So how’s the economy really doing??? AMAZING!!

So how’s the economy really doing???

So we all realistically think that the economy is doing badly. Well, at least in as far as it is affecting us, our children, and our neighbors and friends. But Just how devastating is it? Well, I am going to show you clear, factual, indisputable proof just how bad the economy is. I am going to show the cost of housing.

For this I am going to prepare a comparison between housing costs now, after 3 years of the President’s reign compared to 3 years of the last President’s reign. That will be 2019 vs 2024.


  • Average home price: $265,800
  • 20% Down Payment: $53,000
  • 30-year Mortgage Rate: 3.75%
  • Amount Financed: $212,600
  • Monthly Payment: $1,208
  • Total Repaid: $435,000
  • Income required (industry standard calculation): $80,000


  • Average home price: $384,500
  • 20% Down Payment: $77,400
  • 30-year Mortgage Rate: 7.02%
  • Amount Financed: $307,100
  • Monthly Payment: $2,272
  • Total Repaid: $818,000
  • Income required (industry standard calculation): $115,000
Results –

So here are the objective and results between 2019 & 2024…Bidenomics:

  • The average home price increased by 44.6%.
  • The down payment required increased by 46%
  • The 30-year mortgage rate increased by 87%
  • The amount required to be financed increased by 44%
  • The monthly payment increased by 88%
  • The total amount repaid over the life of the mortgage increased by 88%
  • The income required (industry standard calculation) increased by 44%
Summary –

There are a couple of hidden additional “gotchas” with Bidenimics:

According to the US government, the median household income in 2019 was $68,700. The US govt figures are not out for 2024 yet, but USA Today states the median household income in 2024 is now $74,700. That is an 8.7% increase from 2019 – 2024. That means that compared to the income increase between 2019 and 2024:

  • Income lags behind the increase in home prices by 80%
  • In 2019 your house payment was 20% of your monthly income. In 2024 your house payment is now 36% of your monthly income.
  • Buying a house in 2024 means you are paying back over $380,000 more dollars than the same house in 2019.

Wait for it…one more little item to cover…

Did you notice the income requirement difference, $80k in 2019 vs $115k in 2024? Did you catch that and do you know what the tiny little issue is there? Hold on…

According to the IRS you are now in a completely different tax bracket. So not only is your house payment an additional $1,100 per month, your tax payment is now also more than 60% higher on the income difference!!!

So then have you asked the question, “Who actually benefits from Bidenomics?


Well, let’s see:

  • The bank or mortgage company makes about $300,000 more in interest off of you.
  • The county you live in collects additional property taxes from you.
  • The federal government is collecting more income tax from you.

And what do you get out of it???? The same exact average American house…period. Yeah, that means absolutely no benefit to you. The only folks who benefit? Yup, the banks and the government.

Do you find that interesting? How’s that Bidenomics working out for us?

Hang on a dang-gum minute, is there a bigger picture here?

Try this on for size…in 1960 both of my parents worked, their combined income was about $5,400 per year. In 1960 they bought the home I grew up in, they paid $5,000 for it. That was 93% of their total annual income. It was a fairly average house, maybe a little on the poor side of the tracks. But compare that to today…the average home is more than 500% of the average household income.

Is there any doubts in your mind what is going on in the big economic picture of the last 65 years????

Again, ask yourself this, “Who is benefiting from homes going from 93% of a family’s income to 500% of a family’s income?

Do you understand the huge and devastating consequences to that single statistic alone? Do you see it is more than just Bidenomics!!!???

Ask yourself, “Why is this happening?

Answer it by asking, “Who benefits from this happening?

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Guerrilla Warfare by Gen. Grivas – How to Part #3


This is a 3-part series of articles, if you haven’t read the previous article in this series I would suggest you do. Otherwise, this article, taken out of context, may make little, if any, sense to you. And you may misunderstand the intent of the article as well. Please read the “NOTE/DISCLAIMER” at the bottom of the page for clarification on why I wrote this series of articles.

< click here to read previous article >

  • Prime importance.
  • An oppressive force is rarely as large as the people they are oppressing. With the support of the public you will outnumber the occupying force.
  • With public support acts of “passive resistance” can be implemented, such as boycotts of anything related to the enemy force, attending enemy force public meetings, working at enemy force facilities, etc.
  • Boycotts can also create a sense of heightened patriotism uniting the public against the enemy. Each man, woman, and child can feel they are doing something, contributing to the cause of freedom and independence.
  • Prime importance.
  • School age boys and girls have tremendous energy, enthusiasm, and can be totally committed to a righteous cause.
  • There is a natural tendency among people, including occupying forces, to view children as non-threatening; and to give those children a much wider berth when dealing with them.
  • Boys, young men, of the age of 16 and 17 will prove themselves equal to or superior to mature men. They also have a determination of being more loyal to a cause.
  • Youth movement groups can also provide a supply of new members to more violent groups/teams as they get older.
  • Youth can easily develop a nationalistic ecstasy, and readily defy clubs, tear gas, and even bullets.
  • When fully staffed number they contain a maximum of 5 – 6 members.
  • They strike at targets of opportunity or well-planned, thought out targets.
  • Sabotage groups will conduct operations in urban areas where plenty of targets exist.
  • Enemy targets can be vehicles, infrastructure, or groups of enemy forces.
  • Effectiveness can easily be 100 to 1. Meaning a single member of a sabotage group can easily neutralize 100 enemy with proper planning and execution of a mission.
  • Destroying any infrastructure of the occupying forces can be a huge blow to their ability to operate and potentially a blow against their troop morale. Example: destroy their water supply, destroy their sewage facilities, destroy their kitchens, bomb their media centers while troops are present, etc.
  • Each group should have 1 – 2 missions planned for immediate execution, but held in reserve. These can be used at a moments notice as retaliatory strikes as needed.
  • Can be as small as 1 – 2 members, seldom more than 3 – 4 members, a maximum of 5 – 6 members.
  • Target specific individuals such as military officers and non-commissioned officers, police officers, and traitors.
  • When torture by occupying forces is discovered, give warning to the occupying force leadership that it will not be tolerated and retribution will be swift and ruthless. Make the warning public with details of the torture methods and who is doing it, by individual name if possible. It is important for the public to know this is happening. Once the warning has been issued, target those doing the torture and any leadership personnel for execution. Make the execution public and widely known.
  • Easily deluded.
  • Often ‘bought off’ by occupying leadership. When not bought off, they are often then intimidated into producing positive view of occupying forces.
  • Can be used by guerrilla forces to get out accurate information and form positive opinion of guerrilla activities. But this is often at great peril to the media personnel…including death.
  • Media is always used by occupying forces for propaganda and to spread it widely.
  • Propaganda can most effectively be battled by direct communication to the public and individuals via leaflets or word of mouth.
  • Using correct and appropriate wording to describe the enemy is necessary. Occupying forces are tyrants, murderers, oppressive, thieves, rapists, evil, etc., call them that in battling propaganda.
  • Inform the media of all defeats of the enemy, especially when the death of enemy forces are still present or the destruction of enemy resources are plain to see. This will humiliate and demoralize the enemy and sway public opinion in the enemy’s home country.
  • When a guerrilla force suffers a defeat, use the opportunity to inspire and motivate the public into greater support for the guerrilla cause. Incite widespread violent and non-violent reactions against the enemy.
  • When dealing with the media always be truthful, do not exaggerate information, good or bad, when providing information. Ensure that the media, and the public, learn to trust what you say.
  • Nothing must be released to the media that even hints at weakness of guerrilla leadership or forces.
  • Each DL should know the IC by a different code name. This will push any intercepted intelligence/correspondence to sound as if it comes from a different person. This will lead the enemy to believe that there is more than one IC and orders come from multiple sources. Example: A DL will send a message to the IC addressed to “A” and the IC will respond to the message under signature as “B”. Another DL will address the IC as “D” in messages but the IC will respond as “E” and so forth.
  • When a traitor is discovered in the courier or intelligence network they are to be executed as quickly as possible.
  • When captured members can expect to be tortured for information. Members will breakdown eventually, virtually all do. There are roughly 3 categories of ‘breakdowns’; 1) fear after mild rough handling, 2) fear after severe rough handling, 3) members who breakdown and reveal information with false information and a few, but unimportant, truths to mislead their interrogators. The first two categories are subject to execution with direct proof, but not always depending if lives were lost or not. The third group is not considered to be traitors. Great care should be taken when dealing with these situations. Occupying forces may attempt deception that a prisoner revealed information or cooperated when they actually didn’t. This ruse is used to pit guerrilla forces against one another and sway public opinion.
  • Be weary of a crease-fire. This is often used by the enemy to redeploy forces, acquire fresh supplies and forces, gain intelligence, or regain strength and morale.
  • An occupying force leadership will either believe of the people they are oppressing, or attempt to instill in them, that it is the best interest of the oppressed people to place the strategic interest of their occupying force’s country above that of their own right to freedom. This must be battled with arms and propaganda.
  • Be careful of the cunning of diplomats, they can be dangerous. Example: A release of prisoners at Christmas time to sway pubic opinion and to prompt a cease fire while they resupply or plan a large far-reaching mission. Further, one of the released prisoners could have changed sides and now be an informer.
  • Be careful and wary of locals that provide goods and services to occupying forces. These could be farmers supplying food, unions providing skilled labor, etc. These locals will form a financial dependency on, and a vested interest in, the occupying force’s success. This could lead to them providing information on guerrilla activities and personnel for self-benefit.
  • Watch for “false flag” incidents carried out by the occupying forces against the public. They will make it appear that guerrilla forces carried out the mission to sway public opinion against the guerrillas. When these occur, quickly release messages to the public who carried out the mission and why, be as specific as possible. Have several sabotage groups immediately carry out missions as quickly as possible in retribution.
  • Be cautious of enemy’s provocations. These could be used to draw out groups to action where enemy forces are waiting to capture or kill. Enemy actions against civilians should be dealt with swiftly. However, retaliatory strikes can take place in an area other than where the attack against civilians took place. Just ensure that it is well-known that the retaliation is for the original strike against civilians.
  • Be careful of such enemy tactics as “Gun Buy-Back” programs. The enemy may offer huge sums of money to buy weapons from the local population. This has multiple defeating effects; 1) locals learn they can financially gain from the enemy, 2) the enemy can learn who was resisting them to begin with, 3) locals will be more willing to cooperate with the enemy going forward. The public should be warned by the guerrilla forces that no one must participate and those that do will be seen as traitors.

Final/General notes from AH Trimble –

The Incident Command System (ICS) is an excellent model to use for every aspect of this kind of organization. There are several series’ of articles that may help you to understand more.< click here to learn more >

For any country that has a strong Constitutional Republic intact, guerrilla warfare would never be needed. The ballot box with honest and reliable representatives would be the legal and correct route to go to make improvements/changes. Fortunately the USA was designed just that way some 250 years ago.

For countries suffering under a tyrannical, oppressive, violently repressive government…well, guerrilla warfare may be the only option left to their people when all other options have been exhausted. Guerrilla warfare is a proven and effective way to overthrow oppressors and/or occupiers. Colonial Americans did it in the late 1700’s, Vietnam did it, Iraq did it, Korea did it, Afghanistan has done it a number of times to world  super-powers, Somalia did it, Cyprus has done it, along with many other countries throughout history. It can be a highly effective option of last resort.

Turning to our own Founding Fathers would give a country’s people guidance as to when guerrilla warfare may be the option of last resort. According to the Declaration of Independence…when a country’s government has become destructive, oppressive, and abusive to its people. But guerrilla warfare carried out in the name of independence and freedom should not be carried out, or even attempted, for light and transient causes; and only after every other option has been tried to correct that oppression has been attempted and warning has been given to the government in question.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed my observations, my book report, on “The Memoirs of General Grivas” by Georgios Grivas. I would think it would provide some entertainment as well. Another good book to read, a very short but powerful book, would be “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu. < The Art of War by Sun Tzu >

< click here to read previous article in this series >


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Based on this day and age, in this stupid environment, 
I want to make it absolutely crystal clear that I am in no way condoning, advocating, or promoting; 
1)any violent action, 2) violence in any form, 3) or an uprising in any country anywhere in the world.
I am simply reporting on, relating, information and observations I made when I read the book
"The Memoirs of General Grivas" by Georgios Grivas.


 2009 - 2023 Copyright © ~ All rights reserved
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without expressed written permission from
See Content Use Policy for more information.

Guerrilla Warfare by Gen. Grivas – How to Part #2


This is a 3-part series of articles, if you haven’t read the previous article in this series I would suggest you do. Otherwise, this article, taken out of context, may make little, if any, sense to you. And you may misunderstand the intent of the article as well. Please read the “NOTE/DISCLAIMER” at the bottom of the page for more clarification on why I wrote this series of articles.

< click here to read previous article – Part #1 >

Tactics Against Police –
  • Carry out murderous attacks against police officers who are out of sympathy with our aims or who hunt down guerrilla members.
  • Carry out ambushes against police patrols in towns or directly against police stations located in rural areas.
  • Restricting police movement, individual or groups, by the use of frequent and unexpected ambushes.
  • A benefit of ambushes, and especially police station raids, weapons and arsenals can be seized.
  • Unnecessary cruelty should be avoided; death/execution is not an unnecessary cruelty, torture is.
  • Be careful and skeptical of ‘imported’ police; they are often violently opposed to those they will police over. They are little more than hired thugs. When discovered, these individuals should become primary targets.
Tactics Against Occupying Military Forces –
  • Kill occupying service members, if they would kill guerrillas, if they could fire first.
  • Cooks, secretaries, and non-combatants should be spared unless they pose a threat.
  • Unnecessary cruelty should be avoided; death/execution is not an unnecessary cruelty, torture is.
  • The more enemy forces present, the more targets of opportunity exist.
  • Targeted attacks on occupying forces, groups or individuals, can have a very severe impact on their morale over time. The occupation forces will simply no longer see the benefit of dying “needlessly” and they will want to go home to their families, their homes, and their people.
Tactics Against Fellow Citizens –
  • Civilians who are traitors or enemy intelligence agents should be killed, and quickly.
  • Unnecessary cruelty should be avoided; death/execution is not an unnecessary cruelty, torture is.
Tactics Overall –
  • In areas where there are the fewest groups/teams, attack often and repeatedly.
  • After an attack, immediately empty the battlefield. Meaning, withdraw members entirely from the area for a period of time. When retaliation comes, there will be no guerilla forces for them to engage.
  • Careful study of the enemy’s habits is essential; their weakest point will surface. Place observation agents in the appropriate positions to best study enemy habits.
  • Be patient when being hunted after being surrounded. Often times the enemy may pass by very closely, if you open fire you can give away your position.
  • Whenever practical for a mission, hold back a reserve element to assist the primary group/team. This is especially true for any larger scale mission.
  • Spies and couriers should never have on their person anything that does not fit their cover story. When/if caught, there should be no possession on their body that is out of line with who they are pretending to be.
  • Speed of mission execution is vitally important. The ability to quickly act, or react, to any given situation is paramount to overcome the slow-acting bureaucratic processes of the occupying force’s leadership structure.
  • Even during times of group weakness when it is difficult to execute a mission, perform isolated acts of sabotage to show the enemy that they cannot do as they please no matter what.
  • A short period of extreme ruthlessness against opposition forces is a useful tool to dissuade them from actions against your guerrilla forces. This must be carried out with no restriction on action against those groups/individuals for a short period of time. And it must be well-known to them and everyone else why you are doing it and that retaliation stops abruptly when they cease their activities against your forces or civilians.
  • Any actions against civilians by the enemy must be met (retaliated against) quickly and with extreme measures. If enemy troops attack civilians it is best to execute any officer or non-commissioned officer involved. It that is not possible, the same retaliatory actions against enemy troops in another area can be just as effective as long it is is made known the action is a retaliatory strike in response to the original enemy’s attack on civilians. This type of ‘offset’ action may have the added benefit of creating division and animosity between the two groups of enemy troops. Meaning, one group suffers due to another group’s actions.

MISSION: Group/team members must be able to perform in one or more of the following categories as ordered:

      1. Take part in mass demonstrations/protests.
      2. Conceal (hideout – give refuge to) other members of the organization.
      3. Participate in acts of violence.
      4. Obtain and/or pass on information regarding the enemy’s activities.
      5. Observe enemy agents.

Armed members are not to be used for any political purposes.

    • In every area there will be a leadership core located in the primary city/town. The person leading this HQ will be a District Leader (DLs) with a small staff who he hand picks.
    • DLs are responsible to the immediate next higher level of leadership, and no one else.
    • DLs may appoint Local Leaders (LLs) in specific areas within the District.
    • LLs are only responsible to their respective DLs.
    • Groups/teams will be formed by the DL and they will report directly to the DL in the absence of a LL.
    • Groups/teams may be temporary and modified as needed.
    • It is dangerous to increase the size of groups/teams beyond a certain point…called ‘saturation point’. Saturation point is usually no more than 5 – 6 members.
    • The size of a group/team is determined by; 1) terrain, 2) fighter skills, 3) food & supply requirements, 4) tactics, 5) need to keep causalities to a minimum.
    • When groups/teams grow too large, split them into smaller and independent units.
    • Groups/teams should always have a reserve force, unknown to the primary group/team. When the primary group/team becomes combat ineffective, the reserve group can be brought into play immediately.
    • Leaders, at any level, are only responsible to and only receive orders from their direct next level leader.

Notes From AH Trimble on organization –

  1. All organizations have the same basic 5 ‘needs’; 1) operations, 2) logistics, 3) planning, 4) administration, and 5) leadership (most of all).
  2. Logistics can/may acquire and distributes supplies, acquires and maintains facilities, provides transportation needs, provides communications capabilities, and provides long-term medical services.
  3. Planning can/may collects and process situation information and intelligence, determines need for any specialized resources for future operations, assembles information/intelligence on alternative strategies, provides predictions on operations potential, report any significant changes in operational status, and provides maps as needed.
  4. Administration can/may document all operations, provide reports up-line, and tracks funds received and spent.
  5. Operations is responsible for all tactical activities and may include intelligence gathering in place of Planning doing so.
  6. Leadership is responsible for the overall management of the incident, sets objectives & goals, responsible for, and authority over, all incident personnel, and ensures that Leader’s Intent is clear and known by all involved in any given operational activity.
  7. For more information on a near-perfect example of Operational Organization please refer to < click here to read more >

  • Selection and initiation of new member will be conducted in absolute secrecy to prevent revealing their identity generally. Only their direct leader will know who they are initially, once fully vetted, other team members may learn of them.
  • First names only will be used for identification; code name, or made-up name, can be used as a more secure alternative.
  • New members will be required to take an oath of allegiance.
  • New members must be made to understand and realize that any disobedience will be severely punished, including death for an egregious situation.
  • A new group/team will form with only 1 or 2 members and then expanded as needed and conditions require. The size of a group/team will generally be limited to a maximum of 5 – 6 members.
  • Only well-known, trusted, and reliable locals will be brought into a group/team.
  • The objective is quality members not quantity when recruiting new members.
  • New members will be assigned to one or more of the categories above, i – v.
  • Member identity, as far as practical, should be kept from one another; especially member identities between different groups. This restriction of identity should also apply to responsibilities and mission activity.
  • Members should not discuss any part of their group/team membership or activity with anyone outside of the group/team. Members should minimize and discussion within a group/team with other members not directly involved in a mission or activity.
  • Enlisting men of bad character will result in significant problems within the group/team and carrying out missions.
  • Attractive women can attract considerable attention, and can act as diversion.
  • Less-attractive women can often pass totally unnoticed, drawing little, if any, attention.
  • Appropriate punishment does not humiliate the good soldier, if no dishonor is involved.
  • In times of trial a true fighter shows how he can face trouble with courage and calmness.
  • Rapid and secure communication within a group/team, and with the next level leadership, especially on short notice, is essential. Couriers (d) should be reliable, secure, and safe.Communications is the number one problem in emergencies and disateres
  • Couriers should be responsible for carrying out their responsibilities independent of the group/team, including leadership.
  • Couriers/communications share ‘first essential’ with intelligence personnel. All involved must be thoroughly trained in communications security.
  • Any scientific means of communications can be compromised.
  • Manual communications (i.e. hand-carried notes) are more secure than scientific means.
  • Violations of communications standards and disobedience are rapidly dealt with through severe disciplinary measures, including death.

Notes From AH Trimble on communications –

  1. Communications security (ComSec) is of paramount importance. < ComSec – What is it and how do I use it? >

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Based on this day and age, in this stupid environment, 
I want to make it absolutely crystal clear that I am in no way condoning, advocating, or promoting; 
1)any violent action, 2) violence in any form, 3) or an uprising in any country anywhere in the world.
I am simply reporting on, relating, information and observations I made when I read the book
"The Memoirs of General Grivas" by Georgios Grivas.


 2009 - 2023 Copyright © ~ All rights reserved
No reproduction or other use of this content 
without expressed written permission from
See Content Use Policy for more information.

Guerrilla Warfare by Gen. Grivas – How to Part #1

This series of articles is a ‘book report’…the CliffsNotes if you will…on a book written by General Georgios Grivas. General Grivas was a notable historic figure in Cyprus’ war of independence from British oppression and tyrannical rule in the 1950’s. He personally led the freedom forces of the EOKA’s fight for freedom from British domination and British violence against Cyprus’ people.

This article is meant to be a recap, or a guide, to how he was able to form one of the most effective guerrilla forces against an overwhelming professional army; an army that was one of the mightiest in the world at the time. I will add some modern day thoughts as I go regarding current organizational methods that have proven effective. Having taught incident management organization around the US for decades, I have some experience and knowledge in this area that I hope you might find all of this helpful in respect to history.

Please read the “NOTE/DISCLAIMER” at the bottom of the page for further clarification on why I wrote this series of articles.

Should the reader ever find themselves in a situation where their government is forcing tyranny and oppression America's Founding Fathers wanted to prevent tyrannyupon them…this might prove helpful. I am sure the colonial Founding Fathers would have thought this information useful 250+ years ago. Fortunately for us in the United States we have the Constitution and the ballot box to resolve our issues and be masters of our own destiny. So for those that live in the US, I hope you will find this article at least entertaining since the use of this information would hardly ever be applicable…would it.

Context & Background –

After WWII Cyprus found itself itself under British colonial rule. The British government ruled the island with oppression and tyranny. They would not eve entertain the idea that Cyprus would be allowed its independence to reunite with Greece, its historical and cultural homeland. To make matters worse, the British empowered the local Muslims from Turkey living on the island to play a major role in suppressing and oppressing the native Cypriots.

General Grivas, the author of the book, was born in 1898. At the age of 17 he applied for and gained entrance to Greece’s Military Academy. After WWI he joined the Greek army in their fight against the Turks. At the age of 26 he was a Captain in the Greek army and sent to France to attend advance military training courses. After returning to Greece he attended the War School in Athens where he received yet more advanced military leadership and tactics training. When Italy invaded Greece in 1940 he was a Lt. Colonel and served as Chief of Staff of the 2nd Army Division. Under brutal German occupation of Greece he formed and led resistance forces in Athens.

As Germans began their withdrawal in late 1944, Britain took control of Cyprus from the Germans, and the British oppression began. From 1944 onward Cyprus went through all international channels, including the United Nations to secure independence from Britain and to be allowed to reunite with Greece. All the diplomatic efforts failed due to vehement objections of both England and the United States. In 1948 discussion began among Cypriot leaders regarding overthrowing British rule. In 1951 it became official and the revolution was on…freedom and independence was their goal.

At the time Britain’s military might was overwhelming in both power and numbers. Cyprus could not begin to match England in conventional warfare terms. At that point a small guerrilla force of freedom fighters began waging a guerrilla war for freedom against one of the most powerful military forces in the world. The struggle against oppression and for freedom lasted until 1955 when British forces were defeated. On August 16, 1960 Cyprus gained its formal independence from the United Kingdom.

By odd circumstance I have a link to Cyprus. In 1974 the US Navy ship I was a crew member on was assigned to sail immediately for Cyprus. We were already on a deployment in the Mediterranean and we were the closest NATO ship in the area. We were prepared to place a small, heavily armed, landing party on the island to protect British citizens that had become trapped when Turkish Muslim troops invaded Cyprus and attempted to overthrow the island’s government. Fortunately for me, the landing party’s M60 gunner, US Marines flew in by helicopter just minutes before we were to land.

How To Start a Guerrilla Warfare Fight for Freedom Against Tyranny, Oppression, and Against All Odds…

Commitment & Loyalty –
  • Three personality weapons to overcome difficulties; 1) heart, 2) faith, 3) will for victory.
  • Freedom is never won without bloodshed.
  • Great things are never achieved without great danger.
  • All roads are open to the brave.
  • Prayer, “God guide me, I live with faith and the courage I shall succeed.”
  • ‘Right’ must be on the side of the guerrilla force, and must be seen as such by the general public. Example: foreign power invading and/or occupying a country thus eliminating/reducing freedom and liberty.
  • Understand that an occupying/oppressive struggle situation is unique in motive, psychology, and circumstance. All strategy, tactics, and planning must be designed and accomplished according to that uniqueness.
  • Guerrilla forces must clearly understand they are fighting for nothing less than freedom itself.
Leadership –
  • Principle to defeating the enemy; correct application of strategy and tactics would defeat the enemy however great his material resources.
  • When faced with overwhelming odds; brains, subtlety, and good planning in an underground movement can defeat any odds.
  • Nobody is born brave, but they can find bravery under the right leadership.
  • High quality traits of great leaders include; brave, humble, and frugal…all of which inspire respect and affection among good men.
  • Leaders must provide constant encouragement and clear orders (including clear leader’s intent) to subordinates to keep them focused on overall strategy.
  • A leader cannot sit back in safety and comfort while others risk their lives. When a leader offers/risks their life to the cause, faith and courage grow in their followers.
  • Pride, the opposite of humility, has no place in a leader and will lead to their destruction…all to often along with their followers. ‘Pride’ referred to here is not being teachable.
  • The biggest mistake a leader can make is painting an imaginary tactical picture he believes is true. Accurate Situational Awareness (SA) is of paramount importance. All barriers of accurate SA must be eliminated.
  • A leader must always speak the truth; he must not gloss over the difficulties, but give proof of his ability to overcome those difficulties.
  • A leader must not promise more than he can perform.
  • A leader must know his enemy, how his mind works, what their priorities are, and how to hurt them the most.

Notes From AH Trimble on leadership –

  1. What I have seen in good leaders:
    • Someone who listens to his people and takes their advice.
    • A person who trusts his subordinates and empowers them to make decisions and then act.
    • A person who always passes the credit to his people.
    • A person who accepts the blame when things goes wrong.
    • Someone who looks out for the benefit and welfare of the people they lead.
    • Someone who is willing to make a decision and stand by it.
    • A person who knows what they are doing and what they are talking about…”been there, done that” experience.
  1. Leader’s Intent always be present for all missions and must be clear, consisting of –
  • Task:  What it is to be accomplished.
  • Purpose:  Why it is to be done.
  • End State:  What it should look like when done and why.
  1. There is an integral part to completing the delivery of leader’s intent, “why” it needs to be successful. Without the “why” the subordinates are only being told what to do, not why it is so important. So you could say, the motivation is lacking. Anyone who has suffered in an organization where motivation is absent can attest to the likelihood of success in some new project. But, motivation doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Motivation will only exist where values are shared.
  2. To be a good leader you must take your vision and turn it into a mission statement…leader’s intent. Make it easy for others to see what you see…success. Give them a reason to move forward, to be successful, and to work together.

Strategy –
  • Small, compact groups working on a limited scale in numerous widespread areas.
  • Saboteurs would conduct operations in urban areas where plenty of targets existed.
  • All war is cruel, winning against superior forces is by ruse and trickery.
  • Strategy stays the same; tactics, carefully thought out in advance, could change based on circumstances.
  • Strategy elements will contain the following five tactical elements; attack, alertness, flexibility, secrecy, and speed.
  • Enemy numbers have little meaning when correct strategy and tactics are applied.
  • Let the enemy leadership know that it is their choices and their actions that result in guerrilla retaliation against them. You [the oppressors] strike us, especially civilians, retaliation will be swift and ruthless.

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Based on this day and age, in this stupid environment, 
I want to make it absolutely crystal clear that I am in no way condoning, advocating, or promoting; 
1)any violent action, 2) violence in any form, 3) or an uprising in any country anywhere in the world.
I am simply reporting on, relating, information and observations I made when I read the book
"The Memoirs of General Grivas" by Georgios Grivas.


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>>>A Stark Warning – The End of the Beginning!

Where do I even start? Well, let’s try with the title of this article…”The End of the Beginning” shall we.

You have undoubtedly heard the phrase “The beginning of the end” in relation to some event that signals a cascading of events whose ending is usually referred to in ruinous terms. But I have been repeatedly showing for a couple of years now very specific examples of how the beginning was already underway. And now I am declaring that initial phase, the beginning, is over. Yup, it is over…and now we are in a free fall that is the next phase of what is happening in America. Well actually, the entire world.

Then again, if you are reading this article you already know we are in the crash(ing)…the pre-SHFT phase. We may not want to regurgitate the whole list of what is happening…but you know what is happening and you feel where we are headed…and just how bad it is right now…you know it…you feel it in the very depths of your soul. Of course you also know how bad it will get.

I am often asked what I think is the largest threat to us at any given moment. And the same has been asked of me just recently. I had a very strange response for them, but I will get to that in a moment. For now let’s touch on a subject that will affect each of us and maybe very soon….the economy. And I mean the economy in its entirety, not just a particular aspect of it. But there are some key indicators that must be looked at specifically.

Jobs –

I have been telling to about the massive job losses we were experiencing and that it would get worse…and it has. We are hearing of corporations letting folks go by the thousands each week. The latest jobs report will show an even accelerating job loss picture IF you look under the surface of the misleading numbers. And once again they will drastically misrepresent the unemployment number due to the workforce participation rate (WPR) accelerating.

Strange when you hear about all the unfilled jobs there are in the US…yet there are large layoffs/losses occurring. The key once again is to look at the WPR that I have discussed numerous times. The WPR is in the toilette…huge numbers of people are not even trying to participate in the job market…and those people are not calculated into the unemployment figure that the federal government brags about.

Bank Failures –

Now let’s talk bank failures. Earlier this year I wrote a lot about it, in detail, with specifics, and warnings galore. The warnings are now reality and the disaster is looming even larger. Let me touch on one item…bank failure dollar figures have already exceeded the 2007 bank failure figure. Did you hear that?

This past week First Republic Bank failed, PacWest Bancorp is on the verge even as you read this article. But First Republic Bank failure is the one I want to talk about because there is importance here. Back on March 21st I wrote that a banking consortium was going to step in and buy the defaulted Signature Bank…as reported by the FDIC. But on March 14th I reported that First Republic Bank was on a watch list for banks in trouble. Yes, you read that right…a bank in trouble was going to be part of a banking cabal to rescue a defaulted bank.

So you ask me why this focus. What do those two instances/events have in common? The answer is J.P. Morgan Bank (technically called ‘JPMorgan Chase & Co’). Morgan is taking over First Republic Bank, oddly First Republic Bank was going to be a partner with Morgan/Chase to take over Signature Bank. So why my interest in JPMorgan?

JPMorgan & Co began as a foreign bank in London, England in the middle of the 1800’s. In 1895 the US government was going to default and the American economy was headed towards collapse. JPMorgan & Co stepped in with $65,000,000 in gold to restore the US Treasury to solvency. Yeah, in today’s money…that would be 2.3billions dollars adjusted for inflation. If you look at the Morgan 65million in relation to the federal budget of 1895 vs 2022…Morgan’s contribution to save the US government would equate to $948billion in today’s money.

Why is this important? Well now…let’s add into the equation this gem…JPMorgan & Co is the credit card issuer for almost all federal employees’ federal agency credit cards. Yes sir…that means hundreds of billions of dollars filter through the JPMorgan & Co bank. And then again…look at the former JP Morgan employees who now work at the US Treasury Department. Oh, and it was recently revealed that Janet Yellen has personal conversations with Jamie Dimon who just happens to be the head of JP Morgan.

You see how this is all working together…the federal government is working with the Federal Reserve and major banking players to destroy the banking industry to restructure it. Restructure the way that will coincide with the ‘great reset’. Banks have failed, are failing, and the entire banking sector will collapse.

Let me tie job loss with banking crisis…inflation is the tie here. Jobs are being lost right now due to inflation slowing down the economy. Banks are failing due to the same reason…inflation.

And here are the dots connected…

  • Why are job losses so bad right now? Inflation.
  • Why are banks failing right now at an historic rate? Inflation.
  • Who is causing inflation? The Federal Reserve is intentionally causing inflation at the direction of the US government.
  • Who is the Federal Reserve? A group of private US banks.
  • Who is the largest bank in the US? JPMorgan Chase.
  • Who are the largest banks in the world? Top 4 are Chinese banks, #5 is JPMorgan Chase.
  • Who has the Biden family on its payroll for decades? China.
  • Who does the Biden Administration use as their consultant for bank recuses. JPMorgan Chase.
  • Who is the #1 bank ‘rescuing’ defaulting banks? JPMorgan Chase.

Surprisingly this is not the biggest threat to America, although it is the most immediate danger facing Americans at the moment. So the #1 danger?

Artificial Intelligence –

Back in 2019 I began telling you about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its dangers to America specifically, humans in general. That same year I also explained the dangers of DeepFake technology…and DeepFake is powered by AI.

I don’t want to go into all of the details of AI again but let it suffice that there is an AI project where ‘it’ is learning on its own…teaching itself. It is called “Gollum”. In a matter of a couple of years it went from the equivalent of a preschooler to having taught itself -learned on its own- research level chemistry. When the project managers asked Gollum why it learned that…it wouldn’t explain the ‘why’ to them. It also went on to consume all text on the Internet and then decided, on its own, to absorb Internet based videos as well.

AI technology is expected to replace some 80% of all jobs that currently exist. And only 10% of the jobs lost will result in the people finding new jobs. Going back to the current massive job loss and its effects on the economy…how do you think the AI induced job loss factors in to all of this?

On the dark side…the technology exists right now that political campaigns can create custom, person-specific ads for their candidate. Meaning…based on who you are -meaning you– political campaign ads will be made for and directed to you as an individual. Do you think those ads will be 100% accurate let alone truthful? Oh, and how do they know how to create that custom ad? Simple…AI scans the entire Internet for you…and any electronic communication of yours…analyzes it to create that ad content. Nice huh?

And then the real evil stuff…the military and the CIA can do the same. Let me explain…they have all your electronic information from everything you have every done that has ever gone through the Internet, etc. Yes, it is all collected and stored by the NSA, including ALL banking transactions. AI can take all of that information and create a perfect profile of who you are…a perfect profile of who you are.

What then?

Let’s say you believe and have an opinion on something…say, the Federal Reserve…and your opinion is “A”. Well, the government doesn’t like your opinion…they want it to be “X”. So they fire up the good old computer, kick in the AI, and in less than a minute it has acquired and analyzed every Internet search, all your emails, all your purchases, and everything else about you that is stored electronically…including such forbidden records as IRS tax records and ATF info. Then it also designs a complete plan to change your opinion to from “A” to “X” just they way they want you to believe.

Then AI starts feeding you news stories, articles from experts, sends you emails from ‘friends’, suggests websites through your social media accounts, etc. They can also tell how lonely you are. Meaning, they can create DeepFake people who become your new online friends…including a girl/boy friend. Over time, since you have been inundated with all this designer information, you have slowly changed your opinion and you now believe “X”. Mission accomplished!

Here is the scary kicker…they can do that simultaneously to 100,000,000 people! Yup, the latest version of AI can do just that. Then next generation of AI is even more sophisticated and even faster and can affect even more people at the same time.

Notice my use of the word “lonely” in the process above? There is a specific reason for that…it is proven research that people are suffering more and more from loneliness…and it is getting exponentially worse with each passing day. And that is why AI will use that mental condition of loneliness against people.

Multiple research projects have pointed to the single biggest contributor to loneliness…social media. The more a person uses social media and for a longer the period of time they have used it, the more lonely they are. And that is statistically proven. Social media isolates people…and that in-turn makes them lonely on the macro level.

Are there physical side-effects to loneliness? Yes sir! People who suffer from loneliness have their health impacted equivalent to smoking 12 cigarettes a day.

Whistle Blowers –

We now have credible whistle blowers with facts/evidence that have proven:

  • The IRS is weaponized and has covered up the Biden family criminal activity.
  • The FBI is completely corrupted at every level.
  • The CIA is completely corrupted at every level…even hiding the fact that the 9/11 hijackers were being recruited by the CIA prior to 9/11.
  • The DOJ has been covering up Hunter Biden criminal activity and ‘slow walking’ any attempt at investigating him.
  • The FBI, CIA, and DOJ were behind the Steele Dossier and the subsequent cover-up letter.
  • US intelligent services colluded with social media and tech companies to influence the 2022 and 2020 elections.
  • Joe Biden and family are and have been on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party.

And the list goes on and on.

I listened to more Congressional testimony of Biden Administration officials over the last 2 weeks…to say it was disgusting would be a vast understatement. These officials outright lie to Congress…and it is proven that they have in-fact lied! And nothing, nothing is ever done…and won’t be.

Here is one for you that should make you vomit…remember Jeffery Epstein? The guy that lined up hundreds and hundreds of women…and underage girls/boys…for the “A-List” people in business, tech, and political circles? Well, very recently a whistle-blower with a Top Secret clearance through the military and a Top Secret clearance through the CIA…yes, a former CIA operative who is also a former Special Ops soldier was asked a question. The question was simple…was Epstein running an operation for US intelligence services? His response was stunning! He replied that he had access to that information, he had seen the files and the intelligence…pause…Epstein was running a “honey pot” operation for US intelligence services.

Does that help bring clarity to not just that whole Epstein thing…but shows you who the US government, specifically the US intelligence agencies, are and what they do?

And did you pick up the point that the 9/11 hijackers were known to the CIA and an operation was being conducted to recruit them into being an asset for the CIA? That is bad enough…but did you miss the point that the CIA was conducting an operation on US soil??? Yeah, that is specifically against the law…with no exceptions.

It is factually and unequivocal to say that the US Federal government is no longer a Constitutional Republic form of government. At best it is a deepstate…but in my opinion, it is now a totalitarian regime working directly against the Constitution and against the best interest of common US citizens to deny them God-given rights, liberties, and freedoms. We have been betrayed plain and simple.

Free Will –

Before I get into the meat of this let me share two items of interest…

  1. Notice how the government and media went after whistle-blower Jack Teixeira. They published a very unflattering picture of him. Then described him as some ‘gamer’ loser. Then he was a disgruntled nobody low-level military service member. At the same time he was also labeled a traitor. But did you also notice…not a single media company dove into the secrets themselves that he revealed. The secrets that once again showed our federal government, and specifically the intelligence services, to be absolutely despicable and untrustworthy. He provided factual information that showed the federal government lying to us about everything…especially concerning the Russia/Ukraine War. So, can you trust anything the federal government does or says? And why did all the media outlets ignore the crimes of the federal government and focus exclusively on destroying Teixeira?
  1. Now, Tucker Carlson. First off, let’s agree that no one is perfect…ok? Back to Carlson…he was fired by Fox. Then what did the media immediately start doing? Tucker was labeled a:
    • Racist
    • Christian Nationalist
    • White Supremacist
    • A horrible person who actually used swear words.

Notice how they attacked him, discredited him, demonized him, and trying to do everything they can to keep him out of a return to the media. The same media and social media companies that also worked directly with, sometimes for, the US federal government. Why do you think that is? Why do you think they are working so hard to prevent Carlson from returning to the spotlight? And are they trying to destroy him personally…and thus destroy his messages past and present?

Even the Pentagon came out and said the world would be better without Carlson.

Let’s tie some things together…

  1. The economy is tanking, inflation is rising, recession/depression is right around the corner, if not already here.
  2. Banking is falling apart at a pace not seen in generations.
  3. A single bank, JPMorgan, is becoming quickly becoming the only major player left in the banking world.
  4. Jobs are disappearing and its getting worse.
  5. AI will replace HUGE % of jobs/workforce in the coming few years.
  6. People are feeling increasingly lonely, and that is accelerating at an exponential pace.
  7. Nothing the federal government says or does anymore can be trusted.
  8. The US government has the AI capability to attack 100million people simultaneously to modify their opinions to suit government purposes. And they will use loneliness as a weapon against people.
  9. Gollum, an AI project, runs independent from people, learns on its own, and keeps secrets from humans associated with it.
  10. When asked if AI can/will make humans extinct…1/2 of all AI researchers said ‘yes’ without hesitation.

So with all the influence and deception of AI…do we still have free will? Are they trying to change even that?

Insanity, Chaos, Anarchy –

I have intentionally not mentioned the insanity that you are seeing every single day in American streets. Mass shootings, horrible murders, unspeakable crimes against children, and then more mass shootings. I am not referencing these issues because they are a diversion, a distraction. As horrible and insane as it is…it is meant to distract us from the real problems. But, it also adds to what I have been telling you about…the public crying for a solution…begging for a political savior…restoration of law & order. And then steps in the white knight to solve all our problems. And then the real problems begin…the real hell on earth.

So here is the biggest threat to us –

  1. In the short-term it is the economic situation…to the extent of collapse. Let’s call it the #2 threat just to keep it sorted out.
  2. Then the #1 threat, the mid-term threat…AI. There is no possible way any future election will be honest, fair, or legitimate. People will be swayed by fake everything for their votes. This will be conducted by the federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies in conjunction with big tech and media sources. It will all be fraudulent…and criminal.

Yeah, you are asking right about now what is the long-term threat to the US. There is no long-term threat to the US…because there is no long-term for the US.

Yes, you read that right! Within 2 years when AI is being more fully used by those in power and the federal law enforcement and intelligence services are in full-on “thug” mode…all hope for a “long-term”, when viewing the US, will have evaporated.

I am saying clearly that the situation is that bad! I am saying it clearly and without reservation or qualification…not a single bit of hedging on my part. Of course I have no crystal ball when it comes to timing…so I may be off on the timing, but I don’t believe I am, not a bit.

What to do –

First off you must know about and understand “Normalcy Bias” and how it affects people. Then throw it off entirely.

Next, get your principles in order. I’ve talked about that is great detail over the last few years, so go read about it if you are unclear.

It is especially critical to establish ‘red lines’ and then decide what you are willing to do to stand by those red lines…how committed are you to those precious principles?

Then understand you will make no difference at all on the national level. You don’t have that kind of power…period! There is no national political ‘white knight’ going to be coming in on a white horse to save us. That is 100% impossible.

And then understand there is no stopping this train wreck that is occurring, it has gone to far and there is too much power behind it. As long as there are US government intelligence agencies (CIA, NSA, DNI, etc.), federal law enforcement agencies (FBI, ATF, DEA, etc.), and a standing army there is absolutely no stopping this fundamental transformation of America.

Now, here is what you can do to make a huge difference…

  1. Be a 100% Constitutionalist…without exception, without qualification, without question.
  2. Throw off ALL political party affiliation. When you vote, vote for the person that most closely matches your beliefs and principles…and who doesn’t cross any of your red lines.
  3. Get past mourning for the loss of the US. The US, as we know it, is lost…it is gone…get over it. You can not take the steps you need to if your mind is still screwed up mourning the loss of the US.
  4. Educate yourself on what true freedom and liberty is. A great way to do that is to study the Founding Fathers in the run-up to and during the American Revolution.
  5. Work with your family to teach them these important principles.
  6. Once the family is safely taken care of, then expand your efforts to your neighbors, your community, your congregation, and others who you could have influence with…or at least with whom may listen to you.

Once all of that is handled, or actually in parallel with, do your material prepping. You can use my checkoff sheets if you like, they may help you think through your physical preparations. Only you know what you must do…and when.

Two final issues I want to bring up; 1) urgency, 2) discernment.

Figure out how much time you have left to get things done…then get it done! My wife and I have had multiple conversations in the last several months about what is coming and how soon. We came up with a list of critical things we had to do here at the glamstead. Originally the list was to be done by the end of the year. Yeah, that changed in April. We moved everything up to be completed, as much as possible, by 4th of July…at the latest.

I have no idea what you should do personally for your family…what should be on your list. Only you can make that decision. But whatever it is on that list…have a sense of urgency on how quickly you get it done. For us, we had a few dollars sitting in an IRA and we weren’t thrilled about its status. We decided that we would take some of that money and move up the time-frame on getting things accomplished on our list. We knew it was money better spent on our list than simply sitting in an IRA.

I am not saying you should do that…but it was the right thing for us to do. We gain clarity and part of that was a sense of urgency.

To close out the ‘urgency’ issue…think about this…if it all collapsed by Friday, what condition would you and your family be in. What could/should you do this week to prepare to soften that Friday blow? Get moving on those things you know you should be doing!

Now let’s talk “discernment” for just a bit. In the old says you would hear things like, “Seeing is believing!” or “If I can’t see it I don’t believe it.” Those days are dead and gone. With AI and its twisted child DeepFake, you can no longer trust even those things that you see. With ChatGPT and other AI technology you can’t trust anything you read on any technology platform. With the AI capability of US intelligence agencies you can’t even trust that a person you are talking to online is even a person! We are now in a world where reality is rapidly disappearing…being replaced by a carefully crafted environment of manipulation by tech companies and the media under the direction of the US government who is controlled by elites.

That being said I want to share with you something that the leader of the church I belong to said not that long ago. He said that without the gift of the Holy Ghost we would not be able to survive what’s coming. I remember at the time thinking “of course!” But I was thinking only in the conventional sense of the cautioning. Now I believe I see more of what he was referring to.

Since we can no longer trust what we see and hear to be truth, how then can we know what is true and what to do about it? As a believer in Jesus Christ I know I can trust Him and our Heavenly Father. And Jesus said he would send us a Comforter…and that is the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost can, and does, bear witness to what is true. That is his job, and he does it without fail or fault. The Holy Ghost can lead us to truth and prevent us from being deceived by wickedness and evil the world will throw at us. The key is to listen. Will you?

There is so much more I would like to share, more that I have to say…but I am already well over 4,000 words and I am sure your eyes have glazed over by now. But I do have one more word of caution…big cities. I am taking any city/town that has a population of greater than 50,000. If you live in a place like that…move…if you can. At the very least have a solid plan to bugout to a place of safety. Somewhere where the people think about and believe in freedoms, rights, and liberties. Some place where you feel can withstand the terrible coming storm. Someplace small where you can have influence and an all-oppressive government will have less power.

In the coming days, as the country continues collapses then transitions, big cities will be the most adversely affected and controlled. Those places will see the most chaos, confusion, crime, death, and evil. We are already seeing big cities fall into the depths of evil in every aspect. Either get out now…or be ready to bugout when you have to. Hopefully it won’t be too late by that time.

I can not stress enough to you how dangerous those places are now…and you probably have no idea just how bad it will get. Don’t subject your family to that…they deserve better.

My friends…the war is underway, evil is winning, evil will continue to win for a long time to come, and many good people and their families will suffer. Please don’t let your families be one of those that suffer unspeakable horrors.

I close with this thought…

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Now imagine our Founding Fathers sitting in a room today and they are considering where our federal government is presently in their actions towards US citizens…and even towards the world. What would our Founding Fathers think? What would our Founding Fathers do?



Matthew 10: 28



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Something to think about…

So, I’ve been really watching the markets and the economy lately. Something is up, something is wrong, something weird is happening. Yes, I know…I’ve talking/writing about this for a very long time…I understand. In the past I have been very clear in what I saw and what I thought about it…I am not shy about sharing my opinion as you know. This is different…very different. Something is going on, the up-front and obvious stuff to be sure, but I am getting a sense on something happening in the background that I can’t quite put my finger on. Kinda like I can see something lurking in the shadows but can’t quite make out the shape or details.

That being the case, I thought I would share the following in a graphic format that might help both of us get a clue of what it might be. Please feel free to share your thoughts, opinions, ideas, or questions.

Americans are struggling to pay bills, they have burned through a lot of existing savings, and are now using credit cards to pay bills, and personal savings rate is at historic lows for the average American.

US corporations have taken on a historic amount of debt, some of that debt has already driven companies out of business. Never in the history of the world has a country owed as much money as the United States. Based on the $31trilllion dollar figure…it is mathematically impossible to pay off that amount of debt…even if they intended to. And then there is an additional approximately $300trillion of unfunded liabilities lurking in the country’s future as well.

For the most part irresponsibility has caused the average citizen savings to plummet, the personal credit card debt to skyrocket, and corporate debt to hit historic highs. Simply put…people making poor, very poor, financial decisions.

And added to the poor decision making is the record setting inflation brought on by the government since Joe Biden took office. Oh, and the dramatic increase in energy costs that has helped push every single item that people buy go up exponentially in cost.

And sadly…both inflation and energy increases have been intentional. Yup, intentional…as in the government, at least on the surface, purposely created an environment where the prices went up…and the average person’s income nosedived. Yes, you are perfectly within your right to ask why they would do such a thing.

But to me, I am asking myself, trying to figure out, exactly what comes next. I think there are three basic choices…all of which I think have an equal chance of occurring…

Whatever happens…are you preparing for it?

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Time to write about crypto-currency!

stuff that makes AH Trimble's head explodeI will be blunt, honest, and probably insulting…and no doubt rude in this article. I am going to approach this from two angles, crypto-currency as 1) a personal investment, 2) a preparedness item. I will use “Bitcoin” as the example of choice. Yes, that means there are more, but not for this article…too many to list and all basically the same. I will use facts, historical charts, experience, and common sense. If you don’t like any of the above…then don’t read the article!!!

Personal Investment –

Let’s look at the historical price chart of Bitcoin to gain the big picture…

As we look at it we see that from 8/22/2014 – 7/17/2017 it went from $400 – $2,730…a 582% gain, almost 90% annualized gain. VERY good indeed!!  Especially considering the consistent trading volume. But that was only the start. From mid-July 2017 to mid-December of that year it jumped another 600%!!! Sweet, to say the least. So, had you purchased a single Bitcoin in August 2014 for $400 you would be looking at that account value being just about $20,000…in 3-1/2 years. Hey, does it get any better than that?

Before I go too far…do you remember the old saying, “If it is too good to be true, it usually is”?

Another example: You were cautious of Bitcoin until December 2017, but you liked what you saw in its historical performance…and you bought a single Bitcoin in December 2017 for $20,000. You are going to strike it rich!!!  In the spring of 2019 you decided to buy a new house with the Bitcoin profits…paying cash for a house. So you sell off your single Bitcoin…for $3,673. Oh my! A 82% loss…YUCK!

So let’s spin the wheel again: You decide to not sell your Bitcoin and not buy a new house in 2019…you hang on to it. In the spring of 2021 you decide to review what your Bitcoin is worth…over $60,000! That is really nice…and now you are thinking a mansion vs just a puny new house. You decide to wait on the mansion for awhile and being smart, you buy another Bitcoin to take advantage of a no-lose investment. Now you are the proud owner of two Bitcoins worth $120,000…you are a sure winner in this crypto-lottery. Now it is the end of 2021 and you need money for a serious issue in the family…you sell your Bitcoins…and pocket $98,400. Yes, a loss of over $20,000 in just 8 months. Oooopppppsssss!

Not an issue you say to yourself…I only had invested $60,400 total and got back $98,400. That is still a net gain of $38,400. Not too shabby…63% gain over 7+years. You are very, very proud of yourself…that is 6.92% annual return on your total investment spanning 7+ years!!!

Silly me…My S&P 500 index mutual fund investment only yielded 14.9% annual return during that same period of time.

Now, granted that original Bitcoin that you paid $400 went to $48,200…and that is nothing to sneeze at. And hopefully you are very lucky! Because if you aren’t so lucky your Bitcoin was stolen along with the over 4,000,000 other Bitcoins that have been stolen since the beginning…12 years. That is $192,800,000,000…yup, as of today that is 192 billion dollars’ worth of Bitcoin stolen. That’s $16billion per year on average. Oh, and FYI…an additional 20% of all Bitcoins have been lost by their owner’s and are not recoverable according to a 2019 research article. And then again…in 2020 the Federal Government seized $1,000,000,000,000 (1 billion dollars) of Bitcoins from Silk Road, a website that used Bitcoin in their currency wallet. And no, the Feds have no interest or intent to find the actual owners of the Bitcoins.

So if your Bitcoins weren’t stolen, or you didn’t lose them, or the Feds didn’t seized them…you are in great shape. Notice the operative word “if”!

And no problems…there are always more Bitcoins to buy, right! And Bitcoins are a wonderful investment because they have fantastic intrinsic value. Bitcoins are made through mining…the process of creating new bitcoin is by solving a computational puzzle via computer(s). Yup, computers create Bitcoins out of thin air! Oh, and there is no licensing for Bitcoin miners…and no regulations, no oversight, no tracking, no nothing for Bitcoin miners or how they go about their mining.

And now let me introduce you to a couple of very successful Bitcoin miners, just to instill confidence in you of course…

They are Aanya and her brother Ishaan, 9 years old and 14 years old respectively. They are making in excess of $30,000 per month “mining” Bitcoin and two other cryptocurrencies. So that should lead you to the question of…What value does Bitcoin actually have?

There are two ways to determine Bitcoin’s value; 1) intrinsic value, 2) market value.

Intrinsic value means the value the item has in and of itself, or as its own property. Silver for instance has intrinsic value because it can be made into a wide range of marketable items. Silver is used for jewelry, electrical and electronics parts, solar panels, aircraft parts, medicine, tableware, water purification, and monetary coins…just to name some.

Market value is what other people are willing to pay for the item you have, the value is strictly determined by the other person’s willingness to purchase what you have. Real estate is a good example of an item that has “market value”. A person who wishes to purchase your home is willing to offer a certain amount of money…hence, that is what your home is worth on the open market. But, a home has additional capacity to have intrinsic value as well. The wood, block, copper, appliances, trim, flooring, etc. also have intrinsic value.

Now, back to the question… What value does Bitcoin actually have?

Bitcoin has absolutely no intrinsic value at all, none whatsoever. There is ZERO intrinsic value in Bitcoin because there is no physical property, real value, that represents Bitcoin. However, Bitcoin has market value…but that is all that it has. Bitcoin is only worth what someone else is willing to pay you for it. If no one is willing to pay you for your $20,000 purchase price Bitcoin…then it is worth nothing. If they want to pay you $100 for that $20,000 Bitcoin then that is exactly what it is worth and nothing more. Market value is strictly determined by other people.

So let’s look at that for a minute in a little more detail…the old “how much someone is willing to pay you” thing…

Reviewing the historic price chart of Bitcoin you can see a whole lot of times that Bitcoin’s price dropped 50% – 60% of its value. Those and other drastic drops occurred on a regular basis…nice, right? So you can see that under normal market conditions the price people are willing to pay for Bitcoin varies dramatically with huge loses often occurring. So for me…that doesn’t sound like a good personal investment option for my wife and me. Just saying…

Oh, and one more thing…Bitcoin’s history…Bitcoin only been around since 2009. That’s only 12 years of history! Yeah, about the average age of the Bitcoin miners mentioned above. So, tell me…how much faith would you put in a 12 year old to handle your money correctly?

Preparedness Item –

Putting Bitcoin into perspective as a preparedness item requires us to look at its value in relationship to the three basic events to prepare for; 1) emergencies, 2) disasters, & 3) grid-down. To be Surviving Any Disaster - even TEOTWAWKIconsidered a preparedness item worth stocking up on Bitcoin must prove itself to be of value during all three of the above event types.

To be clear, Bitcoin must:

  1. Be widely accepted for goods & services during those events.
  2. Be readily accessible.
  3. Be easily transportable.
  4. Be easy to set a value to for bartering and payments.
  5. Preferably be non-traceable.

To determine the preparedness value of Bitcoin compared to those five requirements.

  1. Be widely accepted for goods & services during those events – Bitcoin is not even widely accepted as payment for goods and services under normal social conditions. Currently Bitcoin has extremely limited ability to pay for anything day-to-day. There is no indication under any emergency conditions where it would be any more widely accepted than it is now. Actually, the exact opposite is true…every indication is that under any emergency situation Bitcoin would be virtually unacceptable as payment to any person or company.
  2. Be readily accessible – Bitcoin is only accessible via computer and through the Internet via service providers. During a grid-down event, and most other events, it is widely agreed upon that there will be no Internet and no service providers. And depending on the event itself (i.e. EMP, solar flare, etc.) there may be no functioning computers either. Although a note must be made here that 20% of users, under normal conditions, cannot access their Bitcoins at all, lost forever. And since there have been hundreds of millions of dollars in Bitcoins stolen and over a billion dollar of Bitcoins seized by the US government, there is ZERO guarantee that a person’s Bitcoins would even be there to begin with, let along accessible, in any foreseeable emergency.
  3. Be easily transportable – Bitcoin is easily transported when electronics and the Internet are available and accessible. However, those Bitcoins may not be easily transferable to another person during an emergency due to computer failure, inaccessible Internet, etc.
  4. Be easy to set a value to for bartering and payments – Since there is NO intrinsic value to Bitcoins there is no way to establish a baseline value to them. And since their value is only based on what someone is willing to pay, there is NO way to anticipate that Bitcoin would be of any value at all during anything other than normal times. Bitcoin’s difficulty in transporting and accessing could negate them having any value at all under any emergency circumstances.
  5. Preferably be non-traceable – Bitcoin is transferred via the Internet through service providers. Hackers have fairly regularly stolen Bitcoins, therefore hackers have traced them. The US government has seized them, therefore the government has traced them. Bitcoin is electronically mined and added into the system, therefore there is a traceable path for all created Bitcoins. All transactions have an electronic pathway, therefore all transactions are traceable. All that being said…Bitcoins are 100% traceable by the wrong types of folks.

The way I see it Bitcoin has no value whatsoever when it comes to emergency preparedness…NONE! And that is especially true when compared to precious metals. If you remember I have written extensively concerning precious metals and their place in emergency preparedness.

However, when compared with other preparedness items such as food storage, water purification capability, medical supplies, and defensive means…then Bitcoin really and truly has no value at all in any way, shape or form. Bitcoin (and ALL other crypto-currencies) are worthless in terms of emergency preparedness and have NO place in this arena…PERIOD!!

Summary –

I hope I’ve made myself perfectly clear in this matter of Bitcoin…or any other crypto-currency. If not, let me try this one more time…

1) As a personal investment I can’t imagine a more speculative, volatile, and dangerous way to go. Yes, you could make a whole lot of money…as in a pyramid scheme, but your chances of it losing value, having it stolen, having it confiscated by a government, losing access to your wallet, losing access to it via the Internet, or having it hacked makes it just plain stupid. Then there is the whole fact that it has absolutely NO value of its own…nothing, ZERO, zip, ZILCH, nada…ensures that it is worthless in the long term as an investment. If I had ALL my preps done for a 7 year period, had a fully funded 401k and/or IRA, had a year’s supply of cash for expenses, had ALL my debt paid off, and nothing else to do…with a mindset to lose every cent that I put into Bitcoin…then I would do it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole…wait, make that a 10 mile pole.

You want to read something interesting…read about the “The Dutch tulip bubble of 1637” and then ponder that at least tulip bulbs can grow flowers and can be held in your hand. That is FAR more than Bitcoin can claim.

2) As an emergency preparedness item I can’t, in my wildest imagination, on my worst day, in the throes of stupidity, see Bitcoin or any other crypto-currency as having any value at all. I also couldn’t fathom why anyone for any reason would have crypto-currency as part of an emergency plan of any kind. When it comes to emergency preparedness, Bitcoin is utter fantasy!

So there…now you have absolute clarity on my crypto-currency opinion. An opinion based on facts and 45 years of emergency preparedness experience, more than 30 years of that being professional real-life experience with emergencies and disasters.

And here is a great endorsement for Bitcoin and crypto-currency. If you believe in this guy, if you trust this guy, and you think he has all the answers…then believe him by all means!

FWIW…what easier way for an authoritarian government to control the entire economic system of any country or the world???? Controlled via something 100% controllable by the same governments…the Internet. And what is virtually 100% dependent on the Internet? Crypto-currency! Good luck with that…you’re going to need it.



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Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It

note: This is a reprint of another author’s article. It is extremely informative. I believe it is a must read for you if you have any desire to combat Marxism, Socialism, racism, and the continued overthrow of the United States of America.

Christopher F. Rufo
Founder and Director, Battlefront

Christopher F. Rufo is founder and director of Battlefront, a public policy research center. He is a graduate of Georgetown University and a former Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy. As executive director at the Documentary Foundation, he has directed four films for PBS, including most recently America Lost, which explores life in Youngstown, Ohio, Memphis, Tennessee, and Stockton, California. He is also a contributing editor of City Journal, where he covers topics including critical race theory, homelessness, addiction, and crime.

Critical race theory is fast becoming America’s new institutional orthodoxy. Yet most Americans have never heard of it—and of those who have, many don’t understand it. It’s time for this to change. We need to know what it is so we can know how to fight it.

In explaining critical race theory, it helps to begin with a brief history of Marxism. Originally, the Marxist Left built its political program on the theory of class conflict. Marx believed that the primary characteristic of industrial societies was the imbalance of power between capitalists and workers. The solution to that imbalance, according to Marx, was revolution: the workers would eventually gain consciousness of their plight, seize the means of production, overthrow the capitalist class, and usher in a new socialist society.

During the 20th century, a number of regimes underwent Marxist-style revolutions, and each ended in disaster. Socialist governments in the Soviet Union, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and elsewhere racked up a body count of nearly 100 million of their own people. They are remembered for their gulags, show trials, executions, and mass starvations. In practice, Marx’s ideas unleashed man’s darkest brutalities.

By the mid-1960s, Marxist intellectuals in the West had begun to acknowledge these failures. They recoiled at revelations of Soviet atrocities and came to realize that workers’ revolutions would never occur in Western Europe or the United States, where there were large middle classes and rapidly improving standards of living. Americans in particular had never developed a sense of class consciousness or class division. Most Americans believed in the American dream—the idea that they could transcend their origins through education, hard work, and good citizenship.

But rather than abandon their Leftist political project, Marxist scholars in the West simply adapted their revolutionary theory to the social and racial unrest of the 1960s. Abandoning Marx’s economic dialectic of capitalists and workers, they substituted race for class and sought to create a revolutionary coalition of the dispossessed based on racial and ethnic categories.

Fortunately, the early proponents of this revolutionary coalition in the U.S. lost out in the 1960s to the civil rights movement, which sought instead the fulfillment of the American promise of freedom and equality under the law. Americans preferred the idea of improving their country to that of overthrowing it. The vision of Martin Luther King, Jr., President Johnson’s pursuit of the Great Society, and the restoration of law and order promised by President Nixon in his 1968 campaign defined the post-1960s American political consensus.

But the radical Left has proved resilient and enduring—which is where critical race theory comes in.


Critical race theory is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s, built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism. Relegated for many years to universities and obscure academic journals, over the past decade it has increasingly become the default ideology in our public institutions. It has been injected into government agencies, public school systems, teacher training programs, and corporate human resources departments in the form of diversity training programs, human resources modules, public policy frameworks, and school curricula.

There are a series of euphemisms deployed by its supporters to describe critical race theory, including “equity,” “social justice,” “diversity and inclusion,” and “culturally responsive teaching.” Critical race theorists, masters of language construction, realize that “neo-Marxism” would be a hard sell. Equity, on the other hand, sounds non-threatening and is easily confused with the American principle of equality. But the distinction is vast and important. Indeed, equality—the principle proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, defended in the Civil War, and codified into law with the 14th and 15th Amendments, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965—is explicitly rejected by critical race theorists. To them, equality represents “mere nondiscrimination” and provides “camouflage” for white supremacy, patriarchy, and oppression.

In contrast to equality, equity as defined and promoted by critical race theorists is little more than reformulated Marxism. In the name of equity, UCLA Law Professor and critical race theorist Cheryl Harris has proposed suspending private property rights, seizing land and wealth and redistributing them along racial lines. Critical race guru Ibram X. Kendi, who directs the Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University, has proposed the creation of a federal Department of Antiracism. This department would be independent of (i.e., unaccountable to) the elected branches of government, and would have the power to nullify, veto, or abolish any law at any level of government and curtail the speech of political leaders and others who are deemed insufficiently “antiracist.”

One practical result of the creation of such a department would be the overthrow of capitalism, since according to Kendi, “In order to truly be antiracist, you also have to truly be anti-capitalist.” In other words, identity is the means and Marxism is the end.

An equity-based form of government would mean the end not only of private property, but also of individual rights, equality under the law, federalism, and freedom of speech. These would be replaced by race-based redistribution of wealth, group-based rights, active discrimination, and omnipotent bureaucratic authority. Historically, the accusation of “anti-Americanism” has been overused. But in this case, it’s not a matter of interpretation—critical race theory prescribes a revolutionary program that would overturn the principles of the Declaration and destroy the remaining structure of the Constitution.


What does critical race theory look like in practice? Last year, I authored a series of reports focused on critical race theory in the federal government. The FBI was holding workshops on intersectionality theory. The Department of Homeland Security was telling white employees they were committing “microinequities” and had been “socialized into oppressor roles.” The Treasury Department held a training session telling staff members that “virtually all white people contribute to racism” and that they must convert “everyone in the federal government” to the ideology of “antiracism.” And the Sandia National Laboratories, which designs America’s nuclear arsenal, sent white male executives to a three-day reeducation camp, where they were told that “white male culture” was analogous to the “KKK,” “white supremacists,” and “mass killings.” The executives were then forced to renounce their “white male privilege” and write letters of apology to fictitious women and people of color.

This year, I produced another series of reports focused on critical race theory in education. In Cupertino, California, an elementary school forced first-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities, and rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” In Springfield, Missouri, a middle school forced teachers to locate themselves on an “oppression matrix,” based on the idea that straight, white, English-speaking, Christian males are members of the oppressor class and must atone for their privilege and “covert white supremacy.” In Philadelphia, an elementary school forced fifth-graders to celebrate “Black communism” and simulate a Black Power rally to free 1960s radical Angela Davis from prison, where she had once been held on charges of murder. And in Seattle, the school district told white teachers that they are guilty of “spirit murder” against black children and must “bankrupt [their] privilege in acknowledgement of [their] thieved inheritance.”

I’m just one investigative journalist, but I’ve developed a database of more than 1,000 of these stories. When I say that critical race theory is becoming the operating ideology of our public institutions, it is not an exaggeration—from the universities to bureaucracies to k-12 school systems, critical race theory has permeated the collective intelligence and decision-making process of American government, with no sign of slowing down.

This is a revolutionary change. When originally established, these government institutions were presented as neutral, technocratic, and oriented towards broadly-held perceptions of the public good. Today, under the increasing sway of critical race theory and related ideologies, they are being turned against the American people. This isn’t limited to the permanent bureaucracy in Washington, D.C., but is true as well of institutions in the states, even in red states, and it is spreading to county public health departments, small Midwestern school districts, and more. This ideology will not stop until it has devoured all of our institutions.


Thus far, attempts to halt the encroachment of critical race theory have been ineffective. There are a number of reasons for this.

First, too many Americans have developed an acute fear of speaking up about social and political issues, especially those involving race. According to a recent Gallup poll, 77 percent of conservatives are afraid to share their political beliefs publicly. Worried about getting mobbed on social media, fired from their jobs, or worse, they remain quiet, largely ceding the public debate to those pushing these anti-American ideologies. Consequently, the institutions themselves become monocultures: dogmatic, suspicious, and hostile to a diversity of opinion. Conservatives in both the federal government and public school systems have told me that their “equity and inclusion” departments serve as political offices, searching for and stamping out any dissent from the official orthodoxy.

Second, critical race theorists have constructed their argument like a mousetrap. Disagreement with their program becomes irrefutable evidence of a dissenter’s “white fragility,” “unconscious bias,” or “internalized white supremacy.” I’ve seen this projection of false consciousness on their opponents play out dozens of times in my reporting. Diversity trainers will make an outrageous claim—such as “all whites are intrinsically oppressors” or “white teachers are guilty of spirit murdering black children”—and then when confronted with disagreement, they adopt a patronizing tone and explain that participants who feel “defensiveness” or “anger” are reacting out of guilt and shame. Dissenters are instructed to remain silent, “lean into the discomfort,” and accept their “complicity in white supremacy.”

Third, Americans across the political spectrum have failed to separate the premise of critical race theory from its conclusion. Its premise—that American history includes slavery and other injustices, and that we should examine and learn from that history—is undeniable. But its revolutionary conclusion—that America was founded on and defined by racism and that our founding principles, our Constitution, and our way of life should be overthrown—does not rightly, much less necessarily, follow.

Fourth and finally, the writers and activists who have had the courage to speak out against critical race theory have tended to address it on the theoretical level, pointing out the theory’s logical contradictions and dishonest account of history. These criticisms are worthy and good, but they move the debate into the academic realm, which is friendly terrain for proponents of critical race theory. They fail to force defenders of this revolutionary ideology to defend the practical consequences of their ideas in the realm of politics.


No longer simply an academic matter, critical race theory has become a tool of political power. To borrow a phrase from the Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci, it is fast achieving “cultural hegemony” in America’s public institutions. More and more, it is driving the vast machinery of the state and society. If we want to succeed in opposing it, we must address it politically at every level.

Critical race theorists must be confronted with and forced to speak to the facts. Do they support public schools separating first-graders into groups of “oppressors” and “oppressed”? Do they support mandatory curricula teaching that “all white people play a part in perpetuating systemic racism”? Do they support public schools instructing white parents to become “white traitors” and advocate for “white abolition”? Do they want those who work in government to be required to undergo this kind of reeducation? How about managers and workers in corporate America? How about the men and women in our military? How about every one of us?

There are three parts to a successful strategy to defeat the forces of critical race theory: governmental action, grassroots mobilization, and an appeal to principle.

We already see examples of governmental action. Last year, one of my reports led President Trump to issue an executive order banning critical race theory-based training programs in the federal government. President Biden rescinded this order on his first day in office, but it provides a model for governors and municipal leaders to follow. This year, several state legislatures have introduced bills to achieve the same goal: preventing public institutions from conducting programs that stereotype, scapegoat, or demean people on the basis of race. And I have organized a coalition of attorneys to file lawsuits against schools and government agencies that impose critical race theory-based programs on grounds of the First Amendment (which protects citizens from compelled speech), the Fourteenth Amendment (which provides equal protection under the law), and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which prohibits public institutions from discriminating on the basis of race).

On the grassroots level, a multiracial and bipartisan coalition is emerging to do battle against critical race theory. Parents are mobilizing against racially divisive curricula in public schools and employees are increasingly speaking out against Orwellian reeducation in the workplace. When they see what is happening, Americans are naturally outraged that critical race theory promotes three ideas—race essentialism, collective guilt, and neo-segregation—which violate the basic principles of equality and justice. Anecdotally, many Chinese-Americans have told me that having survived the Cultural Revolution in their former country, they refuse to let the same thing happen here. 

In terms of principles, we need to employ our own moral language rather than allow ourselves to be confined by the categories of critical race theory. For example, we often find ourselves debating “diversity.” Diversity as most of us understand it is generally good, all things being equal, but it is of secondary value. We should be talking about and aiming at excellence, a common standard that challenges people of all backgrounds to achieve their potential. On the scale of desirable ends, excellence beats diversity every time.

Similarly, in addition to pointing out the dishonesty of the historical narrative on which critical race theory is predicated, we must promote the true story of America—a story that is honest about injustices in American history, but that places them in the context of our nation’s high ideals and the progress we have made towards realizing them. Genuine American history is rich with stories of achievements and sacrifices that will move the hearts of Americans—in stark contrast to the grim and pessimistic narrative pressed by critical race theorists.

Above all, we must have courage—the fundamental virtue required in our time. Courage to stand and speak the truth. Courage to withstand epithets. Courage to face the mob. Courage to shrug off the scorn of the elites. When enough of us overcome the fear that currently prevents so many from speaking out, the hold of critical race theory will begin to slip. And courage begets courage. It’s easy to stop a lone dissenter; it’s much harder to stop 10, 20, 100, 1,000, 1,000,000, or more who stand up together for the principles of America.

Truth and justice are on our side. If we can muster the courage, we will win.



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