Coming Gun Control Legislation

There are approximately 29 gun control bills working their way through the Congressional process. None of which have made it into committee and/or to the floor for a vote. They are all in the “mark-up” or similar stage with the exception of two. One of which is commonly referred to as universal background checks, effectively eliminating all private sales and all private transfers except between spouses. The second allows the FBI to indefinitely delay background check approvals, effectively denying a person’s right to purchase a firearm.

As far as I can tell, collectively all 29 bills are not together as bad as last year’s H.R. 5717…which would not have made it past the Republican controlled Senate. However, give the 2021 Congressional radical leftists time…they are working on it.

First off…ANY federal law that prohibits a person’s right to own a personal weapon is unconstitutional…at least according to the Bill of Rights. And I am 100% behind the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I hope that makes it clear where I stand on the illegal and unconstitutional moves being made in Congress…and those having already been made in previous Congressional sessions. Any Representative or Senator who votes in favor of any gun control or gun ownership restrictions…have violated their oath they take…

“I do solemnly swear/affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” Congressional Oat of Office

And so we find ourselves far…very far…removed from our rights, liberties, and freedoms that our Founding Fathers intended us to possess. And possess for what purpose? The Second Amendment was explicitly designed to defend ourselves against tyranny…specifically against tyranny put upon us by a federal government.

And where do we find ourselves today? That is a question for you to answer. But, before you do…you might want to read this article <4th of July – Independence Day>

Now, all that being said, I’ve had a few conversations lately and read a few articles on what people are planning to do; the intentions run from sad to bizarre.

There seems to be some who will “bury” their guns. So I ask them a question…Bury them for what? There doesn’t seem to be a quick or intelligent response to that question…mostly a blank and confused stare. And when they do finally answer…their reasoning is not logical and void of common sense.

Then there is the “sell it now” crowd…those that wish to sell their guns before they become illegal and are confiscated. Most are taking the cash and spending it on a wide variety of items…none of which are “prepper” in nature.

Then there are a few that tell me, “I will put out an old gun for them to confiscate, the rest will be hidden.” Similar to the “bury” crowd, I ask them…Hide them for what? Again their answers are disjointed…and illogical. They tend to think they will somehow then be able to join a massive revolutionary war against tyranny sometime in the future. They seem to miss that they already complied with tyranny and missed the revolutionary boat…by a wide margin.

And a few have told me straight up…I will turn them in. Ouch!

There was only one man that said, “I will not let them take my guns…period!” That man is a veteran, a little older, and was as stalwart in that statement as any I have ever seen. Strangely enough, the only woman I spoke with said a similar thing…”I will not give up my guns”…then she went quiet and just stared at me. I was pleased and proud of both of them.

So let me return to the “bury & hide” crowd…what they heck are they hiding or burying their guns for? Seriously…WHY????  If guns are outlawed and confiscated…then what good is having one hidden or buried? Come on…use commonsense!!!

Oh, I am sure that they are thinking…later we can use them to [fill in the blank]. Bullshit! If they don’t have enough guts, courage, or foundational principles to fight against evil when the thugs come for guns the first time…they sure as hell won’t have any of those admirable character traits to rise up at some date in their fantasy future.

They are lying to themselves…plain and simple. They are looking for the easy way out…the coward’s way out. You either fight evil and tyranny or you give in…there is no inbetween…there is no gray area in this issue. Waiting to implement the Declaration of Independence after gun confiscation is WAY too late.

Consider this…on April 19th 1775 the army decided to confiscate the ammunition supplies of American citizens stored in Concord. The American citizens didn’t tell the army “OK, here it is, go ahead and take it.” Nor did they hide their guns and ammo, offering up their bows & arrows to the army in hopes of appeasing the soldiers. No sir, the American citizens formed up for a defensive action wishing to not engage the military. However, a shot rang out and a battle ensued.

Although the American citizens lost the battle of Lexington early that morning, the military paid a heavy price the remainder of the day as they retreated. And 8 years later brought about independence from a tyrannical oppressive government and issued in the Constitution and Bill of Rights…establishing the most free country to that point in the history of mankind.

That day in April nearly 250 years ago…the brave, the stalwart, the courageous didn’t hide their guns, they didn’t bury their guns, they didn’t give up their guns. That early morning…they stood against tyranny, they stood tall, they resisted the urge to give in to despotism…they resisted. They didn’t give in, they didn’t give up. And 8 years later gave their children, grandchildren, and many later generations freedom that had not been seen before in the history of the world.

So what is the answer? I can’t answer that for you personally because I have no idea what your individual circumstances or beliefs are.

A couple thoughts…

  1. Clarify where you stand on the Second Amendment. For me it is clear…no law, not a single one, to restrict a person’s right to buy, own, or transfer guns/ammo/mags is Constitutional. No tax on them, no infringement…NOTHING! The Second Amendment is clear as a bell…and our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing and what we would have to fight against if we didn’t control the government to begin with. I will stand with the Founding Fathers!
  2. There are some good gun rights organizations out there…support them with your time and money. And NO, I am not recommending the N.R.A…because they have caved in on the major gun control issues in the last 100 years*. Don’t doubt me on this!! An NRA President even said he saw no reason for a person to carry a concealed gun and didn’t support the right to do so**. Don’t give a dime to the NRA!! I like Gun Owners of America the best. <> They are top notch and staunchly support the 2nd Amendment and stand tall where the NRA caves in.
  3. Support any and all 2nd Amendment sanctuary movements; city, county, and state.
  4. Contact your Representative and Senators, state and federal, to voice your unconditional opposition to ANY attempt at gun control. Make it clear you are willing to back up your position with time and money.
  5. Make sure you are ready to stand behind your convictions when the time comes. No wavering, no compromise, and know what you will do when the time comes. Then do it!

There are a lot of gun owners out there, some of them self-described patriots, who talk tough, who think they are some bad ass, who claim this or that. If any one of them speaks about hiding or burying a gun to avoid confiscation…then they are BS artists and not to be trusted. Or, they have been taken in by the idiots and cowards club.

The only reason to bury/hide guns/ammo/mags is for a “cache” for use if your main guns are no longer available to you (i.e. gunfight, have to abandon them, lost them, a back-up, or for resupply). The only way to prevent gun confiscation is to fight the legislation preemptively…and should that fail…fight it as our Founding Fathers did and who also provided us the means and authorization to do so through the Declaration of Independence.

I did a study about 10 years ago concerning gun confiscation. The premise of which was simple, guns were outlawed, confiscation was ordered, and all law enforcement (federal/state/local) would be involved in forced gun confiscation via raids at people’s homes and businesses. LEOs would operate in 10-man units and conduct two raids per day. I used an average of 1 casualty per day per team incurred during their raids. Remember, a casualty doesn’t mean fatality, it means a person is lost for continuing service after the injury is incurred. But yes, it could also mean fatality.

I used the numbers of all LEOs in the country participating in the raids. I set unit combat effectiveness at 50%. Unit cohesiveness and morale was not initially factored in.

The results were simple…gun confiscation raids would become unsustainable after 16 days. Meaning there was a 75% casualty rate within those 16 days. Now, factoring in unit cohesiveness and individual morale…those raids could stop well before the 16 day time-frame. And I believe there would be some parts of the country where state LEOs would not participate, and a large number of rural areas where local LEOs would not participate. And I believe there are a few locations where local LEOs might assist citizens in the resistance to gun confiscation.

I think those numbers are telling…whether they are accurate or not is another story, I believe they are. I think that unit cohesiveness and morale could hugely affect the numbers in favor of citizens…but I don’t have the tools to make those calculations. But resistance to gun confiscation would mean the tyranny could last no more than 16 days, maybe less.

But the downside to those numbers is this…should they hold true and a radical leftist regime such as Biden/Harris is leading the confiscation movement…the military could be called in. Should the military be called in, and they cooperate, it is game over… guns are gone. Maybe not in 1 day, maybe not in 16 days…but they are gone. And I see no reason to believe that the military (i.e. National Guard Military Police or regular units) would not cooperate.

The other proven option is a leftist method that is considerably more effective and efficient in getting 80 – 90% of American guns confiscated…BuyBack! If the federal government offered a buyback program during a grace period once guns are outlawed, then you will see the country virtually disarmed. Then only those most committed to the Constitution would still have a gun. If that would be the case, and then LEO raids commenced on the remaining holdout gun owners…well, it could be a far different outcome than the one I outlined earlier. Implement a paid informer program along with a buyback and the confiscation numbers increase significantly.

And I honestly don’t think there would be more than 5% of the American population that would “rise up” to resist those kinds of programs or any gun confiscation law/operation. And 5% would not be any challenge at all for the US military. Game over…Constitutional rights/liberties/freedoms gone! The elites win. Of course there are virtually endless scenarios, but they are similar in nature and outcome.

So I guess there is plenty to think about…what will you do…how will you do it…with whom will you align yourself…what are you willing to sacrifice.

You might want to be thinking this through…soon.

The best time to decide might not be when there is a knock at your door…or worse.Normalcy Bias - Man with head in the sand

And if you run into some clown claiming they will just hide or bury all their guns…ask them “why?”…and ask “what is their endgame?” It should be entertaining at the very least. I think I know what they are really hiding in the ground 🙂

* Gun Rights Elimination that NRA leadership supported, didn’t oppose, or helped write:

  • Uniform Firearms Act
  • The National Firearms Act of 1934
  • The Gun Control Act of 1968 (NRA formally endorsed it!)

** Karl Frederick, the NRA’s president, said, “I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons… I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.” He further stated his objection to the Second Amendment: “Protection for guns lies in an enlightened public sentiment and in intelligent legislative action…It is not to be found in the Constitution.”



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