> > Immediate Warning – Danger !

As of 1:35pm Saturday (4/13/2024) –

I have been able to confirm that Iran has carried out a series of attacks against Israel. It is an ongoing and very fluid situation right now. I was able to confirm through various sources the following:

  • Iran has seized an Israeli cargo ship.
  • Iran has launched a series of cyber-attacks against Israel.
  • Inside parts of Israel there are “street wars” taking place between Israeli forces (IDF & police) and Muslims.
  • At least 50 drones have been launched by Iran and headed into Israel, some have already been intercepted by Israeli Iron Dome missile defense units.

It is being reported that the cyber-attacks have shut down parts of the Israeli infrastructure systems.

It is also being reported that the Israeli government is “urging residents to stockpile items and prepare for war.”

It is also reported that Biden is returning to the White House to determine the US response and/or support for Israel.

Note: Due to the situation not all sources are reliable and not all information is verifiable. News of the situation can change at a moments notice, but this appears to be a very serious and dangerous evolving situation.

I urge you to stay abreast of the situation through a trusted and reliable news source. It is unknown how this situation may affect the US. However, I believe that any escalation at all would have a serious affect on the US economy and markets on Monday.

Finally, be EXTREMELY careful where you go this weekend and who you are around. Be 100% situationally aware!! Any gathering of people could now be a potential target to Muslim terrorists. There are Muslim terrorists in the US and are considered “sleeper cells.” It is unknown at this time if they have been activated to strike targets inside the US.

As of 2:20pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • Israel has officially closed their airspace. At this time at least all civilian air traffic has been canceled. It is not known if Israel has closed its air space to military aircraft from friendly countries (i.e. the US).
As of 2:30pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • Israel has canceled school throughout the country until further notice. They have also limited the size of gatherings as well.
As of 2:35pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • Jordan has just closed their airspace.
  • Lebanon is reporting large number of Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon along with intense shelling of sites in southern Lebanon.
  • It is unclear if Iraq has closed its airspace but sources are saying that Iraqi airspace is virtually clear of any air traffic at this time.
As of 2:40pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • There various reports on the exact number of drones that Iran has launched. There are now reports that as many as 500 drones have been launched.
  • It is unclear that Iran has launched only drones. There are now indications that there may be cruise missiles in the strike package as well. IDF has now been placed on full alert.
As of 2:50pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • Israel has released a statement, “Our defense systems are deployed, we are prepared for any scenario, both in defense and attack.” The rumor mill is alive with what potential weapon(s) that Israel might use.
  • Israel warned earlier today that Iran would suffer the “consequences for choosing to escalate the situation any further.”
  • It is now confirmed that Iran has included cruise missises as part of the strike package.
  • Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Israel Katz stated that, “If Iran attacks from its territory, Israel will react and attack in Iran.” Israel’s PM Netanyahu has released that Israel “will respond in kind…” “…whoever hurts us, we will hurt them.”
  • Iran just released a statement that, “Iran says it will target any country that opens its airspace for an Israeli attack against Iran.”
  • The war could spread regional within 24 hours (possibly less) based on statements/threats from both Iran and Israel.
As of 2:55pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • Biden has been in the White House Situation Room meeting with the National Security Council. It is unclear if any decision has been made pertaining to the US response. Previously the US has voice strong support for Israel in its defense against any strike from Iran.
  • It is now estimated that the strike package may start hitting Israeli targets within 1 – 2 hours (at most). The attacks could stretch out for hours.
  • Israeli citizens have now been discovered having reportedly been killed by Palestinians. Israeli citizens and defense forces are now surrounding and attacking Palestinians. No reports of Palestinian deaths at this time.
  • All Israeli bomb shelters are now open and accepting citizens for protection against pending air and missile strikes from Iran.
As of 3:00pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • Iran has just announced it has fired its first wave of ballistic missiles at Iran.
As of 3:15pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • US just announced it will defend Israel with all available US military assets. Those assets include units that could intercept Iranian drones and missiles. That would go directly against an earlier threat by Iran and could generate retaliation by Iran against US assets, plus the countries of Iraq and Syria.
  • More countries, although unclear which countries, have reportedly closed their airspace.
  • Israeli defense sources confirm they are tracking at least 100 incoming drones and missiles.
  • The entire country of Israel has now been placed on full alert.
  • There are unsubstantiated rumors from the Israeli military that Israel is prepared to “take Iran out.” The exact meaning is unclear.
  • It is now being reported that Israel will be unable to defend against all the potential incoming drones and missiles depending on the exact number that are incoming.
  • In addition to the US, the UK and France have stated they will stand with Israel against the Iranian attack.
  • IDF has confirmed, “That any attack from Iranian territory would result in an attack on Iran.” This statement appears to have been issued prior to the attack but is just now becoming public.
As of 3:25pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • It is being reported that the 500 number of drones and missiles being fired by Iran is an overstatement. Only “more than 100” has been confirmed as an actual number. However, it appears that Iran is readying more missiles and drones to be fired.
  • FYI…ballistic missiles are much hard to shoot down by the Iron Drone than drones. And the ballistic missiles would have much larger payloads of explosives than drone. And yes, ballistic missiles could also carry nuclear weapons but there is NO indication that has happened.
  • Hezbollah just released a statement saying it has launched dozens of rockets at IDF air defense headquarters and will continue to target Israeli defense facilities.
  • US units are now intercepting Iranian drones and missiles  that were inbound to Israel.
As of 3:30pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • Due to a prior commitment I will not be able to provide any more updates on this situation until further notice.
As of 7:30pm (MST) Saturday (4/13/2024) –
  • Iran has announced that as of 4:30pm (MST) that it has concluded its strike against Israel.

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The last few hours before the grid goes down…

article first appeared in March 2016

Awhile ago I was thinking about different scenarios of emergencies, disasters, and grid-down events and how they might develop and play out. I just let my mind really go off in a number of interesting directions. Then I caught myself saying “Wow!”

As I tend to do when thinking through a problem, I go to the “worst case” aspect of the problem. Now remember, I have 20+ hurricane seasons that I have gone through while I lived in Florida, so I have some real experience in this kind of thinking. So I decided to play it out a little more in my mind.

Here was the set-up…

  • A major grid-down event was going to occur.
  • I had 3 hours advanced warning that it would occur.
  • What would I do?
  • What would my wife do?

I then talked to my wife about this, as well as my best friend who lives in the same city that I do. Then I thought it through some more. Yeah, I do a lot of thinking.

What I came up with was an “action plan.” The list of things I would do in the three hours before the grid-down event and for the 6 – 12 hours immediately after the event occurred. As I built my “to-do” list some interesting points started to surface as well as what were the most important steps that I should take. So this article is the result of all of that thinking, talking, and planning.

Some of this may not apply to you, some of it may be a little overwhelming, and some of it may sound outright stupid. So be it. I am putting this out there for you to consider and if some or all it applies…use it, modify it, apply it, and make it your own.

But here are some of the take-a-ways from this mental exercise and its planning cousin.

  1. You have to avoid Normalcy Bias at all costs! When you have the warning that the event will occur, you must take action, no delays.
  2. You must have buy-in of the plan from your spouse. If not complete buy-in, at least not active objection.
  3. When the time comes to pull the trigger on the plan you must do so immediately.
  4. You are going to need help.
  5. When going to the stores the optimum team will be three people. One person to guard the vehicle, one person doing the “shopping” and one person providing security for the shopper.
  6. You must have a cash stash already put aside. Banks and ATMs may not be available.
  7. As soon as you pull the trigger, your #1 priority is the safety of your family and group. After that is accomplished the next priority is getting whatever cash out of the bank and ATMs that you can…if it is even available.
  8. Do not stop or slow down completing the items on your “to-do” list while you still have the time and means. That means do not stop to explain what you are doing, to warn someone else, to stop and think it through again. You must stay on task and complete the list. Focus!
  9. Try to keep a low profile when you are working on your tasks. Example: when you bring home a load of food, pull into the garage and close the garage door before unloading the food. Your neighbors don’t need to see what you are doing. Poor OpSec can bring disaster upon you and your family.
  10. Don’t flash cash. If you are going to use cash (or gold or silver) to “influence” store personnel, do so off to the side where it is just you and them. Do let others watch what you are doing. Have your security “overwatch” standing far enough away to observe the area, people, and keep you safe by intervening as needed.
  11. Everyone involved must understand that safety is the priority #1 and anything that jeopardizes safety must be weighed against preventing harm being done. And when I talk about “safety” I mean the safety of your family and your group. While you don’t want to be cold or cruel, and you surely don’t want to take a life if you don’t have too…your family’s safety and your group safety is #1. You’ve committed to them, keep your promise, and keep them safe.

Remember, keep this in perspective…I am saying this is the “worst case scenario” that you would face. This is NOT what you would do for a hurricane or wildfire…just a major grid-down event where things won’t come back to normal anytime soon. Maybe a “martial law” kind of event might be a good way to think of it to put it all into perspective.

Then, once you have prepared for the “worst” you can dial it back to whatever is appropriate for the actual event that you are dealing with. This plan is flexible, adaptable, and scalable. But like any “plan”…it is worthless unless action is taken. And once you take action, be relentless, be a pitbull, and stay that way after it until your action items are all completed.

Once that is done…then you can move on to the next phase of surviving and thriving.

Let’s review the priorities:

  1. Safety¹ of our family and the group.
  2. Safety¹ of others.
  3. Everyone has to know what is going on and keep lines of communications open.
  4. Everyone involved must take action on the “to-do” list and be involved.
  5. Everyone must keep working through the “to-do” list until unable to physically continue (i.e. store runs out of toilette paper or travel is 100% restricted).
  6. OpSec is a must. No discussion outside of the family or group should take place about what your family and group are doing. This is extremely important! The safety of the family and/or group could be very easily jeopardized if what you are doing gets out to the wrong person or group.
  7. Pre-planning is vital. A cash stash (a must) and a precious metals stash (if possible) is critical to the success of this operation.
  8. Be mentally prepared. The only way to prepare mentally for something such as this is to talk it through…multiple times. Something that might help is a “dry-run.” No, not actually buying the times and doing the tasks on the list, but drive to each location, walk around the location, ask to see the manager and ask a question…just familiarize yourself with those places you will be going to should the need arise.

Let’s talk about security for a minute. I mentioned that 3-person teams are optimal. However, don’t delay action if you can’t reach that optimal team level. A person by themselves is an easy target, especially once word gets out about what is happening, and people realize and recognize what you are doing. So it is safer earlier on in an incident timeline than as the event develops. So yes, I would go to the bank by myself within the first hour of the operation without too much concern. But going to Sam’s Club by myself six hours after the event occurred could well be suicidal.

How you implement security will have to be “threat specific.” Openly carrying your AR while wearing your tactical vest with complete kit could really deter a whole lot of minor threats. But law enforcement might take exception to your tactical display and try to intervene. The outcome to that situation would be a “no-win” regardless of who is left standing.

On the other hand, carrying concealed might give you a lower profile and draw less attention while pumping your tank full of gas. But it also might make you look like easy prey. Setting a single security standard it is a tough call to make but you are going to have to make a decision on your security stance and public profile.

Just remember, there is safety is numbers. If you have someone acting as security overwatch as their only task you will be light-years ahead of 99.9% of everyone else.

But also remember this, you must protect yourself, your family and your group. But getting into a full-on firefight with someone, or some group, is not the answer…it is a mistake.

Now, it may come down to that as an only option, a last option, but be very careful. It should be only your last resort, not a top three option. When the bullets fly, who knows who gets lucky, or unlucky? I would normally rather give up a shopping cart full of food then take a life over it.

Well, that might not be entirely true…one less “thug” might not be a bad thing 😉

Choose wisely.

¹ – Means the physical safety of a person. Sufficient action to protect that safety may be required. Those involved must be mentally and physically ready to take that action if required.



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