannity, claimed to be Conservatives and Constitutionalists at one time or another. But in reality they turned out to be nothing more than “fall-in-line” media stooges for the Republican party.

Last Thursday evening we had some friends over for dinner, inevitably the House Speaker vote came up. Not a single person supported McCarthy interestingly enough. But as the discussion continued the question was asked, “What happens if a Speaker isn’t elected?”

Of course the House would grind to a halt, no bills to the floor, no votes on legislation, no committee assignments, etc. Silence hit our little group of friends…then came the smiles. It was unanimous!!! The government, at least the House, coming to a full stop would be one of the best things to happen to the USA.

So I find it interesting…1) within the GOP you can now easily spot those who put politics over principles, and support the likes of “Swamp Rat” McCarthy, 2) you can see that many people would love the elected government to come to a full stop…a true blessing, 3) the myth of some media folks is dispelled…they are GOP hacks, nothing less, nothing more.

I ask you once again…identify your principles and forgo the stink and debauchery of politics.

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(__XXX__) Fatigue

Fatigue is a major concern for folks when in the middle of an emergency, disaster, or during a grid-down event. And the longer duration of the incident, the more fatigue and the worse the impact on a person from that fatigue.

But there are different kinds of fatigue. There is; 1) Food Fatigue, 2) Cognitive Fatigue, 3) Decision Fatigue. In this article I will just touch briefly on each…no need for lots of details, you can easily figure it out.

Food Fatigue –

This is a simple one, and you may have already suffered from it. Let’s say the grid went down…and Food Fatigue during emergencies and disasters food storageyou are in day 204. For breakfast you are again eating oatmeal. The eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, etc. are long gone…so oatmeal it is! Oh wait, the sugar is gone, the honey is gone, the raisins are gone, the fruit is gone… so it is just plain oatmeal…for the 90th straight morning.

Do you think that might get a little boring?

So for lunch you have soup…containing; dried carrots, wheat berries, and pinto beans…for the 92nd straight lunch.

Then for dinner you have stew…containing; dried carrots, dried onions, wheat berries, and black beans…for the 103rd straight dinner.

Yeah, all the salt, pepper, garlic, and other seasonings ran out 3 months ago. No chocolate, no Pepsi, no sugar, no honey, no candy, no cookies…not much of anything that makes meals and snacks great.

So do you think food and eating gets a little boring? Yeah, I think I do.

Long-term Food Storage to prevent food fatigue, freeze dried foodNow…another couple months later…how you doing? Yeah, that is food fatigue…eating the same boring food day after day. Sure, you are grateful for the food, at least it is something in your belly. But it is drudgery…boredom…and fatigue.

Food Fatigue is easily avoided…store and grow foods/herbs that keep meals interesting, tasty and enjoyable. Keep the ingredients around, or grow/acquire them, to make cookies once in a while. Hideaway some candy for long winter nights. Keep some Spam hidden for that morning you actually have real eggs to cook.

Cognitive Fatigue –

This is a condition that you can probably readily identify with…and more than likely you have already experienced it. Officially it is essentially the process of acquiring knowledge, thinking about it, processing it, coming to conclusions about the knowledge acquired. You could look at it as Situational Awareness overload. Many folks suffer from it at work due to an overload of information and/or tasking…or a very long day working with dummy folks in a stressful situation.

Cognitive fatigue can result in a person shutting down mentally and/or physically. Yup, it can get that bad. It comes from the brain being overloaded with information and its circuit breaker just flips off and a person goes into self-preservation mode mentally.

A good way to help fight cognitive fatigue, and fatigue in general, is to stay hydrated and eat right such as:

  • Foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols
  • Berries with vitamin C and anthocyanins (blueberries are great)
  • Foods that are high in antioxidants
  • Foods with lots of vitamin B12 (eggs are great)

And you try and get decent rest if at all possible. Allow for some “down time” where sensory input is nonexistent or at least kept to a minimum.

Decision Fatigue –

This is the worst fatigue of all! And so designated for several reasons; 1) it disproportionately affects leaders, 2) it can lead to poor, even fatal, decision making, 3) can ultimately affect a whole group or family.

Decision fatigue is basically a condition where a person has to make too many decisions consistently over too long period of time. It can be a little hard to explain but it is easy to see when it is in front of you.

Say you are dealing with a protracted incident…example…two-weeks. And the leader of the group is constantly making decisions all day…every day…decisions, one after another. It is multiplied by a factor when the situation is, or could be, life-threatening. They have very short nights of sleep because people are constantly coming to them asking for decisions to be made and advice given. Pop! Their head explodes.

The results can be everything from poor decisions to angry outbursts to violence against people. Of course they could also simply shutdown entirely; virtually becoming uncommunicative. And how would any of that work out for the harmony of the group?

One of the reasons why wildland fire personnel are limited to 2-week deployments on fires is this very problem…especially among leadership. A special process is required to extend a deployment to 3-weeks…and it ain’t all that easy to get approved. Why? Because a wildland fire leader (i.e. Division Supervisor, Ops Chief, Type 3 Incident Commander, etc.) has a whole lot of responsibility, works 16 – 18 hours days, and gets asked a ton of questions all day long…not to mention the potential for loss of life and property.

Now imagine food/water shortage, no power, looting, bad weather, no stores open, potential for violence against your family, etc. See the potential for problems when it comes to making hundreds of decisions, great and small, all day long?

Ask anyone who has to, or has been, in a high state of readiness or has to maintain high Situational Awareness for days or weeks straight. It can wear you out. Ever hear the term “1000-yard stare”?

To avoid it you can:

  • Delegate responsibility to qualified people and empower them to make decisions in their area of responsibility.
  • Set aside time where you can be alone, quiet, and contemplative about other things than the situation.
  • Maintain a “larger picture” or maintain an attitude of “the future” and how much better it is going to be.
  • Get as much adequate sleep as possible.
  • Stay hydrated and intake something along the lines of Gatorade (but not more than 1 Gatorade to 2 waters).
  • Eat foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols.
  • Eat berries with vitamin C and anthocyanins (blueberries are great).
  • Eat foods that are high in antioxidants.
  • Eat foods with lots of vitamin B12 (eggs are great).
Summary –

Cognitive and decision fatigue can kill you…and/or those around you. You have to be able to recognize it, obviously. And from the very start you have to be able to combat it.

Generally speaking:

  • Stay hydrated.
  • Eat as well as possible.
  • Get quality rest if at all possible.
  • Have some down time to yourself. It doesn’t have to be long, just something.
  • Spread the load around to those who are qualified…or can learn quickly.
  • Have a good plan in-place before the incident.
  • Ask others to monitor you for signs of fatigue…and listen to them.

Please don’t ignore food fatigue to keep people happy.

Please don’t ignore cognitive fatigue and decision fatigue to keep people alive.



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Three of the most significant indicators/signs of an authoritarian/totalitarian regime is the controlling of media, promoting government propaganda, and suppressing voices of opposition.

A person only needs look to countries such as the former Soviet Union, current Russia, China, and North Korea to see the most fully implemented examples of such behavior. And the European Union countries are examples of almost fully implemented authoritarian media controls. But here in the USA the First Amendment has protected, for the most part, our right to free speech for over 230 years…until now.

Let’s be honest…the media has been earnestly bullied and attacked since the Nixon years. And since Clinton the effort to transform the media into an extension of the government propaganda arm has become serious and focused. Every President since Nixon has gone after the media and the people therein…some Presidents with gusto, others more subtly. And for the most part, the media has complied and become little more than shills for the US federal government.

And to be fair, there are a couple major media outlets that still maintain some margin of objectivity and fairness in reporting. However, and unfortunately, they tend to be conservative agenda driven organizations. And being such, almost exclusively promote a conservative agenda vs true objectivity.

The US government has for the most part been discreet, subtle, and used subterfuge to bring the media into compliance. However, they are not above using threats, intimidation, and the legal system to bring the most wayward of media under their control. The most recent example is the NSA’s spying on Tucker Carlson. But Carlson is not alone…the NSA has been well-documented to be spying on all of us. But government spying on media personnel is especially troublesome.  And for this article I won’t even begin to discuss the truly troubling programs the FBI has and is using against specific journalists.

Now to my point…On July 14th, 2021 the US Government went from subtle anti-free speech program towards full blown censorship. On 7/14 the US Surgeon General released a report outlining how big technology companies, especially social media platforms, are to censor any dissenting speech that falls outside of federal government approval. While stopping short of criminalizing dissenting speech, the government declared exactly how big-tech was to use all methods at its disposal to silence dissension.

This is no small development…actually, it is the largest single outright blatant attack on the US Constitution and Bill of Rights that I can remember in my lifetime. This is a huge development, although not a surprise at all for those who have been reading my website for even a few months.

I have been writing extensively about the federal government’s efforts to destroy the Constitution for a very long time. I have outlined how big-tech was nothing more a tool of the US government, both working towards the same goal. This latest move is simply a blatant public release of the goal the federal government of the United States, with the assistance of big-tech, is moving us towards. And that goal…a solid and unchallengeable authoritarian/totalitarian state.

The most dangerous specifics in the policy statement:

  1. Page #11 –
    1. All media companies and journalism schools are to train personnel to identify any information source that doesn’t conform to federal government “truth.”
    2. Use only information, including graphics, that will keep public opinion in-line with what information the federal government is promoting.
  2. Page #12 –
    1. Change their technology software and hardware to ensure that any “misinformation” is identified and suppressed.
    2. Identify all users who dissent from federal government propaganda and make that information available to all government personnel, government compliant media sources, and government approved academic personnel.
    3. Penalize anyone and everyone who the federal government has identified as “repeat offenders” of misinformation.
    4. Identify misinformation and move to counter that content with an overwhelming amount of content that is compliant with federal government propaganda.
    5. Promote media sources of complaint information over dissenting sources.
    6. Protect cooperative federal government media sources from any information that would challenge or discredit them.
  3. Page #14 –
    1. The promotion of extensive private funding towards any and all organizations that promotes federal government propaganda.
  4. Page #15 –
    1. Directs all levels of government to comply with the federal government propaganda promotion program, including the promotion of all compliant sources and the penalization of all dissenting speech and sources.

Yes, there are more statement points to be made that prove beyond even a shadow of a doubt that the US government is now actively, publicly, blatantly, and seriously going public in their program to  crush any dissenting speech. Meaning…the US Government is now openly suppressing/eliminating free speech. Free Speech…the most fundamental of God-given rights guaranteed to us under the Bill of Rights.

I have written repeatedly that from the perspective of the US Government, and its renegade agencies (FBI, NSA, CIA, DIA, DHS, etc.), the US Constitution is dead and gone. Period!

The only saving of the US Constitution will come from dedicated and committed people willing to give all to defend its principles.

The US Government, all branches, have no desire whatsoever to uphold the Constitution. That has been made clear by decades of eliminating rights, freedoms, and liberties. Till now they have been the evil lurking and working in the shadows…but that has now changed. They have now moved into the full light of day…unafraid of showing their evil for exactly what it is!

I want to state clearly, and hear me clearly… on the 14th of July, 2021 the US Federal Government, under the direction of an authoritarian Biden/Harris regime, made it public that they are now working openly to eliminate ALL rights that have been previously guaranteed under the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And they started with the most fundamental and the most needed right of all…Free Speech.

This latest version of an authoritarian regime is the most extreme in philosophy and action than anything previously seen in the USA. This is the most major and significant -and dangerous- step ever taken in modern times to subjugate the citizens of the US to the point of no return.

For those of you who are aware and informed…this is the FULL implementation of “1984”… make no doubt about it.

Where do they go from here? I am not 100% sure…but it will become obvious fairly soon. This bold step towards the destruction of the last vestiges of the US Constitution is a major mile post…one that will be followed up rather quickly by those dark and evil powers that now control every aspect of the US federal government.

Now, one more extremely disturbing point…I am sure you are aware, but let me remind you…The US Surgeon General holds the rank of Vice-Admiral. Yup, that means they are a member of the 8 branches of the armed/uniformed services of the United States of America.

I told you earlier this year that we have lost the military…this recent move makes it crystal clear that the US uniformed services no longer honors their oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Those organizations are now rogue…and working openly against US citizens.


Take such actions to prepare yourself, your family, your congregations, and your communities against further implementation of authoritarianism. Failure to act now ensures you will have to comply with their demands in the future…and become nothing more than sheeple.

Who is US Surgeon General Vivek Hallegere Murthy? <click here to find out>

Note: I am attaching the official full report (US government PDF file) for you to research and conclude your own opinions. < click here for the OFFICIAL-surgeon-general-confronting-health-misinformation July 14 2021 statement>

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4th of July – Independence Day 2021

4th-0note: While this article has been posted in previous years, I am posting it again this year because it applies…maybe even more so. And yes, I tried to do some more editing to make it read easier and flow better…and apply even more to our current 2021 situation in America.

2021 note: I would like you to seriously consider where your principles stand; your commitment to the morals. ethics, and concepts as outlined by the Declaration of Independence. In 2020/2021 we’ve seen two tragic things; 1) a huge overstep of all levels of government to control the citizens of this great country, 2) a monumental compliance of sheeple that should shake you to your very core. As we celebrate this holiday please take time to consider just how committed you are to the; 1) Republic (USA), 2) true freedom and the responsibility that goes with it, 3) the Declaration of Independence, 4) your willingness to act. Think about this…All the food and water storage in the world won’t mean a thing without a core set of principles that guide you and your family.

Independence Day (a.k.a. 4th of July) historically July 4th is the day for celebrating declaring independence from Great Britain. However, on July 2, 1776 the American Revolution leadership declared the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain after the American Congress had voted to do so. And the 4th is when they  actually signed the document. So the 4th of July is actually more about the Declaration of Independence becoming our first American historical document. For me…I would love to celebrate the 2nd – the 4th of July !!

And it is good to remember, open warfare had broken out a year earlier between the tyrannical British government military and American freedom fighters.

So if this holiday, the 4th of July – Independence Day, is all about 4th-1declaring independence and the signing of the Declaration of Independence. What is the Declaration of Independence all about?

4th-2Well, just take the first 18 words of the actual document –

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands…”

The Declaration of Independence was all about dissolving the tyrannical government that had been imposed upon Americans by the British ruling class. In other words, the Americans were fed-up with the governmental tyranny they lived under and were finally doing something really serious about it. The Declaration of Independence was an explanation of what the Americans were doing and why.

But you also have to understand by what “authority” they felt they had to take such drastic actions –

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”

They stated unequivocally what the problem was with the British government –

“…the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States…”

If you are reading this post you are more than likely not a first visitor to this website. And that being the case, you know I am not some blogger that wants to be all warm and fuzzy. I don’t believe in sugar-coating currents events and I damn darn sure don’t want to give false hope and impressions of what is going on or where we as a country are headed. I always want to give you the straight talk and the straight, honest answers. But remember, these are only my opinions. Seek out, research, and come to your own conclusions of what is happening in our country today (well, over the last 120 years actually) and why.

In this day an age of misinformation and “deepfake” I want you to trust no one but yourself, and hopefully your spouse. I am confident you can figure out this situation, I just want to share some thoughts that I think are important to where we are as a country and people right now.

The Declaration of Independence listed approximately 26 grievances against the government of Britain.  Among those I found these specific items to be especially interesting:

  1. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
  2. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
  3. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
  4. 4th-3He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
  5. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
  6. For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
  7. For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
  8. For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
  9. For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
  10. For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses.

Let me make a note of those just for conversation’s sake:

  1. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries. Judges now “make” law, are appointed by the President, serve for life, are paid by the government (who sets their pay scale), and the Supreme Court is untouchable even when ruling against the Constitution. Even the most minor federal judge in the middle of nowhere can stop the President (the entire Executive Branch) or Congress (the entire Legislative Branch) from performing their Constitutional duties. Does that sound even remotely right?
  2. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, 4th-4and eat out their substance. The layers of government bureaucracy, local level to the federal level, now number in the 10’s of millions of employees. All serving in a system wherein they can arbitrarily create policy and regulation that carry the force of law. And those laws can ruin people’s lives, destroy businesses, and devastate entire communities.
  3. He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures. Not only do we have a huge standing Army, we have a huge standing Air Force, Navy, Marine Corp, and National Guard. We now have a situation that dwarfs what the Declaration of Independence complained about. And it costs us 100’s of billions of dollars every year. Money that we have to borrow…driving the country into bankruptcy. We fight numerous, endless, and immensely destructive wars…feeding the military-industrial complex.
  4. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power. Our military now 4th-6has unlimited powers, via the NDAA, even within the borders of the US. Posse Comitatis is no longer recognized by the federal government or the military. The military is free to arrest, detain, ship to another country, or kill any US citizen within the borders of the USA by the simple order of the President, and in some cases, by local military commanders. And God-forbid you ever fall under the designation of “potential domestic terrorist”…then you have no rights, no protection, no Constitution…you are at the mercy of government officials.
  5. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: Our government has now subjugated US law to UN law, agreements, and in some cases even Sharia Law. That is in direct opposition to US Constitutional law. In some legal jurisdictions now, Sharia Law (Islamic religious law) is now recognized as superior to US law. 
  6. For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us: One only needs to look at the nearly 1.5million law enforcers stationed throughout every community, at every possible level of government, to understand this problem. There is little resemblance of yesterday’s peace officers to today’s fully militarized law enforcement officers who operate at the whim and will of federal guidance and political direction.
  7. For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: The political class, the ruling class, is virtually immune to arrest and prosecution for the crimes they commit. We see one politician after another commit serious crimes with absolute impunity. Such is the benefit of the political ruling class. We have a two-tier judicial system…the ruling class…and everyone else.
  8. For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: This goes without saying. But it is even worse than you 4th-5might think at first pass. Not only does the government, at all levels, impose taxes, fees, and financial penalties on its citizens at will and without authority or permission…it also eliminates the payment of income taxes by those they wish to exempt. It has gotten so bad that over half of the country’s citizens pay no income taxes while the minority of the population support the entire country’s finances…including the immense welfare system that the majority of non-taxpayers benefit from.
  9. For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:  The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the previous Patriot Act, and the present Freedom 4th-7Act…as well as a host of non-laws (Presidential Directives) have eliminated the effect of the Sixth Amendment found in the Constitution’s Bill of Rights. The government can, at its own discretion, deprive citizens of rights, property, money, and freedoms through the imposition of “policy” enforced by police. And they do so to the tune of 10’s of billions of dollars each year with impunity. There is little to no defense against such arbitrary civil forfeiture acts of government in today’s system. The Civil Asset Forfeiture laws allow private property, including cash/money owned by US citizens to be seized without due process, without even any criminal charges being filed. Law enforcement simply takes the property from citizens. This is done to the tune of tens of millions of dollars each year.
  10. For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offenses. The policy currently in use and in 4th-8force by the US government is called “rendition.”  The current policy of rendition is the government sponsored kidnapping and extrajudicial transfer of a person from one country to another to avoid the US legal system. And in so doing allows the torture and indefinite detention or execution of prisoners that the US federal government wishes to impose itself upon.

So, I guess some things haven’t changed much since the days of British government tyranny.

Well, that isn’t exactly true:

  • We are taxed by government far more heavily now than prior to the American Revolution.
  • We are regulated by government far more so now than prior to the American Revolution.
  • The federals, state, and local levels of government are far more controlling over the population than prior to the American Revolution.
  • As percentage of population, we have far more government officials, bureaucrats, and regulators than prior to the American Revolution.
  • 4th-9As a percentage of population, we have far more law enforcement officers than prior to the American Revolution.
  • We have far more laws, regulations, rules, policies, and codes than prior to the American Revolution.
  • As a percentage of population, we have far more politicians than prior to the American Revolution.
  • As a percentage of population, we have far more people in jails and prisons than prior to the American Revolution.

Pretty much according to every negative aspect of life prior to the American Revolution, we have it ten-fold worse here in our lives…in our current day good ol’ USA. Right here, right now…in our day and age!

So what does that mean? To answer that question let’s look at who signed the Declaration of Independence:

Adams, John
Adams, Samuel
Bartlett, Josiah
4th-13Braxton, Carter
Chase, Samuel
Clark, Abraham
Clymer, George
Ellery, William
Floyd, William
Franklin, Benjamin
Gerry, Elbridge
Gwinnett, Button
Hall, Lyman
Hancock, John
Harrison, Benjamin
Hart, John
Hewes, Joseph
Heyward Jr., Thomas
Hooper, William
Hopkins, Stephen
Hopkinson, Francis
Huntington, Samuel
Jefferson, Thomas
Lee, Francis Lightfoot
Lee, Richard Henry
Lewis, Francis
Livingston, Philip
Lynch Jr., Thomas
McKean, Thomas
Middleton, Arthur
Morris, Lewis
Morris, Robert
Morton, John
Nelson Jr., Thomas
Paca, William
Paine, Robert Treat
Penn, John4th-13a
Read, George
Rodney, Caesar
Ross, George
Rush, Benjamin
Rutledge, Edward
Sherman, Roger
Smith, James
Stockton, Richard
Stone, Thomas
Taylor, George
Thornton, Matthew
Walton, George
Whipple, William
Williams, William
Wilson, James
Witherspoon, John
Wolcott, Oliver
Wythe, George

Collectively how do we refer to these men today?

We call them, or at least use to call them, freedom fighters, patriots, honorable men, and Founding Fathers. We revere them, we honor them, we appreciate and marvel at their great sacrifices that they made in founding our country. They provided a rich heritage of freedom, rights and liberty for a new country.

But what if all of that freedom fighting, resisting and generally all of that Declaration of Independence stuff was all occurring in today’s world?

What if a group of well-known and honorable men got together, outlined a long list of unjust tyrannical actions of today’s federal government against US citizens?

And then these pillars of society declared that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish that government, and to institute new government…even it meant with force and violence. What would happen to these individuals?

Well, let’s look at what DHS and the FBI has to say about it.

You are considered a potential domestic terrorist if you are any of the following:

•    4th-14Americans who believe their “way of life” is under attack;
•    Americans who are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”;
•    People who consider themselves “anti-global” (presumably those who are wary of the loss of American sovereignty);
•    Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”;
•    Americans who are “reverent of individual liberty”;
•    People who “believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty;”
•    Anti-abortion advocates (a.k.a. Pro-Life).
•    Bulk purchasers of food.
•    People who pay with cash.
•    People who want internet privacy.
•    People who display “liberty” or “freedom” oriented bumper stickers.
•    People who display the American flag.
•    Men and women who are veterans of the military.

4th-10So there is little doubt if the Declaration of Independence was written and signed today, all of those original Founding Fathers, all those patriots and freedom fighters, would be swept up in massive FBI raids, using no-knock warrants with fully-militarized SWAT forces. Many shot and killed in sanctioned killings such as Levoy Finicum in 2016.

Now, what does that tell you about the condition of our country today?

What does that say of our freedoms, rights and liberties?

What does it say of our massive system of government, especially at the federal level?

What does it all have to do with an “emergency preparedness” website?

Let me make it real clear for you…The major threat to America today is the loss of those rights, freedoms, and liberties…the implementation of a police state. No, not the threat of a police state…the growing police state that we live under right now. And that very same police state that grows ever stronger each and every day.

At some point an event will occur, and the country will be thrown into confusion and chaos the likes of which you have never ever seen before in history. January 6th 2021 was a close call and an example.

And when that catastrophic confusion and chaos event happens the grid will come smashing down and it will come down completely. When that happens I want you and your family to be prepared. Better yet I want you to have a group of like-minded preparedness folks organized and supportive of each other. And best of all…if you could have a whole congregation or community ready for emergencies and disasters…that would be my dream!

Folks it is coming. I assure you of that. A country, a government can’t survive much longer imposing tyranny on its citizens as our currently is…history has proven that over and over again. Please prepare yourself and your family for the emergencies and disasters that are coming.

In the mean time, because your are prepared, you will be ready for wildfires, recessions, hurricanes, earthquakes, unemployment, retirement, epidemics/pandemics, and most other natural and man-made disasters as well. And because you are prepared you shall not fear.

Just please understand what we are dealing with right now…and what is coming in the near future. Please prepare yourself and your family. And while you’re at it…enjoy your 4th of July, Independence Day, by remembering what this day represents, who was there originally, why they were there, and what principles they believed in.

Please prepare!

Be a modern day patriot…be a Founding Father!

How committed were our Founding Fathers?   “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

Please consider those words, their commitment to divine principles of freedom, and their willingness to give all…even their very lives for the cause of freedom and liberty…and a break from the tyranny of an unjust government.


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Update – 4/28/2021

Well, “hello” again 🙂

Its been a long time since my last post…a solid month and a half. Some of you might have been wondering what was going on with me…where was I…why hadn’t I posted. A few of ya’ll who are my most dedicated, kind, and caring folks actually emailed me and asked what was happening. There was even a phone conversation with with my oldest friend.

And yes, I am sure there were a few folks who were glad to see me so quiet. I bet there were even some fed LEO types that were wondering what had happened.

I would like to say there was some earth shattering, life altering, major event that took place…but sadly, no.

What I have been doing is a number of things:

  1. Working diligently and quickly to round out my preparedness areas that were deficient.
  2. A significant building project that I am still working on that will greatly improve our home for what is to come.
  3. Getting my garden ready to produce food this season.
  4. Babysitting the property and dogs while my wife visits her sister for the last two weeks.
  5. And lastly…doing some major research and writing on a SitRep.

The first four items are rather boring…albeit time consuming. The last item…man-oh-man…now there is a lot there…25 pages in a Word document to be exact. And that count is as of today…maybe more by Monday.

So starting on Monday May 3rd the SitRep will be posted. Well, technically the first part of the SitRep will be posted. The SitRep is so long I decided to break it into parts to make it easier to read and less time consuming than a single reading session.

I don’t think you are going to want to miss that SitRep !

Now another update…my second shot of the Moderna vaccination. I got it right at the 3 week + 2 day mark. A very interesting experience. Now, I had done my due-diligence and knew to expect some level of reaction to the shot. I am glad I did that research.

So I got the shot about 1pm on a Friday. Barely felt the injection and went on my way shopping at Safeway.

Without realizing the “why”, I felt tired Friday evening…and retired early for a good nights sleep.

Saturday morning I got up early as usual and began my chores. By noon I was feeling more tired than usual and a little sleepy as well. I laid down for a little nap…it lasted about 30 minutes. I got up finished another chore and started feeling really tired and a bit “achy” as well.

By 3pm I was sore all over, tired, and feeling “yucky”…and I figured out why…the shot. I laid down to watch TV and maybe fall asleep again.

By 5pm life sucked!!  Every muscle and joint in my body was sore…to say the least…and I felt exhausted.

Fortunately I knew these were relatively common side-affects…my body just responding to the shot contents as if I really had contracted COVID.

I then went to bed about 7:30 pretty sure I would never wake up. Just kidding…going for dramatic effect. I was running a 99.7degree fever and felt like I had the flu. But no coughing, etc. Slept hard through the night.

Woke up at 7am Sunday and felt as if nothing had ever happened…I was perfectly fine…felt like a million dollars. Felt great ever since.

So that is the sum total of my Moderna vaccination experience.


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Decision Fatigue

Decision Fatigue stress decision makingnote: first appeared in March 2015

So I came home, walked in the door, plopped down on the couch, turned on the TV and started watching a show. I have no idea what show it was, no idea who the cast was or even if it was in color or black and white. Then my wife walked in about 15 minutes later. I was quiet and barely said “hello.”

The dogs greeted her, she set her bag down, walked over and kissed me on the cheek. So far so good; then it went downhill real quickly, she started to talk to me. Oh boy, wrong move.

First she asked me how my day went, did I stop and get milk on the way home, and did I remember we had a meeting that night with some friends. Before I could really get much out of my mouth she then asked me if we would be able to do… That is when I asked her if we could talk about it later, for now I just wanted to relax. She then started asking why I needed to relax, did I have a bad day? Oh boy, wrong move…Decision Fatigue stress decision making

I finally just told her in my day-job command voice that I just wanted to relax and we could talk about all those things later. And that was a wrong move on my part. Fifteen minutes later she was still asking me questions and I was still telling her I just wanted to relax. Sound familiar?

I was suffering from “decision fatigue” in a big way and I had no idea that I was…suffering from it. I had never even heard of such a thing then, now I have.

Decision fatigue is a psychological phenomenon that has only been in the research and discovery phase for about four years now. However, its effects have been felt for many thousands of years.

Decision fatigue manifests itself in:

  • Poor quality decisions
  • Impulsive decisions
  • Paralysis in decision making
  • Reduced self-regulation

Decision Fatigue stress decision makingDecision fatigue is caused by making decisions. Yes, you read that right. If you were doing hard physical work all day, far beyond what you were used to doing, there would come a point where you would become physically exhausted and unable to continue the work. The very same thing happens in your mind when living one of those days where you find yourself having to make continuous decisions all day long. And the more stressful the decisions are, the more wear and tear on your brain. Eventually your brain starts having real problems making good-quality decisions and will ultimately completely shut down your ability to make decisions at all.

Yes, all decisions take energy whether they be simple decisions or complex decisions. Stressful decisions take more energy than easy decisions. “Do you drink the white milk or the chocolate milk with breakfast?” is an easier decision. “Do we take a chance on this firefighting tactic and increase the risk of life safety?” is a much tougher and more stressful decision and thus takes far more energy.

Decision FatigueMaking a decision at breakfast will come easier than one in the evening. Why? Because you’ve been working your brain all day making decisions and you brain is more tired in the evening. If those decisions you’ve been making all day are stressful then you will be mentally exhausted and the decision you make will make in the evening be of lesser quality. Alternatively, you may become paralyzed and unable to make any decision at all.

“What would you like for dinner sweetheart?”

“I don’t care.”

“No sweetie, really, what would you like to eat tonight?”

“I don’t care at all. Whatever sounds good to you is fine with me.”

“Well, it sounds like you had a rough day. I would like to fix you whatever you would like to make you happy.”

“I don’t a crap what you fix or even if we eat tonight!”

Ah yes, marital bliss. I would never admit that this conversation ever took place in my home or vehicle. But maybe you Decision Fatigueknow of someone that has had this experience – decision fatigue.

So how does that affect us during an incident? Every day, all day and in ways you may not have thought about it. We find ourselves having to constantly make decisions throughout the day. Some decisions are significant, other more trivial, but all are important in one way or another. Understanding the physiological issues is the first step to reduce decision fatigue.


Here are the ways to reduce decisions fatigue:

  1. Understand and accept that it is real.
  2. Reduce the number of decisions you make. You can do that in a number of ways –
    1. Make leader’s intent clear and use subordinates, allowing them to make decisions for their area of responsibility.
    2. Make it clear that if someone brings you a problem, they are also responsible for bringing you a solution (or at least an idea).
    3. Have “habits” that make a decision for you rather than going through an entire decision making process.
  3. Move important decisions to earlier in the day.
  4. Make decisions a head of time and use predetermined trigger points to implement those decisions.
  5. Water, stay hydrated, and that also includes electrolytes.
  6. Eat and keep your glucose levels up but not spiked.
  7. Rest; get good quality sleep and take breaks. Any sleep and any breaks are better than none.
  8. Don’t over analyze a problem before making a decision. Use the minimal amount of high-quality information and then choose the first “right” decision. Notice I didn’t say choose the “best” option or the “ultimate” option. Over analyzing doesn’t do anyone any good and just adds to the stress of making a decision.
  9. Know that decision fatigue happens to everyone and that includes you. You are not immune to decision fatigue so take the necessary steps to avoid it.

Failure to mitigate decision fatigue can manifest itself as:Decision Fatigue stress decision making

  1. Making a costly decision based on impulse vs. logic and reason. You might just not want to “deal with it” so you make a decision quickly, too quickly, to get the decision over with and out of the way. Few of us like inducing pain on ourselves, especially mental pain and anguish. When suffering from decision fatigue we are more likely to make any decision, even it if it is a bad decision, just to relieve ourselves from the pain associated with the decision making process.
  2. A serious manifestation of decision fatigue can occur as decision paralysis. This is where a person just won’t make a decision. The amount of incoming information is overwhelming and the decision process just becomes too much to handle. At that point a person can shut down and become incapable of making any decision at all. The ramifications of decision paralysis can be fatal if taken to the extreme; costly at a minimum.Stressful environment
  3. Lastly there is the “self-regulation” side effect to decision fatigue. This can be very ugly and personally costly. Researchers have found a direct correlation between decision fatigue and poor decision making in a person’s life. Examples would be; substance abuse (including alcohol abuse) and sex-based dalliances. In some circles individuals who were considered “high speed – low drag” leaders were at particular risk at suffering from self-regulation problems.

Prepper GroupStressful environments where decision making is demanded of you can be mentally costly to you. Understanding decision fatigue and appropriate mitigation options can go a long way towards keeping you in the game and performing at acceptable levels. And “acceptable” means safe and productive in the field where your people depend on you.

Don’t neglect (i.e. ignore) decision fatigue…it cost you too much.





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