The Wars: Chapter 9

This is the ninth installment of my short story “The Wars”. If you haven’t already read Chapters 1 – 8 you can

< click here to read Chapter 1 >

< click here to read Chapter 2 >

< click here to read Chapter 3 >

< click here to read Chapter 4 >

< click here to read Chapter 5 >

< click here to read Chapter 6 >

< click here to read Chapter 7 >

< click here to read Chapter 8 >

Please read the Chapter 1 intro to understand a little more of this story.

Also, there is a disclaimer that you can read there as well.

[Dad, you’ve been around almost 100 years; a whole century almost. When did you first notice that it was going to fall apart? Or when were you convinced it was going to fall apart? I want to hear from your personal perspective.]

Dang! You make me sound old. Oh, I am old. But you didn’t have to remind me.

I think we already talked about some of the things that went on. But if you want my spin on it, you won’t find it in any history books. I gotta tell you though, it is a weird and sad trip the USA took. Really sad…and totally avoidable…I think. Maybe not.

There are so many events that could be pointed to as the turning point. But truth be told, it was the culmination of years worth of little events. Yeah, there were some big ones along the way, and they were way more frequent towards the end. But those big ones wouldn’t have been possible except for the little ones. I will just stick to the ones that I lived through, maybe going backwards. No, let me start way, way back.

I was born in the mid-1950’s, less than a decade after the end of WW2. My parents met during the war. I really can’t remember much back then as far as current events is concerned. But I remember when JFK was assassinated in 1963. I was only 8 at the time, 3rd grade, maybe 2nd. I don’t remember it all but I remember the emotion. He was a Democrat and a Catholic which didn’t sit well with my Dad. But at school it was so weird, kinda spooky for a kid back then. What I didn’t know back then, nobody did, but later it became pretty clear that that the CIA killed him, or had him killed.

It had to do with the Cuba debacle, the Bay of Pigs in 1961. And yes, JFK had called for disbanding the CIA because it was a dangerous and out-of-control agency. Even former President Truman felt the same way and reinforced JFK’s assessment. Research since 1963 has reinforced that the CIA is a force of evil in the world, a real source of evil, maybe unrivaled in the history of the world. Pity we didn’t know it back then, and we let it get completely out of control by 2000.

It was a shock when JFK was killed. And then his brother was assassinated 5 years later, 1968. Oddly enough, RFK was working against organized crime, especially the Mafia. The Mafia was well-known to be partners with the CIA. RFK was on the path to becoming President. He had to be assassinated. And oddly enough again, there is evidence that his assassin was assisted by a woman with ties to the CIA.

Also in 1968 MLK was assassinated. Once again let’s look at the facts. In 1964 the FBI tried to convince, blackmail, MLK to commit suicide. They even have the letter! That FBI scheme didn’t work. The assassin who killed him plead guilty but later recanted his confession explaining in detail how the FBI and CIA made him confess to it. In 1993 a man stepped forward and confessed he was part of the plot to kill MLK. He said it was a combination of the Mafia, the FBI, and the CIA. In 1979 the US Senate concluded the same thing. In 1999 a court trail came to the same conclusion.

But you gotta remember that back then, when it happened, we didn’t know any of that. All we knew was 3 of the most respected and influential people in the USA, hell, the world, had been ruthlessly killed. It rocked the nation to its core. I was 13 when RFK and MLK were killed, it was tough to deal with. Confusing more than anything. Burst our little safety bubble.

And at the same time there were huge protests around the country against the Vietnam War. The country was in two polar opposites; the war mongers and the peaceniks/hippies. It was the ultimate show of patriotism to be in favor of the Vietnam War. Boy did we get that wrong. But again, we didn’t know it at the time. It was all about flag waving, flag saluting, kill the gooks, save America!

And again, it was all a bunch of hooey! The US government and the military-industrial complex were getting rich and powerful off of tens of thousands of US military boys dying halfway around the world. God, we were so stupid and gullible back then. Hell, we still were right through the War on Terror!!

Nixon was a disaster. He brought China into the world as the beginning of a super power. Then he took us off the gold and silver standard. Then he started the whole price control thing. I was in my late teens by then, in the Navy. I had no idea what it meant. Now we know it ushered in the whole fiat currency thing, assuring the fall of the US Empire.

Jimmy Carter was elected after Nixon and was a warm and fuzzy relief to the turmoil of the Nixon years. But little did we know the evil in Carter’s heart. He almost single single-handedly destroyed America. He was a doomsday president and America was headed into destruction because of him. Reagan came next and he turned the economy around but was completely unable to reform the federal government. The deep state was just too strong by that time.

When George H. W. Bush was elected President the CIA finally got their wish…their own CIA agent was sitting in the White House. A “Manchurian Candidate” if there ever was one. The powers-that-be by then were ready to go full throttle on taking over the USA and turning it into a totalitarian state. But they needed a totally and completely corrupted person to be President so he would would have to do completely as he was told. And that gave us Bill Clinton, a morally corrupt and ethically bankrupt man that ever walked the earth.

Clinton waged war against any and all militias. He was responsible for the slaughter at Ruby Ridge where the FBI snipers killed a child and a mother holding an infant. That was in 1992. But that was nothing compared to the Waco Massacre. The FBI burned 78 men, women, and children alive in 1993.

Here is the disgusting, evil, and pathetic part of all of it…they got away with it. Hell, those involved all got promotions and bonuses for it. What it did was laid the groundwork for the FBI and the ATF, to be able to kill at will anyone, anywhere, at any time, for any reason and get away with it. Some of us saw what was happening but by in large the entire country bought into the fed propaganda bullshit hook line and sinker.

And here is the kicker…Clinton had the opportunity to get Osama Bin Laden but passed. And it was Bin Laden, the Muslim terrorist, that organized the 9/11 attacks in 2001. So why do you think ole Clinton passed on killing that prick?

But all of those Presidents paled in comparison to George W. Bush who was elected in 2000. That son-of-a-bitch tipped the US into an authoritarian state.

[Dad, if you, along with everyone else, saw all this happening, why didn’t you guys stop it?]

Hell son, if we had known it all back then maybe we could have. But we couldn’t see it all. We were lucky to see what was right in front of our faces.

Son, we saw bits and pieces of it. Call them ‘dots’ to make it easier to understand. Some people saw some of the dots, other saw other dots, and such. I don’t think anyone saw all of the dots. Why? Because all information was so tightly controlled prior to the Internet.

ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN were the only source of news besides newspapers and magazines. And all of those media sources were owned and controlled by a select few elites. So you only heard what they wanted you to hear. And for the most part they were tied into the federal government. A fascist arrangement if there ever was one.

The feds were a very powerful propaganda machine. Hell, they never told the truth about anything back then. Why? For one, they could lie their tails off and no one would really challenge them on it. Two, they wanted the power, craved the power, lusted after power; and information is power. And lastly, if you went up against them they could crush you whenever they wanted. Remember, we just talked about JFK, RFK, and MLK. Plenty more along with them like Ruby Ridge, Waco, and a long list of others. It was a mess, just a mess.

I will tell you this, once the Internet came along, and cell phone videos, information got out a whole lot more. You can’t lie about too much when there are videos of it out there for everyone to see. But, that even was attacked. It was 2022, maybe 2023, when the old DHS [Department of Homeland Security] started their biggest attack on the First Amendment. The even formed some BS agency within their department to label and remove ‘misinformation’ from all media. They even had a plan to prosecute and imprison anyone who published what they considered misinformation. Problem is, well, they went public with it too soon.

Granted, that whole scheme disappeared from public view after Congressional hearings. But, as we found out pretty quickly, it never was done away with, it just went underground. DHS would just identify people they wanted to silence and either their agents or the FBI would go after the people and silence them…one way or another. And there was always the social media giants that could crush, the term was “cancel”, anyone for any reason…and it was usually because the government old them to.

David, hindsight is always 20/20 and looking back we should have connected the dots. Then we should have stopped them at the ballot box when that was still possible. But we just didn’t see it. Hell, most of us were just trying to work hard, make a paycheck, and raise a family. Yeah, and maybe go hunting and fishing with their son once in a while.

I really think it was too late after Reagan. And it was certainly too late after Clinton. Clinton went after militias and the ‘militant right’ as they called em. Once the FBI, under Clinton, figured out how to massacre all those people at Waco…well, there was nothing holding them back at that point. Think about it, they burned all those men, women, and children alive…flat out murdered them. And they blatantly lied about the whole thing…and not one of those horrific, monstrous FBI criminals paid any price whatsoever for it. Hell, for the rest of their careers they all even got bonuses, raises, and promotions!

The FBI had always been a dark and sinister, almost evil, organization from the very beginning. After Waco they went completely satanic evil…and there was no stopping them. They were the second biggest threat to the US and the Constitution this country ever did see. Yeah, the CIA was #1 threat…clearly.

After Clinton came the snake-in-the-grass Bush. I call him that because he sounded like this good ole boy from Texas. A patriotic conservative, true blue, flag-waving Christian. Yeah, right. He fooled everyone, even me until 2007.

I told you probably 10 times that I met him, him and Schwarzenegger who was the governor of California at the time. We were in California on that big wildfire they had going. We had gone there from Florida with a big wildland fire engine. Bush was coming in to look over the fire damage and they found out we was from Florida. We got put up at the front of the line to shake hands when they did that meet & greet.

He talked to us for a couple of minute, shook our hands, and he even told a joke about his brother Jeb and mother. He was charismatic, engaging, and just made you feel welcome. I learned a lot about politicians from that meeting. Never, ever trust em…ever! None of them!!

Once 9/11 hit, which was before the fire, everyone got patriotic and turned into war-mongers. Everyone, including me, wanted to teach them damn Muslims a lesson. Yeah, they did it alright, no doubt about that. But, it came out later that the FAA, the CIA, and the FBI knew who they were, knew they were in the country illegally, knew they were taking flying lessons, and all of that. And yet, they never lifted a finger to stop them.

There was only one voice of sanity back then…Ron Paul. He was a Congressman from Texas. Man, he was dialed in!! Problem was, few people listened to him. And I was one of those idiots who didn’t listen to him. He was widely demeaned and belittled by the machine. Yeah, the machine being the deep state. They hated him and feared him! He knew who they were and what they were and what they were doing. We should have listened to him.

But back then everyone was waving flags, hugging their Bibles, volunteering for the military, and lusting for war like it was the only worthy things left in life. Oh man, were we wrong!

So I guess it was by the Bush Crash of 2007/08 that sealed the USA’s fate. We were locked into the US Empire falling and crashing like every empire the world had ever seen. In the following 15 years the country racked up debt that could never be repaid and every one of those scum in Washington knew it but always voted it through anyways. It was planed, orchestrated, and beautifully carried out. Till the monkey wrench got thrown into the works.

So yeah, it was a conservative Republican President that really marked the end, or took us to a no turning back point that finally put us on the path of destruction.

[Dad got quiet for a few minutes, real quiet. I felt he was reflecting so I just sat there, waiting.]

You know David, I guess in the long run it was a good thing all that happened. Kinda like the Founding Fathers, we had to see the Devil to know him. Then once we knew him, we could fix it. And that is what brought us to where we are now…a country that is what our Founding Fathers envisioned, not that hell hole that we were back in the 2020’s.

I remember still, clear as a bell, President Washington warning us about a 2-party political system. He said their only quest would be for power NOT for what was best for the country. Damn it! He was right and no one listened to him. The Republicans and Democrats were exactly the same. Both wanted nothing more than power. They both wanted to destroy the country; yup, destroy it right down to ashes. Because each of those damn parties thought they would be the ones left standing to control everything.

Yes sir, its called totalitarianism! And both of those ******* parties wanted the same thing and worked for the same thing! And so many of us idiots were blind to them every step of the way!!! Thank God enough people finally woke up!! It’s sad though to think that so many millions ended up dying in the process. They didn’t need to *** ******!!! Not a single one of them!!!!!

[Okay, Dad. I get it, I was there for a lot of it. You taught me well, you helped me and my family live though it. We not only survived but we thrived. And that is all you. Thank you Dad. Can we go walk through the garden for a bit?]

Sure son, I need that. I don’t feel so good. I got too worked up. This crap always makes me mad. At my age I can afford to do that. And then I get a bad case of potty mouth. Please clean that up a bit when you translate this.

[Dad had tears coming down his cheeks. He gets so upset and frustrated that the country had to fall apart and so many people die when it didn’t have to be that way. Who knows what it might have looked like if Dad and others hadn’t stood up and taken action. I know he blames himself for what happened. I’ve told him a thousand times it was not his fault and he couldn’t have prevented it. But it never helps, he carries guilt. The kind of guilt that I will never know because he will never share it with me, he never talks about it. I think the only person he ever really opened up to was Lisa. Without her he seems lost, like he is just marking time, waiting, waiting for him to go to the other side and be with her. I think it will be then, and only then, he will find true peace. At least I hope so. He needs peace in his life. He needs it real bad.]

<- click here to read Chapter 8

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The Wars: Chapter 8

This is the eighth installment of my short story “The Wars”. If you haven’t already read Chapters 1 – 7 you can

< click here to read Chapter 1 >

< click here to read Chapter 2 >

< click here to read Chapter 3 >

< click here to read Chapter 4 >

< click here to read Chapter 5 >

< click here to read Chapter 6 >

< click here to read Chapter  >

Please read the Chapter 1 intro to understand a little more of this story.

Also, there is a disclaimer that you can read there as well.

Alright, let’s talk about the military. Kinda boring, but a needed conversation according to you.

After all the crap started and the federal government went all Rambo on everybody, well, people just got fed up. At first it was dozens of groups, militia groups, that started taking care of business in their areas, their communities. Restoring law and order, clamping down on criminals, especially the illegal alien gangs that sprouted up everywhere. Within a week it was hundreds, then thousands. People were just sick and tired of crime, illegal aliens, politicians, criminal cops, gangs, and especially the cops who going down the road of martial law and authoritarianism.

So, people got together and formed Committees of Safety, some called themselves Committees of Patriots. But they were basically the same thing. I already talked to you about what happened in our county. People were just sick and tired of not being listened to, not being represented, being taken advantage of, and being at the mercy of government that didn’t give a damn about them and their rights, freedoms, and liberties. So they took action just like our Founding Fathers and Minutemen did.

What does this have to do with the military? Everything! It is all tied together.

Remember how it went on the national level? Three distinct things started to happen from everyday, ordinary people wanting it to be different. People wanted their freedom back, wanted to keep their money in their pocket, and really, really didn’t want to be controlled every minute of their day.

It all began with the First Constitutional Convention. All 50 states were represented with appointed delegates, 2 from each state. Some were elected, some appointed; one state, I don’t remember which, two people just appointed themselves. Odd, no one else from that state ever voiced an objection. Well, at least none that we heard of.

So they get together in Pierre, South Dakota. Yup, BFE South Dakota. Why there? Pierre is the capital of South Dakota for one. But Governor Noem offered it up for them to meet and promised them the protection of the South Dakota State Police, the South Dakota National Guard, and the newly formed South Dakota State Militia. Pierre was actually a great choice, small town and people who didn’t belong there would be noticed, as in federal agents would stand out in the crowd.

That meeting actually went really well, fantastic really. They had a few goals; 1) Decide what exactly to do about everything, 2) form a Continental Congress for a standing body to act on behalf of the new patriot movement. The Continental Congress would be located in Pierre for now; and again, protected by the state. The other thing they did was formed a committee to look at how they might breakaway from the USA as a new country or reform the existing USA. They decided to use the Declaration of Independence and the committee was to figure out exactly how it applied and how to use it all legal like.

They also looked at two additional issues; 1) how to review the Constitution and how to adapt it to the new temporary government they were forming, 2) what that new government should look like.

What only a few folks knew at the time was the presence of the military at that meeting. There was a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff there with an aid, unofficially representing the military. See, there was a core group of military leadership that was sick and tired of how the military was being used by the politicians.

Don’t get me wrong, they were loyal to the USA and to the Constitution; and they were also not looking to initiate a coup. The point is the suicide rate among the military was more than 50% higher than the rest of the population. Divorce rates were almost double, drug and alcohol abuse was sky high among vets, as was homelessness. All of it far worse than the general civilian population. And then there was the senseless casualties from needless and endless wars, especially Afghanistan and Iraq.

A whole lot of military leadership was fed up with it. Unfortunately, the vast majority of generals and admirals were hooked into the military-industrial complex with sweetheart deals. They were bought and paid for, literally.

There were some folks at the Convention that were real uncomfortable with their presence, but most never knew they were there. It was good they were.

At the end of the Convention assurances were made were made by those military reps that the ‘loyalists’ would keep the ‘traitors’ kept in check and that they would do everything they could to keep the military out of it. The loyalists were those who were loyal to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and their sworn oath. The traitors were those who were bought off. But that was just the leadership. Most of the average soldiers and sailors were just part of the machine and would do what they were told, for the most part.

Later it became known that a rough plan was laid out for the new government to work with the ‘breakaway’ military. Fifth Corp (V Corp) located at Ft Knox, Kentucky would secure the Ft. Knox gold repository. It would be timed with the training deployment of the 101st Airborne and the 33rd Armor Regiment, both of whom would be present at Ft Knox on training. They weren’t sure at the time but they felt pretty sure they could count on the 180th Fighter Wing out of Ohio. There was also the outside possibility of A-10 support from Air National Guard 184th Fighter Squadron located in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

The gold in Ft Knox was crucial to the soon to be government. It got rid of the whole fiat currency thing and could back any new potential currency with gold. That there is credibility son. Fiat currency never ever worked in the history of the world. It always brought down any country or empire that ever tried it. Our was no exception.

I think it was maybe 3 or 4 months later the Continental Congress formed the Patriot Provincial Government (PPG). Also, located in Pierre, South Dakota. At that announcement South Dakota announced its allegiance to PPG and pledged protection from the 114th Fighter Wing located in South Dakota. Units from Ft Meade rotated deployments to Pierre to provide security for the new government and the Continental Congress.

By the next morning Lieutenant General Walter Anderson released a statement that the V Corp, 101st Airborne, 33rd Armor Regiment, along with the Ohio ANG 184th Fighter Squadron had taken over security duties at the Fort Knox Depository. He went on to say that this was only a precautionary measure to provide additional security and ensure the safety of the government’s gold reserve in thee unstable times. What was absent in his statement was “which” government, he had just used the generic term. Those college educated folks sure know how to talk real fancy.

That sent a shock wave through the US military as well as the Washington DC sewage system [Dad meant government as you probably figured out]. There was nothing public about anything that followed but the shit hit the fan at the Pentagon. They tried to deploy troops to expel the ‘security troops’ but there was some real hesitancy about going up against the 101st and a whole armor regiment that knew what they were doing. The Pentagon dismissed using air resources against US forces on US soil. I think the 184th also was a bit dissuasive as well. But, the DefCon was raised and leaves canceled; tensions went through the roof. But, to everyone’s credit, no one got crazy and did anything stupid.

You know, I honestly think that the military from top to bottom was just tired. Tired of the political crap, tired of constant deployment away from family and community; fighting and dying on foreign soil for stupid insane reasons. I think they wanted peace, stability, family, security, and just to be normal folk taking care of America. Yup, that’s what I think.

What I thought was interesting, V Corp started recalling its units from Europe all on its own. Some support wing from Ohio started doing the lift. All together the combined forces at Fort Knox along with those in Ohio and Arkansas were a pretty potent and impressive force to be reckoned with.

What the Pentagon did though was put into motion an SOF [Special Operations Forces] operation. They got together combined units of Delta and SEALS to take out the leadership, command and control, of the units at Fort Knox and the air units in Ohio. Well, that didn’t go over too well son.

Some members of the units involved didn’t like the idea of killing fellow soldiers and US citizens on US soil. The planning for the operation began to fall apart and the CIA was called in. The CIA brought in their Special Activities Division [SAD for short, ironic]. These are mostly former Delta and DEVGRU operators that had left the military and joined the CIA. These guys are Tier 1 for sure! But strangely enough, even in the US military the SAD guys were known as psychopaths in the literal sense of the word.

And no one should be surprised that the CIA would operate on US soil, against the law. They had been doing it for decades at the order of some of the Presidents and of course the deep state.

Well that SOF operation plan fell apart initially as well. Some of the current military guys got into it with the CIA guys and it got ugly. Yup, shots fired, guys died and pretty messed up. Finally any loyalists were purged, some lucky ones simply left on their own before the purge went down. Most of those that left ended up in Fort Knox as defenders. Those guys in Fort Knox were joined by some retired SOF vets. I heard at one point there were some 200+ SOF operators in and around Fort Knox. A few were in Ohio with the 184th as well as some of the V Corp MP troops. They became known as the “1L’s”. Yeah, short for “First Loyalist Special Operations Forces”. Their numbers swelled to over 500 by the time everything was all settled a couple years later.

Anyways, the CIA plan went forward and they hit Fort Knox. Well, they tried to. The 1L guys were deployed all around the area in deep cover. And by then the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade [part of V Corp] were back in Fort Knox from Frankfurt, Germany and had set up shop. So there was no “surprise” attack. A bunch of firefights broke out around the area; and a few of the CIA guys did breach the base fence but never reached their intended targets. After that, SOF and the military in general kept to themselves and minded their own business allowing the politicians to deal with the situation.

Rumor has it that whatever SAD guys didn’t make it out of the country after the botched Fort Knox raid were eventually hunted down by the 1L’s and disposed of as trash and garbage should be. What really amazed me all along was the fact that a spy agency had this secret military branch to begin with. They operated all on their own, few rules, if any. Able to kill at will, overthrow governments, assassinate sovereign country leadership, and even operate on US soil. Why in the heck did we allow that? Well, truth be told, virtually no one knew they even existed or what they actually did.

You know, I truly believe, that the military rank and file didn’t want another Civil War with the American Army killing other Americans. Especially true when it would be their buddies that they knew. Yeah, there were ‘sides’ in the US military but they kind of kept each other in check. The US Navy just kept to themselves patrolling the oceans, doing their jobs.

Now, let’s fast forward, today’s US military.

The US Navy is pretty much intact as the US Constitution outlined. That includes the US Marines which is part of the US Navy, always have been. Oh, one major change, the US Coast Guard was absorbed into the US Navy. The Navy’s main mission is to protect shipping lanes for US flagged merchant ships as well as protect the US from threats that originate from the oceans.

Several countries and rebel groups learned the hard way not to mess with US ships, navy or merchant. Or US citizens as well. Do you remember Iran? Now there was a lesson for the history books! They seized that US merchant ship in 2028, maybe 2029, I don’t remember. [It was 2028, late fall.]

So the new US government simply told Iran that that ship needed to be leaving their port where they had taken it. The ship needed to be undamaged and its cargo intact. And the crew uninjured. And the ship needed to be leaving by 9am the next morning. If not, the US Navy would begin sinking one Iranian ship every hour until the US ship was released as required.

Yeah, Iran thought the US was bluffing. By noon the next day the US ship was still being held in Iran at the Port of Anzali. And, the Iranian navy was missing the IRIS Alvand, the IRIS Jamaran, and the IRIS Naghdi. All of which were sunk, or smoking and sinking. Then it got ugly.

The Iranian Muslim supreme d*ckhe*d of something or another declared they were at war with the Great Satan and for their crimes one of the US ship’s crew would be put to death. And they slit the crewman’s throat on live TV, it was as ugly as anything I’ve ever seen. It was very, very slow, lots of blood and a chorus of “Allah Akbar” in the background. Bastards!

That was a huge mistake on their part. By 3pm, just 3 hours later, the Iranian naval base Bandar Beheshti ceased to exist. Well, it was smoking and all its facilities were no longer usable. Seems that 30+ cruise missiles can do some pretty serious damage. Another 9 capital ships of the Iranian navy were sunk or sinking. The US Navy also surfaced 3 nuclear capable submarines near the Iranian coastline so Iranian intelligence services could clearly see them. Then the subs went back to work waiting for the word to strike.

And then Israel got into as well. Their air resources pounded Iranian air bases till the next morning.

By daylight the US merchant ship was pulling away from the pier, 20 million in gold was being transferred to the dead sailor’s family, and Iran had learned a lesson. Well, that lesson had taught the entire world that you just didn’t mess with the US anymore. We don’t take crap from anyone when it comes to our people and our resources anymore. We just don’t!! We never should have.

Oh, we were talking about how the military is structured now.

So the US Navy operates as per the original and current Constitution. The Coast Guard is no more, the Navy does its job here at home or around the world.

The US Army is a strange one, as is the US Air Force. They both no longer exist as they use to. Today all the US military forces are bunched together under the US Defense Force [UDF]. There are 3 branches; US Navy, Army Corp, Air Corp. They had to rename it to the US Defense Force to make clear what their use was, what their ONLY mission was.

See, in the old days the US military evolved over time to become an offensive military used around the world to advance US “interests”. And those interests were almost always to expand US corporate businesses, to expand US government power, or take over sovereign countries and make them US states like Hawaii. Yeah, think empire building. We had started about 140 wars in the world from the late 1800’s until about 2024. Yup, we were a war-loving, war-mongering country. We threw our military weight around like a fat cheap whore.

Don’t misunderstand me, our military folks were basically good men and women. The military leadership were essentially mostly psychopaths that loved the thrill of war, the adrenaline rush, and the power they controlled. Well, they also loved the millions they got from the scum in the military-industrial complex.

It was decided early on that the US military would only be used to defend the US. No longer would we be involved in defending other countries. The US military was for the US, period. Now, there was an exception to that, something akin to WWII. If needed we would use US military resources to stop a situation like Nazi Germany. We didn’t have a single US military instillation anywhere in the world, period!

Once everything settled down all military resources were pulled back from foreign countries. I mean every last man, women, and bullet. Well, that isn’t exactly true. We left almost all our equipment and supplies in South Korea and Taiwan to help them protect themselves. We left every last plane, ship, gun, bullet, nut, and bolt in Japan. They held a lot of US bonds, that equipment was to settle that debt.

[Dad started laughing and I had to figure out why, so I asked him.]

Remember China? They heard what we did in Japan to pay off that debt. So China, those stupid idiots, had the balls enough to ask us to pay off their debt held in US bonds. I mean they did own the second largest amount behind Japan. BigT told them to go f**k themselves. China made it clear they were going to make a play against us, we knew it. And they had the nerve to ask us for our military equipment to pay off the debt we owed them!!

Yeah, BigT not only said no, but he said the debt the old US owed them was gone, forgotten, never to be honored. I think that was a major straw that made them attack us 2 years later.

We were a little more generous with England. I think we owed them about 600, maybe 700 billion in old US bonds. We left a bunch of cargo hauler planes and some bombers when we left. It served them well since they cranked up their commerce and did a lot of air shipping to mainland Europe later. It also softened the blow that we pulled out of NATO that same year.

So we got all the military resources back in the US. First to get reorganized was the Air Force. First off, it became the “Air Corp”. That wasn’t just a change in name. The name change was to make it clear that it had changed competently. Every bomber squadron was demobilized. All of those planes were transferred to the boneyard in Arizona and put away for long-term storage. Then all of the fighter wings were moved to free-state Air Militia units. Their only mission was to provide air-to-air defense for the continental US.

Those states received a pretty decent subsidy each year to keep those fighters in top shape. They also had to keep them ready 24/7. Not all of them obviously. But at least one pair from each of those border free-states that could be airborne within 15 minutes. Why 15? Because that would be enough scramble and flight time to intercept anything trying to fly into US airspace. And should aircraft get past the fighters, then there were the air-to-air missile batteries to deal with. Those were also controlled by the Air Corp. But the Navy took care of most of the coastline defense from their carrier-based and land-based aircraft patrolling the oceans off the coasts.

That whole transition went pretty smoothly, everything considered. They didn’t have a choice really. BigT, as Commander-In-Chief gave the orders, the military leadership said “yes sir” and did as they were told. Once the initial resistance started to crack there was a lot of retirements, and then the real progress began. Ironically, the retirement pensions were filed with the old US federal government Department of Defense. Yeah, that didn’t work out real well. Later I can talk about that a little more if you want me to.

The Army was a little more difficult. The Continental Congress made it clear to the Patriot Provincial Government that the Constitution didn’t authorize a standing army. Also, not a single Founding Father advocated for or advanced the concept of a standing army. Why? Because they knew the extreme danger and threat from that concept. Odd, we didn’t learn our lesson from England, British tyranny, and our Founding Fathers or even the Constitution, we just had to have that standing army back in the day. Sad.

It’s obvious in retrospect. A standing army gave the US federal government an ultimate power at home, and unlimited power around the world. Both of which are the exact opposite of the founding principles of our country. So it had to be corrected.

If I remember correctly, at the time of the mass reorganization there were just shy of a million members of the US Army. Something like ½ of that were active duty, the other half reserves and national guard.

Remember what the goal was, US self-defense, not military adventurism, not empire expansion, not nation building, just defend the United States. Period! Boy did we get off-track by 2024!!

I am not sure if it was the 2nd or 3rd Continental Congress where the proposal was made. Maybe proposed at the 2nd and approved at the 3rd after the military folks had a chance to review the plan and give feedback. But I’ll tell you this, the Army troopers were telling their commanders that they wanted to be home with their families and not going off to endless, needless, senseless wars.

Anyways, army unit designations remained the same for the most part. But all units would be assigned to individual states as militia units. There simply would be no full-time army units at all. Well, there would be a very small command and support staff located in the capital. I think it was limited to 10 or 15 folks, something like that. There would be no full-time soldiers at all, no standing army. Finally!

Each state could request whatever units’ designation they wanted. And units were now multi-function. There were no single purpose units anymore. Let me see if I remember it right, but you can go online and look it up for the details. So communities had companies, there could be multiple platoons based on smaller areas within a community. Counties were battalions, made up of multiple companies. If a county was large enough there might more than one battalion, then they were a brigade. A couple of states did have enough militia to actually have a couple of brigades, made up of a couple of battalions each. Now states are divisions, meaning they have multiple battalions; or if they are large enough, the divisions have a brigade thrown in there. Compact-states have ‘corps’.

In time of need an ‘army’ is formed for a limited amount of time; I think the Constitution limits it to two years. At that point, after approval by the states’ governor, the soldiers belong to the US government until the 2-years expires. And they are paid by the federal government also. And they get paid well for their service.

Now if the country needs to defend itself there are, I think, 3 million members of the various state militias that can be called up. Probably that many more could be recruited quickly by local militias as a reserve force. Nice thing is the country has never needed to activate a single militia unit, ever! Why? Because every country in the world knows how many guns we have and the people know how to use them. Any country would to have to be suicidal to try and invade us.

We mind our own business and expect other countries to do the same when it comes to us.

What I love about the present army situation is a pretty long list. First off, soldiers are home with their families like they should be. They are also integrated into the community as actual citizens not segregated into bubbles of military mindset and the downside to all of that. What is cool to see is the serious camaraderie among the troopers.

Don’t think for a minute they are not well-trained. They drill every month, officially. Lots of times they will get together more often to train but they just aren’t paid for it. And there are lots of hunting trips thrown in there as well for “training”.

See, as you know you can join a militia at the age of 18. They do have the ‘support units’ where you can join at 14. They do lots of good support role work, they just aren’t combat troops. They do get to train with live weapons after they go through their own boot camp. At 18 they can join the regular militia. Every state has annual boot camps to train the new folks. Until you graduate from boot camp you can only fill a support role, not a combat role.

There are plenty of advanced training courses available, some county level, some state, and some on the national level. Airborne is national, so is scout-sniper and ranger school. Even though you can get qualified as airborne there are no dedicated active airborne only units. There are the 2 airborne units, the 82nd, and 101st. But they only have a small command staff. Once a year they gather airborne qualified troops from around the country for 2 weeks of training. If you don’t make the annual training you lose your airborne rating.

Those specialty qualified troops are still members of their local units. If they were ever needed for some reason, those airborne units would be activated and qualified troopers would be called into the unit to act as a dedicated unit.

So rangers and scout-snipers are regular unit members but with special skills. Normally they take those skills back and train local guys who can’t or haven’t made it to the schools yet. Keeps those skills and that knowledge spread out on the ground helping their fellow soldiers.

There are no more Green Berets since we don’t embed our troops with foreign armies or try and create coups any more. They just are no longer needed. And those that were Green Berets have all retired or left. As for Delta, well, they no longer exist anymore either in a way. Delta troops kinda turned into folks that were really bad *$$. Don’t get me wrong, they were the best of the best. But, they were abused and misused by the powers in the Pentagon and the White House.

Today they are called simply ‘commandos’ and they have a very small command staff at the capital called the Special Operations Group (SOG). There are maybe 50 – 100, that isn’t public knowledge. They get together 4 times a year to train. Members are invited to be selected to join from militia units. These guys are highly trained, extremely effective, and almost never used. Why? Because they really aren’t needed except for extreme situations.

The Navy still have their SEALs and had been used fairly often in the early days for hostage rescue and intelligence gathering. Now I am not sure what they are used for, probably intelligence work for the Navy. Commandos train annually with the SEALs and can support them as needed.

Here is the really, really cool thing; soldiers, meaning militia members, are some of the most respected members of their communities and the country. Why? Because these are folks that are willing to put their lives on the line to protect us. They dedicate time every month to stay trained. They respond regularly to local emergency incidents to help whenever and wherever they can. They are exactly what our Founding Father envisioned and hoped for…the ultimate patriots.

Are those April 19th and July 4th parades something to see or what!!! The bands, then the flag, then all those militia members marching brave and proud. Gives me chills just thinking about it. Wish I was younger!

And that my friend is another wonderful aspect of the army we have now. There is no upper age limit to to being a militia member. You get too old to be a combat troop then you can be an instructor, a cook, push paper, handle logistics, or any other support role. They don’t push you out, they keep that knowledge base where it belongs!

God help the foolish country that would ever try and invade us! We have a strong, decently-trained bunch of dedicated citizen soldiers. Committed to defending their families, their communities, their states, and their country to their last breath. No one will ever be able to attack and defeat the United States.

Damn proud of those men and women!!

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The Wars: Chapter 7

This is the seventh installment of my short story “The Wars”. If you haven’t already read Chapters 1 – 6 you can

< click here to read Chapter 1 >

< click here to read Chapter 2 >

< click here to read Chapter 3 >

< click here to read Chapter 4 >

< click here to read Chapter 5 >

< click here to read Chapter 6 >

Please read the Chapter 1 intro to understand a little more of this story.

Also, there is a disclaimer that you can read there as well.

Okay, I’ve thought about it and let’s talk about the first year or so. That is, if it’s alright with you. If it isn’t, too bad. [Dad still chuckles once in a while. He use to laugh a lot. Not so much since Lisa died.]

I already told you about your escape from Florida and getting here. You guys all went straight to bed, didn’t blame you a bit, I would have too. Lisa started cooking, a real feast that night! Me, well I got geared up and went to guarding the place. I had no idea if anyone was following you, who it might be, what they might do, nothing. So, guns it was. Sometimes violence is the answer.

I just kept moving around, find a spot sit there for 30 minutes, move, repeat. Stayed on the higher ground mostly. No problems showed up. Glad for that tender mercy. Should have stayed put longer. Anyone with a brain that was watching the place would know to lay low for an hour or so and just watch for movement. My mistake.

Funny, how the house was so full of people sleeping everywhere. Man, Robbie could snore. Sounded like a freight train at times. The kids were cute, all flaked out, blissful slumber. Oh, how I wish we could have frozen life in that moment! Just kept it right here.

That night was one for the record books! We ate till we almost busted apart at the seems, laughed, carried on, and enjoyed that campfire like there was no tomorrow. Actually, I think most of us thought there might not be a tomorrow, or at least not many of them. Thankfully we were wrong. There were plenty of tomorrows, just not all of them real pleasant.

And you didn’t fool me for a minute, I knew you and Robbie had a bottle.You guys would “go check on” something or another and sneak a swig. I could smell it on you. Never said a thing to you, it had been a hard few days. Me, well I downed 3 cans of Pepsi that night. What a party!

The next morning we started. Yeah, got out the checklists from the website and went down them item-by-item. Of course you and I and Robbie were into the threat of violence more than the other lists. But we got a reality check pretty dang quick. Food!

I don’t even remember the day of the week it was but it was the second day I know. We got the tractor fired up and tore up the yard, disc’d it up, then planted the rest of the Anasazi beans, more potatoes, then what corn seed we had left. It all looked good, and I am thankful we did that extra planting, we needed that food to help subsidize the stored stuff.[I think he meant supplement.]

I do remember we held back 10 of the Anasazi beans. I said I wanted enough beans for seeds leftover in case the stuff we planted got trashed. It was important to have something to plant next year. We never did need them, but I am glad we kept them all the same. Then we went to work on planting the rest of the raised beds.

It was hilarious! We were out there all arguing about what to plant and where and how…a real clown show. Then Alice came out. Yeah, we turned it all over to her and we became nothing more than day labor. That was real tough for me to do since it was my garden. But I remember my ICS days, turn over areas of responsibility to those with the most skill in that area.

Dang, we got a great harvest out of the garden that year, even with the annual hail storm every September. I can’t imagine what that first year would have looked like without the garden. We had enough food but I definitely think there would have been some food fatigue had we not had all that fresh stuff.

And Hayden, I didn’t think I had any competition for loving strawberries until I saw him pack em away. And you and your blueberry obsession! Lisa cut you a lot of slack there son, she sure did. Those blueberries came in real handy when it came to stepping up all that oatmeal. Remember all the care we took with the canes starting new berry plants that fall and winter. Even starting new blueberry plants. It was hard work but it sure did pay off. I wish the fruit trees had done as well. But man-o-man, no one has a berry patch like we do! It was really nice having all those sister plants to share and barter with the neighbors.

Thank goodness we had planned for this eventuality and had a decent stock of food stored. Without it we would have been like so many other families, starving and desperate. There was so much compassion and charity back then at first. Families who ran out of food were offered the basics, sometimes more. Most of those families were very grateful, some even exchanged work for food; they got preference.

Then there a few families and individuals that raised a stink over being given wheat, oats, and beans. How many times we heard “we can’t eat wheat!” or “I hate oatmeal!” and then there was “beans give me gas.” They wanted meals, lasagna, fresh bread, meat, french fries, and steak!! They thought those of us with food were holding out on them, that we were selfish somehow, that we had an obligation to share. The worst of those folks would use the line, “Christians are supposed to have charity.” I hated that one. We are Christians, we did have charity, we did offer food, we didn’t want them to starve. They just wanted to be treated like damn kings and queens!

We sure did back off after a couple of months, even with the Frisks. Remember them, Earl and Marry just south of us; you gotta remember them. Of course you do. I mean Robbie and family took over their place after they were killed.

[Of course I remembered them. I don’t know why Dad would have thought I didn’t. I just nodded my head to let Dad know I remembered them.]

Earl was a nice enough guy, a little lazy maybe. Then again he did say he was a disabled veteran with a knee replaced and all sorts of PTSD. He got stuff done, but he was real slow about it. He bought his place in 2018 I think. Had to gut it. Lisa and I did as much work on his place as he did, maybe a bit more. I kept telling him to step up the pace but he just plodded along. By the time everything went down the crapper he had the basics done to the house but nothing more than that. No garden for sure. And they only had about 10 days of food on hand when it hit.

He did try to put in a garden, used that junkie little roto-tiller. Or at least tried to. I told him that thing didn’t have the power to work that rocky soil. Even if it could, that soil was dead as a door nail, nothing but sand and rock. I told him from the get-go he needed raised beds like ours, even tried to help him. He was so cock-sure that a regular in-ground garden would work; he thought I just didn’t know how to do it. Not a damn thing grew in that garden! No organic matter, didn’t water it enough, doomed from the start.

We had them eat with us a few times, he wasn’t thrilled with the strews and soups; said there wasn’t real meat in them. There was, but only a fraction of what he thought there should be. We augmented the meat with cooked wheat berries and sometimes meat flavored TVP. He chided us about the TVP, said it was laced with estrogen and would make women out of us guys. He never realized he wasn’t eating near enough TVP to make any kind of difference at all. He just wanted meat, meat, meat.

I remember that day we offered food to him on a more regular basis if he would work on our place and in our garden, etc. I saw him turn red, red as a beet. He said he was our security to the south and we had a mutual defense agreement and that should be plenty, after-all he was a combat vet. Well first off, I was never convinced he actually saw combat himself. Second, by the way he acted and planned in defending his place, well, let’s just say I had my doubts.

I still regret not treating him better. The day he and Mary were killed still haunt me, I regret it. I regret it a lot.

Son, you remember that day? It was mid-afternoon late summer, maybe September, yes? We heard his dogs start barking their heads off. By the time we figured it was a serous problem, maybe 1 – 2 minutes went by, then shooting started. It was a bunch of shots, I mean a bunch. Remember all that brass we found?

Our first obligation was to our own people. We got the kids gathered up and to safety inside the main house. The women finished getting tactical. You, Robbie, and I started that way; probably 10 – 12 minutes after the shooting stopped, probably not more than 15 – 20 minutes after the dogs had started barking. Robbie and I headed straight down the 2-track between our places, you were flanking them to the west. I hated what we found, still can see it in my head like it was this morning. All that blood on the front porch.

The dogs were gone off their chains, Mary was crumbled up on the front porch. She was dead, maybe 15 or so pieces of brass laying around her. I know it had to have been from her AR. Earl was in the living room, shot maybe, what, 5 or 6 times. He was still in his underwear. Not a single piece of brass near him, or anywhere else in the house. Those boys who hit them were gone by the time we got there, carried off what they could. Mostly they got Earl’s guns. They didn’t have food to speak of just laying around to steal. They did leave a 5lb bag of oats we had given them. Picky pricks.

I still say Earl was taking a nap in the bedroom, Mary had been in the living room or kitchen. She heard the dogs, grabbed her AR, and headed out the front door. She put up a short fight but died doing it. I think somewhere in all of that Earl woke up with the sound of shooting and headed into the front room. By then they were already inside and shot him where he stood.

Man, do you remember that discussion about going after them!? I think we all argued both sides of the idea and then some. Three of us, 15 different opinions on what to do. I am glad we made the decision we did. Robbie headed back to be with the families, you and I started tracking them. That wasn’t hard, they made no effort to hide their tracks. I guess they figured no one had the balls to follow them. We did, for damn sure!

There was four of them, we got to their little shack about an hour later where there were those two women, if you want to call them that. I still think they were all meth heads. They sure did start to whoop it up celebrating their hit and run. I am so glad I listened to you. I just wanted to start shooting them right then and there, but you said no, we had to wait. You were right, glad I listened.

God, that was an awful night! I would never have guessed how bad it would get. They built that big old campfire like they were having a party. Started drinking the homemade hooch of theirs. Man, they got drunk. Then they started smoking that crap. The big guy walked over to Frisk’s dogs tied up to the tree. Before I could realize what he was doing he slit the throat of the smaller of the two dogs, Zephyr was his name. Poor dog never knew what happened, he bled out in just a minute or two. The other German Sheppard, the big young one, Ace, he went ballistic but that big guy hit him in the head with is pistol and I think knocked him out. Remember that?

Twenty minutes later the dead dog was gutted, skinned, and on a spit over their fire. I really think I was in shock at the time. But I did know I was going to kill that guy, kill him, kill him. And I did. [Dad drifted off for a minute. I let him be. I think he was back there in the past reliving it. His eyes reddened.]

Yeah, finally all of them were around the fire in a pretty close group, all drunk, high, or whatever. I told David I was going to take the big guy first, he took the guy that appeared to be the leader. We were going to leave the women for last.

I popped the big guy with a shot to the head, you fired almost at the same instant taking out the other guy. We both took our second targets with the next shot. It did surprise me that the women moved as fast as they did. They were disoriented at first with our initial shots and sound. But we dropped both of them as they were shouldering their guns. Remember that?

One of the most satisfying moments of the last 25 years was the fact that the big guy was still alive when we walked up to the campfire. I thought I did a clean head shot, nope. It hit his clavicle and took the snot right out of him. And although he was till alive he was stunned, bleeding and staring up at me. He didn’t say anything but looked at me like he was asking for help. I helped him alright!

I remember that smile of mine. Not sure what it looked like to him, I hope it looked as evil as he had ever seen. I pointed that AR of mine at his head and pulled the trigger as slowly as I ever had. I wanted him to know he was about to die. I was never so glad to kill someone as I was when I pulled that trigger.

We took all the guns and ammo we could find and hid them about 100’ from their shanty in some thick stand of junipers. Only took a couple of minutes. We talked about taking the guns, but there were too many and too much ammo. We came back later and recovered all of it. We didn’t want to hang around too long right then just in case someone came to help them or see what what going on.

Poor Ace, he was banged up pretty bad and kinda out of it. When I walked up to him thankfully he recognized me and allowed me to untie him. He ran off like a missile, other than a little stumbling at first.

We leap-frogged back to our place not wasting time, but not going too fast to forget the danger we might be in. The last 150yds we covered our tracks by dragging Juniper branches. Didn’t know if that helped or not, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Ace found us just as we crossed through the gate. He never left after that, he was ours from that moment on. I wonder why he didn’t just keep running?

Talking through it the next day, we decided that Robbie’s family would take over Fisk’s place. If any of their family ever came around to claim it Robbie would give it up. But it made no sense to just leave it there to rot away or have scatters come in and take it over. They are still there to this day. Place looks pretty damn nice if you ask me. Did a great job on it. Well, all of us did. No way Robbie could do that much work on his own!

[Yeah, dad smiled at that too. He has always given Robbie a hard time about his work ethic. Dad kids around with just about everybody. If he doesn’t, then he doesn’t like you or doesn’t trust you. Most people get Dad, some don’t. I thinnk I got his sense of humor…unfortunately.]

It really hurt to have to bury them. In the cold light of day though, I don’t think they could have made it very long anyways. Just not the right combination of skills, knowledge, abilities, motivation, logic, and willingness to do what was needed fast enough. Then again, there was only two of them, and both in their 50’s. They needed more people there. Maybe if their kids and family could have gotten there soon enough, but they didn’t for whatever reason. What a shame.

[Dad kinda drifted again off at that point. I suggested a break, he didn’t even respond. I am worried when he gets like this. It is happening more and more. It’s like he goes somewhere, back into memories about all the stuff that happened.]

We were talking about the first year or so after you guys got here. A lot was going on, a whole lot. I remember the most frustrating thing was the Ham radios. Dang! We had all that nice Yaesu equipment, all the right antennas, power, all of it. And we struggled for months to get it all up and running right. Thankfully we had all the manuals and some third-party tip documents. The best of it was the Yaesu FT-897D multi-band. We had those two long wire antennas along with the dual-band antenna hooked up tot hat antenna switch. It sure gives us the ability to reach out and talk to folks. A reliable way to communicate with the right kind of people to get real information.

Man, it was nice that Elon Musk was as smart as he was, and as rich as he was. He kept that StarLink system running when the Internet was basically shutdown by the NSA and CIA for awhile. Musk opened that system up to everyone and kept the web running for the most part. All those little satellites and servers worked. You remember how they called him the ring leader of domestic terrorism for a while. They tried to kill him so many times. That little army of his saved his butt! Those billions bought him those retired special ops guys who were extremely devoted to him. The government never could touch him. Thankful for that.

He really showed who he was when the rebuilding started. He built those vehicle plants so they could start building those EV’s and other stuff with almost no real worries. And those EV’s without all the government mandated BS. Now those trucks rocked! He almost single-handedly brought back manufacturing to America. I don’t begrudge him a single dollar he made, he earned every penny of it. The coolest thing of all was how he built those plants in solidly libertarian and conservative communities, then supported the communities with money to build up infrastructure, homes, shops, and everything else you can imagine. But did you ever think how he never gave a dime to schools? He was all about home-schooling not government schooling.

Back to the radio thing. It was tough with the bigger radios. But, those little walkies-talkies were incredible and valuable beyond belief. I’m glad we had the larger radio batteries for them along with plenty of extras. Some of them are still running just fine. But in those early days I just don’t know how much harder it would have been without them. Gave us a serious edge with good communications.

Remember when we ran that comm wire to Robbie’s place? Ran two sets of wire, one kinda underground, the other strung from tree to tree. Then put in those WW2 army surplus telephones. Didn’t have to really use those because of the radios but it was nice for the kids or when we wanted to talk in the open and not over the radios.

The women sure gave us a hard time about the two set of wires, remember that? We kept it to ourselves for two days till Lisa figured out it was for a back-up. The wire run in the trees was a decoy more than anything but it worked!

You know when you think about it, those checklists we used really paid off. Using the 7 areas of prepping made all the sense in the world, gave us order and organization to what needed to be done. You know, priorities.

[Dad, how easy was it for us to get reliable information that first year?]

Damn near impossible if truth be told!

The government always told lies since I can remember as a kid even. I never could figure out why they thought it was necessary to always lie about everything. It was as if they had to build this reality that suited them vs just telling the truth as it was. Now, looking back, it made sense; they just wanted to manipulate everyone about everything. Had they just told the truth I don’t think people would have lost trust and confidence in the government. And the crap would never have happened.

Governments are always about power, even our own back then. The Declaration of Independence laid out the sole purpose of government. The Constitution pretty much limited it to that. But over the years, based on the lies out of Washington, they were able to manipulate the US into that dark version of authoritarianism. I give them credit, those bastards in Washington were smart, they did it real subtle like. Hell, they actually made people beg for some of those changes.

Don’t ever trust government! Don’t ever trust politicians! Neither can be trusted, ever! PERIOD!! You have to stay on them, verify everything they are saying and doing. Then pounce on them even the first time they get out of their lane or lie. And I mean pounce!! If you don’t, then they just lie more and more.

I will give the new folks credit, that pre-law Constitutional review process is one of the best things to come out of the 3rd Constitutional Convention. I think something like that might have helped prevent the authoritarians from building their little US Empire back in the day. Maybe not stopped it entirely, but helped slow it down. Maybe stopped it. Back then there just wasn’t the tools, the courage, or the balls to stop those slime ball politicians. Today they know if they start pulling their crap they pay a price and quick. Should have always been that way.

I don’t want to talk about this any more. Reliable news was hard to come by period. Nothing in the mainstream media was true. Nothing, or almost nothing, that came out of cable news was true, or at least agenda free. Most websites pundits were idiots, just idiots. Some were government assets, most were just plain idiots. Almost all of them had agendas, including me. My agenda was classical liberalism [civil-society libertarianism] like our Founding Fathers, advocating for the Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. And damn limited government!!

I’m going for a walk in the south garden, leave me alone for awhile. Have the kids come get me when supper is ready.

[Dad gets so frustrated talking about this stuff. I shouldn’t have pushed him. He gets so disappointed with himself that he couldn’t have done more with his website. He tried, man he tried. But, he just couldn’t reach enough people, or the right people, to make a real difference in the big scheme of things. There are dozens of families that I know who he helped. I am sure there are more. He just gets frustrated, then mad. The walk will do him good, he likes the garden. I am worried about him though. I don’t know what to do to help him. Having the kids around helps a lot. They tease him as much as he teases them. It’s good for him.]

<- click here to read Chapter 6                                              click here to read Chapter 8 ->

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The Wars: Chapter 6

This is the sixth installment of my short story “The Wars”. If you haven’t already read Chapters 1 – 5 you can

< click here to read Chapter 1 >

< click here to read Chapter 2 >

< click here to read Chapter 3 >

< click here to read Chapter 4 >

< click here to read Chapter 5 >

Please read the Chapter 1 intro to understand a little more of this story.

Also, there is a disclaimer that you can read there as well.

[Dad, I’m going to ask you to talk about 3 major events; 1) what about the military, 2) how the country reformed, 3) what was the first year like. Think about those over the next week or so and then share with me what you remember. But, I also want to ask you a couple easy ones that won’t take much time. Here is #1; what is your biggest regret?]

Son, when you’ve lived the life I have, there are lots of regrets. But, I assume you are referring to the country and what happened. Yes? [I nodded my head in the affirmative.]

Well, again, there are a fair number of those too. But, you remember I ran that website for a long time; that old stuff is still around somewhere. I did speak out a bunch, posted lots of information, didn’t get a lot of notice. The people that did follow me were a bunch of decent and smart people. Most of them listened and were ready. A couple of families even found the church because of it. But, there were millions that weren’t ready. I wish I could have reached more folks. That isn’t the biggest regret though, it just troubles me that I couldn’t do more.

So my biggest regret is pretty big in scope, applies to the entire country actually. Here it is, I regret that “we the people” didn’t truly understand what our Founding Fathers did and what they wanted for us. The opening of the US Constitution reads…

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

[Yes, he recited that from memory!]

Think real serious about those words for a minute. ALL of the power rested in the hands of normal, everyday people; citizens of the United States. Look at what the whole, and only, purposes of the government were:

  1. establish justice,

  2. insure domestic tranquility,

  3. provide for the common defense,

  4. promote the general welfare,

  5. secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

The first three of self-explanatory. Number four doesn’t mean handouts from the government kind of welfare that allows people to live off others’ labors. The term “welfare” back then didn’t mean anything of the like.

Let me look something up and give it to you to write down correctly.

General Public- common meaning; relating to or comprehending the whole community; as the general interest or safety of a nation. Welfare- common meaning; Exemption from any unusual evil or calamity; the enjoyment of peace and prosperity, or the ordinary blessings of society and civil government; applied to states.” Websters 1828 Dictionary

Pretty damn clear that the Constitution limited what the government could do and spend, and it was not for, or to serve, individuals, it was for the country as a whole.

Now, Article 1 Section 8 gave power to Congress to “…lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States…” See where it says that those taxes, etc. are to pay US debts and defend the US and, as I showed before, protecting the country as a whole from evil or civil calamity, to enjoy peace and prosperity. And again, “peace” meant that the federal government should leave people alone.

But most of all the US Constitution was to secure liberty for individuals. And therein is the problem, although it is all tied together.

As with virtually all people, power goes to their head and corrupts them, and it did so pretty quickly in the US in the early days. When Congress and the President realized they could spend money, other people’s money, raised through taxes they did so pretty freely. When they needed more money to spend they simply raised taxes or borrowed it. That is not the way the Constitution reads. But the Supreme Court kept interpreting that spending and raising taxes was perfectly legit. Yeah, remember the Supreme Court is part of the US government, thus self-serving to say the least.

As their quest for more and more power became the norm, the people lost their power through diminished rights, liberties, and freedoms; and lost more of their money as well.

So here is my biggest regret, we the people let it happen. Hell, most of the time we voted in the bastards that did it to us!

No, I’m going to change that. My biggest regret is actually not doing something sooner to take back the power that they weaseled out of us. Government at all levels became the power, the authoritarians, the dictators, the masters, and we became little more than slaves, serfs, and ATM machines. As government grew in size and power there was a direct correlation in the shrinking of people’s rights, liberties, and freedoms, as well as their ability to live a comfortable life financially. People just took it, allowed it to happen!

There developed this unholy alliance between government and the rich elites. And I mean at all levels of government, but especially at the federal level because that is where the most power was. That all started back in the late 1800’s. In the early 1900’s at least there were newspapers with journalists to investigate and report about all the corruption. But that came to an end as the rich elites bought up the newspapers. By the 2020’s there were few sources of real information. Carlson and Beck probably the best and most reliable of those still independent voices.

My point is that people gobbled up the trash crap news that the media fed them. We had some of the most stupid people in the history of mankind living in the US back then. People would rather watch soap operas or watch TV shows about the freaking Kardashians than understand the next war the US was planning on starting or how the government was spending their children’s future through deficit spending. It was pathetic! No wonder they quit teaching civics, history, and government in public schools back in the 1990’s.

In our defense, there were very few people who knew what was going on, but most people were blissfully stupid. And the elites loved it! Government will take care of you cradle to grave and the big corporations will give you a little money to live on but then take away your soul.

Finally in the early 2020’s people started to get really agitated with the government. The COVID pandemic farce really did it. By the end of that there was no stopping the revolution, the wars as you call it. It was inevitable by then. I regret we didn’t stop the government back in the 1980’s or even the 1990’s when we had a chance to do it without all the blood.

As far as in my lifetime; President Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. He also warned us about the meshing of government and education, and even the encroachment of government over agriculture. President Kennedy tried to straighten things out, especially with the out-of-control evils perpetrated by the CIA. He was assassinated for it. Nixon took us off the gold standard and established a fiat currency. Then he brought China into the world as an emerging empire and I believe that was the true start of the world’s elitist plan. President Reagan tried to turn it around in the 1980’s but even he couldn’t.

Then came the CIA agent George Bush who really started the authoritarians in power. Ironically, on 9/11/1990 he exposed the truth of what was happening when he stated for everyone to hear, the elites were establishing “a new world order”. Clinton laid the groundwork for World Trade Center 9/11 to occur. Bush #2 moved us firmly into the authoritarian age with the Patriot Act, NDAA, the Homeland Security Act, and a host of other acts that killed rights, freedoms, and liberties after 9/11/2001. He is responsible for creating the behemoth Department of Homeland Security. He also started decades of wars that cost us 10’s of thousands of US military casualties and trillions and trillions of dollars, all of it debt.

Obama, the Marxist creep, cemented authoritarian infrastructure that no president after him could disassemble. Big T couldn’t really make any real changes, they were waging a coup against him from the very beginning. But he wasn’t a real Constitutionalist anyways. And by JoeyP, he was nothing more than a puppet for his elitist masters, it was far too late by then.

While my regret may be real and tragic, a bloodless resolution to all of this government crap was realistically never possible. It all had to come down to the shedding of blood to right the ship. Thomas Jefferson was right all the way back in 1787,

…what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

[No, he couldn’t recite it from memory. We looked it up.]

Had we listened to Jefferson and periodically set government right, and reminded them of who had the source of power, and that government was to be severely limited, we could haven then prevent the last 200 years of crap. But nope, we didn’t listen to Jefferson, we didn’t believe him, we became little more than sheep to the slaughter. At least until it just became too much to bear. Then too much blood was shed, too many lives lost, too many good people would never see their children grow up, too many children dead. All for what? Our cowardice for all those years.

That is my biggest regret.

What’s next?

[What is the funniest thing that happened to you during those years?]

That’s an easy one, I made a fool out of myself. [Dad rolled his eyes.] Yeah, go figure. In 2025, maybe 26, we had the glamstead running smoothly. Gardens were producing almost all of our food, meat rabbits were giving us steady protein, the rare but occasional deer wandered by for a treat, the well was providing plenty of water even though we had to supplement it occasionally at night with a generator. I mean everything was going really well.

Then came the big refugee surge, I don’t remember the year exactly, I use to. Anyways, the church was a central point for a lot of them, mostly church members. We had never been approached before about taking in refugees and I was glad for that even though we had over 40 acres and Robbie’s 10 acres. Then the church’s local relocation coordinator came to us with an offer. There was a podiatrist with wife and 5 kids, mostly teenagers. No!

I didn’t want to hear any more of it. We didn’t need some foot doctor and we didn’t need teenagers running around like wild animals eating up tons of food. No!

This coordinator, I think his name was Shane, patient and really kind, gentle actually. He seemed out of place in that world then. Yeah, his name was Shane, real nice guy. He shared that DPMs were trained essentially as medical doctors but with an emphasis on lower extremities. No!

Shane went on pretty much ignoring me. He said that they would come with a mobile home, their own transportation, a fuel ration, tools, about 1500lbs of food stuffs, and everything else to not be a burden on us. No!

He would have a small but sturdy shed building for a clinic that would be open to those in our immediate community. And if called upon, he would assist in wider medical responsibilities in the county. No!

By then I was pretty worked up and had it been anyone other than Shane I would have run him off without listening at all. Like I said, Shane was patient with me to say the least. He asked me to just meet the family on Sunday and visit for a few minutes, get a feel for them, and then he would accept whatever my decision would be. I felt I had to say yes and I did.

Well, let me tell you, Sunday came and I was a fool of fools! His name was Matt, his wife was Sherry; kids were Joe @16, Sam @14, Frank @13, Adelle (Addy) @11, Margaret (ET) @10. They were all fit, well-behaved, quiet, respectful, and comfortable to be around. ET was a card, Addy was intense, the boys were all watching everything. Perfect nuclear family, all good-looking, all smart, humor was a trait for sure, a really nice family. They were winning me over. And then the kicker hit.

You see Matt became a DPM after being in the military. He put himself through medical school by being a paramedic. And in the military he was a combat medic…with two combat tours in Afghanistan. I looked over at Shane and he was just smirking like a kid who got away with the whole cookie jar. Shane suggested that Matt show me their everyday stash. What?

Matt invited me out to their diesel Ford Expedition and opened the rear hatch. There was a rollout truck vault, a gun storage unit. It had 7 AR-15s of various configurations, including a bad*$$ POF with a suppressor. The two smallest were “cute”, pink cammo, but ARs all the same. There was more but to go on about it would be ridiculous. I turned to Shane and asked him how soon they could move the family out to our place.

I got humbled that day, learned a lesson, again. Two ears, one mouth; listen at least twice as much as you speak. Matt’s family showed up with the mobile home latter in the week, got him hooked into the well and electrical system. The clinic shed came a week later with a small quiet generator. That little building went down close to the road but still within eyesight.

The teenage boys were a great addition to security, we kept Matt out of the rotation but “on call”. From then on out he was called “Doc”, he wore it well. Some day we can talk about the girls and Robbie’s boys.

I knew it was going to happen, and it did. When we got home from church that Sunday night we did the usual dinner together around a campfire. And yup, I caught hell from all of the adults for saying “no!” so much without knowing the whole story. I received a resounding vote of “no confidence” about 30 times that night, unanimous of course. Including me the last 25 or so times. It was a good night. Well, except for me being voted off the island 10 times, maybe more, I quit counting, they didn’t. It was brutal!

[Here is a serious one for you Dad. What was the scariest time or event for you?]

That will take a little thought. Can we do that tomorrow? I’m a bit tired.

[We left it at that. Dad looks a little pale and I noticed his lips are slightly blue as well. Maybe I am pushing him too hard.]

<- click here to read Chapter 5                                                                 click here to read Chapter 7 ->

Short Story Chapters –


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The Wars: Chapter 5

This is the fourth installment of my short story “The Wars”. If you haven’t already read Chapters 1 – 4 you can

< click here to read Chapter 1 >

< click here to read Chapter 2 >

< click here to read Chapter 3 >

< click here to read Chapter 4 >

Please read the Chapter 1 intro to understand a little more of this story.

Also, there is a disclaimer that you can read there as well.

[Two days later dad and I started up again. I asked him to talk about maybe his favorite soapbox topic, police – then & now. This is the result. Oh boy!]

Son, you hit a nerve there, you sure did. You already now how I feel about all of it but I imagine you want it written by someone who lived it, not one of those fancy historians who have written the books according to their agenda and political persuasion. You asked for it, so here goes.

Like so much in corrupted governments, the same thing happened to peace officers as they were originally called. By the early 2020’s we had law enforcement officers NOT peace officers, and it showed. Yeah, not many people remember that originally they were called peace officers, then they became police officers, and then eventually they called themselves law enforcement officers. Let that sink in a minute and listen to what your gut tells you about that name change.

Before the end of them it was almost comical how their propaganda had worked its magic on the public. They [cops] had a tough job, a dangerous job, to protect and serve. All pure bullshit!

They are the ones that made their jobs tough by their swagger, arrogance, and disregard for basic Constitutional rights. Hell, basic human rights! And their job wasn’t that dangerous. If I remember right, back then it barely made the top 20 most dangerous jobs behind business managers and landscape people and even golf course workers. You pull out their traffic accidents and poor health like their alcoholism, drug additions, obesity, and steroid use they weren’t even in the top 100 most dangerous jobs.

As far as to protect and serve, that stopped back in the 1940’s or 50’s, if it ever did exist. Any student of real history can see the pictures of the 1950’s & 1960’s peaceful civil rights protests with those cops sicking dogs on young kids, beating senior citizens with those billy-clubs, and even shooting some for no reason whatsoever other than they dared to peacefully stand up for their rights. And those cops got away with it. The history of the 20th century police brutality is horrific when looking at actual facts and evidence.

I don’t remember the statistics exactly, you can look them up if you want to. It was something like 50+% of all murders went unsolved and 75% of all property crimes went unsolved. That is a total disaster, an epic fail by any measure or standard. But they sure could write traffic tickets! Law enforcement officers caused 100’s of billions of dollars of loss to the economy every single year.

They drove around in fancy shiny SUVs, pulling people over demanding IDs like we was Nazi Germany and they were the Gestapo. And it was perfectly legal for them to lie to people for whatever reasons they wanted. They could even trick people into giving up their rights like to remain silent or not be searched. And God forbid a SWAT team ever showed up, you were probably a dead man if you lived in the city or were black. There was simply no, or at least very little, accountability of cops, you were just at their mercy, and they had damn little of that.

Yeah, of course there were some good ones, I knew some, good men, damn good men. But they were far and few between. Funny, people would talk about bad cops were only a ‘few bad apples’. That was said only by stupid people or police propagandists. If there so many good cops, they why did they allow the bad cops to get away with their crap?

Now we know that there were a few good cops; and most cops had no problem pushing aside rights, liberties, and freedoms for their own purposes. Yeah, I said it, most cops were bad because they simply didn’t understand the law, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or the difference between right and wrong. Most of them were trained to be part of their gang; thugs with badges.

But what takes the cake was federal law enforcement. That was a bunch of scum buckets right there. Let me put this into perspective, by the early 2020’s the total number of federal law enforcement made the 6th or 7th largest army in the world! Yeah, think about that for a minute, if federal law enforcement were its own army, it would be the 6th or 7th largest army in the entire world!!!

Why in the hell would the USA need such a large army of law enforcement? Think it through David, that is enough cops to occupy some entire countries. And they did, ours.

Now add this in, they were complete failures at their jobs. The DEA [Drug Enforcement Agency] didn’t make a dent in America’s drug HUGE problem. CBP [Customs and Border Patrol] not only couldn’t protect the borders, they aided the invasion of illegals that nearly destroyed our country. Then there was the ATF [Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms] that existed solely to destroy 2nd Amendment rights. Oh, then the DHS [Department of Homeland Security], oh yeah. That bunch of authoritarian clowns were to protect the homeland, bullshit! They were the ones that did the most damage, took away freedoms, persecuted decent folks, targeted patriots, and were the dark shadows destroying our republic. But nothing even came close to the FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigations] in depravity.

Over the years the FBI had built up their image to be these stalwart defenders of the weak and vulnerable, protectors of US citizens, and the enemy of criminals. Pure crap if there ever was!

It took years to finally expose the depths of their corruption and immorality. Don’t get me wrong, there was plenty of documentation in a bunch of books of exactly who these people really were. All you had to do was look at the first Director of the FBI, Hoover. From the very beginning of his working life in government and law enforcement this guy was an authoritarian. Hell, he would have been right at home in charge of the Gestapo, Hitler’s right-hand man. Well, when you think of it, he was; it was just the American version of it.

What started the real change exposing the FBI for who they really were was back in 2022 and 2023 when they started arresting senior citizens and pastor/preachers for praying and singing hymns at abortion factories. These pro-life folks were breaking no laws at all. They were just simply exercising their freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to peacefully assemble, and supporting the right to life of babies. But, oh no! There was no way that the DOJ [Department of Justice] was going to allow people to exercise their God-given rights that are guaranteed by the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. Oh hell no! They [DOJ] simply would not tolerate people trying to protect unborn babies from being killed, murdered, butchered.

So the DOJ made up their own laws and policies, and then sent the FBI to teach these people a lesson and send a message to all Americans. That message? Rights, freedoms, and liberties don’t mean a damn thing in the United States any more! We, the government will do as we please. And if you don’t please us we will arrest you, imprison you, or simply kill you. And the FBI did all three, with glee, smiles, and arrogance that you can’t imagine unless you saw it back then.

There are plenty of videos of what they did. It shows the utter arrogance of the FBI SWAT teams and not just the complete disregard of basic human rights, but their absolute contempt of everyday people, US citizens. The FBI became the ultimate example of thugs with badges. And back then no one dared go up against them. Why? Because they had files on just about every American. And at the drop of a hat they could manufacture a case against anyone. Add to that endless amounts of money to fund whatever anti-American program they desired. And then add to that, their very own team of lawyers and judges to defend them if they ever needed it. It was a criminal organization if there ever was one!

I remember a man, and old guy, 70’s for sure, he was handicapped too. If I am not mistaken he couldn’t even get around without a walker and he was on oxygen as well. I think his name was Robertson or Robinson, something like that. He was short, really overweight as well, something like 300+ pounds, maybe more, I don’t remember. Well, he was home-bound and liked the Internet to connect with folks he otherwise physically couldn’t be around.

Now this guy was a Christian, a patriot, conservative, a prepper, well thought of and loved by family and neighbors, and a church going man. Everything the FBI despised. He also didn’t like the President at the time, JoeyP [the President at the time was referred to as a pervert due to his well-known habits of being a pervert and sexual predator].

Well, one day he made a statement online that the FBI made sound like he was planning on killing the President at an upcoming local rally. Remember, this guy couldn’t even walk on his own and couldn’t breath without an oxygen tank.

So the FBI decided to send a message, you must support and serve our perv President or pay the price. So they decided to raid this guy’s house. And of course dozens of FBI SWAT team guys show up armed to the teeth like they were going to war; they even brought along a military armored vehicle. So they set off flash bang grenades and used the armored vehicle to smash in the front of his house. They stormed into his house and yelled “gun.” He was dead a second later, shot dozens of times.

No video by any of the FBI storm troopers’ body cams, no pictures released of the gun, or the body. But they did lay him outside on the sidewalk immediately afterwards, uncovered, rotting in the sun, for all of the press and neighbors to see. It was disgusting. But it was also typical of the FBI.

After the fall of the DC government and all the FBI files were finally released online it was revealed that this guy was going to die that day, period. To read the emails and texts of the FBI and DOJ was sickening. To imagine that people, let alone protect and serve clowns, could have such black and evil hearts was almost too much for people to accept. But it was there for all to see, finally.

The good thing, none of these clowns, these thugs, these minions of evil exist any more. Their agencies are all gone, every last one of them. And for good reason, they were never authorized in the Constitution to begin with. Nope, not a single one of them. The Founding Fathers knew what would happen, tyranny, oppression, pure evil. And they were right!

Thankfully at the final Constitutional Convention none of them were authorized and they were specifically prohibited from every being formed or created, or any federal law enforcement agency every again. The only exception was the US Marshal Service. They were authorized by the 30th or 31st Amendment, I don’t remember which. But their responsibility is very, very limited in scope, and their authority only extends to their specific job. Me, personally, I am glad to have the Marshall’s, good people from what I hear, respectful and diligent in staying within their job scope and within the bounds of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. And they do a good gob.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen a Marshall in 10 or 15 years. No one does unless you are a federal criminal. Hell, you rarely see any peace officer any more unless they are investigating a crime. And that is as it should be, should have always been.

I guess that is the basic difference between the law enforcement officers of the early 21st century and the peace officers now. You just don’t see them hardly at all. Well no, the main difference is respect. Peace Officers are respected now for the job they do and the moral character they have. Gone are the thug days, gone is the swagger, the arrogance, and their military uniforms and gear that made them look like the military. They are members of the community who are appreciated now because they do their job, they solve crimes.

They can’t protect us from criminals, we know that now, we don’t want a police state the likes that the US had become in the old days. There are the county Sheriffs and community Marshals. And not many at that. There is usually only a few Deputies in a Sheriff’s department and they stay busy investigating crimes. Same with local Marshals. Both county Sheriffs and Marshals are elected by the residents of their communities. Both serve 3-year terms, both can be pretty easily impeached. Deputy Sheriffs and Deputy Marshals are hired. Prospective hires are recommended by either the Sheriff or Marshal. Then a citizen committee, similar to a jury pool, review the applicants and makes the final hire decisions.

Any complaint against peace officer goes directly to a citizen committee, again similar to a jury pool, who reviews the complaint along with the supervisors input. A decision is then given as to what action to take, or not to take any action. Any promotion is handled the same way, a supervisor makes a recommendation, and once again a citizen committee reviews the promotion recommendation and makes the final decision. Any department-wide pay raises goes to a vote with the 75/75 rule.

Departments that truly serve their communities well, solve crime, and don’t abuse their authority are well paid, well rewarded, well respected, and truly a welcomed sight where they live. Others, well, they don’t last long, one way or another. Even their quarterly personnel performance reviews are posted on-line for public viewing.

And gone are the days of legally authorized thug behavior of the old law enforcement officers. There is no longer any such thing as “qualified immunity” of any kind. Peace officers must operate within the law, Constitutional law. The only justification for shooting a civilian is self-defense just like anyone else. And there better be witnesses or clear evidence to that fact or their can be big trouble for the officer. But they all wear body cameras now so there is little doubt as to what takes place in such situations.

By 2023 law enforcement was completely out of control, plus a complete failure. There were so many violations of rights, liberties, and freedoms it defies belief. And why it was tolerated for so long is almost unimaginable in today’s world. The number of shootings of unarmed people was staggering back then. Then there was also the sheer brutality of officers. Officers were either ignorant of the law or they just disregarded it in some weird twist of justification. Popular bullshit back then was “officer safety” which was a complete and utter joke. It was just used for cops to abuse people and disregard people’s rights.

Strange now where officers don’t have to have any specialized training or special certifications. Those things proved to be all but worthless. There was talk originally about making them have 2-year degrees in law but that was quickly dismissed when it started to smell like nothing more than more lawyers. There are schools and academies but they aren’t required. Each department is responsible for their officers, and their leadership is responsible to their citizens. It took a while but it all sorted itself out within a couple of years, maybe 5 or so. There is still the occasional bad apple but they don’t last long and are dealt with accordingly.

All that being said, I think there were three major moves that made the real differences in crime; 1) revised Castle Doctrine, 2) clarification of the Self-Defense Doctrine, 3) The Militias Act.

The Castle Doctrine back then might be confused as being controversial, but it wasn’t at all. After it all started and everything became scarce, including food, society devolved into a strange anarchy to a great degree. Theft was common, violence almost as much, and lots of folks simply not being safe even in their own homes. As the states broke away from the old federal government they moved to stop the problems. Obviously there wasn’t enough of the old law enforcement, they mostly disappeared, and I can’t blame them for a whole host of reasons.

The Castle Doctrine was simple, you could defend your home, including your land around it, from any criminal activity with whatever force was necessary. Yup, as you well know now that means you can kill any criminal committing a crime on your property, regardless of the crime. Mostly people only took it to the lethal extreme when it came to theft and assaults. But it worked, lot’s of criminals died within a year or so. Unfortunately, some people just trying to eat were killed as well.

One of the good things that did come out of it was charity. People started to care more about their neighbors when it came to hunger and starving. Neighbors, communities, and congregations started to do much more, virtually whatever they could, to make sure other families didn’t starve, especially those with kids.

But man-o-man, if you were a criminal, an evil doer, and tried to steal, assault, or kill on someone’s property, you ended up dead. And good riddance, should have been that way all along!

The Self-Defense Doctrine was just as simple, you could defend yourself with whatever force you needed to, including lethal force. Same applied to your family or any other person in imminent danger. Most folks always wore at least one gun on them, many carried a rifle during the worst of it. A lot of bullies and criminals got put in the ground during those years. But let me tell you, it better be pretty clear that is was self-defense or you were looking at murder charges.

The whole militia thing was another god-send! It is hard to imagine that in this country, the United States of America, militias were once vilified and virtually outlawed. But that was the old federal government law enforcement thing. The feds just saw militias as a threat to their authoritarian plans so they just eliminated them as source of competition. But, America was founded by militias during the early days of the American Revolution. And, the 2nd Amendment was there to keep militias strong and viable to prevent a federal government from becoming authoritarian and imposing tyranny and oppression upon US citizens.

The Militias Act was passed to ensure that militias were once again the backbone of local communities and states, and, most importantly, a check & balance to federal power. And it sure does work!

Militias are now formed at the local level, usually in communities or at least on the county level. There are differences in how well organized and trained they are, as well as their arms. For the most part they are pretty effective small unit fighting forces. Essentially all militia units within a county come under a county leader, usually a Major. Groups of counties, mostly geographic in nature, come under the leadership of a Colonel. And those units come under the direction of the State Guard, a General. At the state level there is a small command company to support the General.

All militia members are authorized to own any weapon a 2020’s military member would normally carry. That would include a carbine, full-auto or semi-auto, and a pistol. Machine guns, such as the M249, M240, M14, M2, are kept in unit’s armory. Same thing for the Mk19, M203 grenade launchers and the M67 grenades. All larger crew served weapons are kept at the county level in their armory.

No one knows for absolute certainty but it is estimated that there are 10 million members of militias around the country; even quite a few in the compact states. Not only do foreign countries know it would be futile to invade America, criminals know that militias can be brought into action by local peace officers. See, it was also added that each militia member was also able to be authorized as a peace officer when called upon in an official capacity. America is back to the old posse days, and it’s never been safer for the most part.

Is there still crime? Yes. Are there still criminals? Obviously. But I am telling you, it is a lot better now than it was 25 or 30 years ago!!! One more thing, convicted criminals don’t last long. If I get this right, they get an automatic technical review of their case/conviction within 10 days of a guilty verdict and sentencing. If they appeal their conviction, the appeal has to be made within 48 hours. Their appeal mus be granted, or not, within 24-hours of that. If a retrial is granted it takes place within 60 days. That verdict is final other than an appeal to a state supreme court. There are damn few of them. There is no appeal to the federal supreme court anymore for criminal cases. People aren’t brought to trial unless it is pretty clear they did it. The ole innocent until proven guilty thing taken to heart.

Convicted criminals who are sentenced to death are usually dead with 10 days of their case, appeals, or retrials. There is no more spending 20 or more years on “death row”, that is just insanity. Justice is now served in a timely manner as outlined in the Constitution. Yeah, there are mistakes from time to time and a few innocents have been wrongfully put to death; very, very few. But woe unto those that caused that, they become criminals themselves.

Bottom line, it’s all about being a good person now. Follow the law, be good to others, and being held responsible for your actions.

It’s getting late David I want to stop for the night, I’m not feeling all that great. And besides, I want some of your wife’s fried chicken before its all gone with that pack of hoodlums you call kids!

<- click here to read Chapter 4                                                                 click here to read Chapter 6 ->

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 2009 - 2024 Copyright © ~ All rights reserved
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The Wars: Chapter 4

This is the fourth installment of my short story “The Wars”. If you haven’t already read Chapters 1 – 3 you can

< click here to read Chapter 1 >

< click here to read Chapter 2 >

< click here to read Chapter 3 >

Please read the Chapter 1 intro to understand a little more of this story.

Also, there is a disclaimer that you can read there as well.

[I asked Dad to touch just a bit on the ‘why’ of us going to Arizona from Florida before he went into the whole story, which I assume is going to be interesting to say the least. I might have to correct his account if he strays from the exact truth. Or, maybe I should just inject my version of the story when Dad is done. Since I was right there and he was telling me the story while I recorded it and took notes. I am going to change the “you” when it makes sense to “David” to make it easier to understand who Dad was taking about. Yes, David is me.]

Okay, so you [me, David] remember we actually started talking about preparedness back during the Obama years. That d**kh**d Marxist Muslim prick. I mean I was into preparedness back in the 1970’s and 80’s when it was more of a ‘mother earth’ movement. So was the church, but to a slightly different degree back then. To me it just made sense. But I think it was about 2009 or 10 that we started talking seriously about it because we could see the country making the shift to real authoritarianism.

To be honest, that started in earnest back with George Bush in 2001 when the Muslims attacked the US on 9/11. That whole mess opened the door perfectly for the Patriot Act along with a whole host of other draconian laws that destroyed most liberties, freedoms and rights that we had left. And it started decades of wars that killed and maimed, physically and mentally, 10’s of thousands of good men and women in the military. America sure loved war back then. All those wars and conflicts made a lot of rich people a whole lot richer while killing Americans, and hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in other countries that we invaded. Eisenhower called it the military-industrial complex. We could talk for days on that subject alone. Evil it was.

By the 2020’s we both saw how desperate the situation was becoming and got serious about what to do, exactly what to do. David knew almost everything to do on his own, I just threw my 2cents in when it was needed or asked for. In early 2023 David showed up with his 8’ x 20’ trailer pulled by his big ole Dodge Ram dually. Too bad you couldn’t afford a good truck like a Ford. [Yeah, he chuckled at his own joke. It was the age old truck rivalry thing. Dad was a Ford guy, I was a Dodge guy. Never shall the twain meet.]

That ole trailer was packed as tight as a man could get it; side-to-side, top-to-bottom. Just about everything that would make a serious prepper drool. No food though, no need for that, there was plenty here. We just parked it in the shade of a couple of big junipers, well hidden from the road or even the house. Didn’t want nosy neighbors or visors asking questions. We painted it first. That was fun, rolled on primer and a base coat, then lots of spray cans. I don’t remember what we finally called the camo pattern, but we sure laughed about it. Looked like a redneck graffiti job. But it worked, at least no one ever asked about it, or talked about it if they did see it. It was a bit windy the last day when we covered the whole thing with a camo net. That camo net made us feel better, not sure how much it helped if someone really wanted to see it from the air. But it did make us feel better about it and it did really break up the hard edge, straight line profile.

So that was spring 2023, maybe March or April, I don’t remember. Coming down the big hill wasn’t going to happen, so we brought it in the back way. A little muddy but we didn’t have to worry about trailer brakes or jack-knifing.There I was telling you how to do it and you being the heavy-haul specialty trucker. I think we argued for 3 straight hours. That sure was a lot of fun!

[Dad didn’t exaggerate at all. I am pretty sure it was 3 hours and we loved every minute of it. I am my father’s son. And I am proud of that.]

By the end of 2023 we knew it was just a matter of time. When F15 happened in early 2024 we knew it was close, real close. So David laid plans for their tactical withdrawal from Florida. Yeah, you are one smart kid I‘ll give you that. [I was 46 at the time. Some ‘kid’, eh? Dad was 69 by that time so I guess anyone under 60 was a ‘kid’ to the old man.] But, I didn’t know you were that smart. [Dad chuckled again. It is good to see him laugh, he hasn’t done much of that lately.]

You see Texas had already put the feds in their place. President Joe-the-Perv had opened the southern border up like laying out a welcome mat. Millions of foreigners poured across the border at will. Hell, the border patrol helped them, welcomed them, housed them, fed them, gave em free health care, debit cards for meals, transportation to the city of their choice, every damn thing you could imagine. And it was all intentional, purposeful, to accomplish their master plan. And it nearly worked! Damn them!!! It was treason, every bit of it, everyone one of them, TREASON!!  [I thought Dad was going to have a stroke. The veins in his neck and head started to stick out. That big one you could see the blood pumping through it.]

Anyways, Texas had kicked the border patrol off the border finally. Those Texas military boys went in there and started in some park that was a main crossing point for all these foreigners. They put up a shipping container wall with loads of razor wire on em. That stopped those b*stards in their tracks in short order and at minimal cost. Then they set up a full-blown military base and a couple of forward operating bases [FOBs]. It was sight to behold!

Well, JoeyP didn’t like that his plan, or rather his masters’ plan, was getting thwarted by a bunch of redneck Texans. He ordered border patrol to take it back and get the foreigners flowing again. Well, them city-slicker border agents show up at that park, base, and FOBs and tried to make entry. Uh, no. Those Texans told them to go to h*$$ by golly. It worked at all but one of the FOBs. Something about a bunch of soldiers standing around with M4’s and Hummers with Ma Dueces [50cal machine guns] mounted on them makes a bunch of CBP pretty boys with nothing but pistols want to turn around and leave. Except one idiot.

At one of the FOBs a border agent pulled his pistol, an H&K P2000 I think, I’m not sure, I think so though. Great pistols actually. Well, the Texans pulled up their M4’s, lot’s of shouting, all of em on both sides high as a kite on adrenaline and testosterone at that point. All the border clowns pulled their pistols, stupid move just from a ballistics point of view. No on knows why for sure, but a border agent fired a round and hit a Texan, then all hell broke loose.

When the shooting stopped all 12 border patrol agents were on the ground 9 dead, 2 critically wounded, 1 had only minor wounds. On the Texas side there were 10 injured, 3 seriously. The border patrol body armor was only rated for handguns and didn’t hold up to the M4 rounds. The Texans all had on body armor and plates. The 3 wounded Texans were all shot below the plates in the pelvis area. It is thought that the 3 were all shot by the same border agent who knew it was ridiculous to shoot center mass against military-grade body armor.

What really showed who the Texans were was the fact that they medivac’d all the wounded border agents out before their own men. That didn’t help sooth things over at all with the clowns in Washington. The CBP never showed up with their own medivac choppers; odd. One thing that did make a huge difference was within minutes, the video of the gun fight was released on the Internet clearly showing the border agents were the aggressors and instigated the encounter. It also showed the muzzle flash from the border patrol agent that started it all.

I found it interesting that for about 24 hours no one talked about what I saw the second time I watched the video. The CBP agent that fired first was standing next to one of the border patrol SUVs on the passenger side. If you looked hard through the heavily tinted windows you could see a man sitting in the front passenger side seat. He was on the phone from the very beginning of the released video. The passenger window was open slightly. Here is were it gets interesting. If you go frame by frame you can see the man in the SUV turn his head away from the phone and towards the agent beside the door next to him. Then the agent nods his head almost imperceptibly. A couple of seconds later he fires his weapon at multiple Texans.

As I’ve said from the very beginning, it was all a set-up and those CBP agents were sacrificed to light it all off. Wouldn’t the first time the damn federal government was behind something like this.

On day 2 all hell broke loose on the Internet. I think it was Glenn or Tucker that broke it first. They did it smartly, they simply asked questions; who was the man in the SUV, who was he talking to on the phone, what did he say to the agent standing next to the SUV and why? Were these all just coincidences? Of course they weren’t!!

Within 30 minutes the White House toilet bowl head of a press secretary came out with a joint statement from DHS, the NSA, and the FBI stating the video was an AI [artificial intelligence] deepfake product and was not real or from any device that was on site at the time. She took no questions. I doubt anyone other than complete morons believed her. All of those alphabet agencies are all well-known to be liars even giving a weather report. Hell, I don’t think those agencies could tell the truth about anything, ever!

Then it got worse.

The next day the FBI had issued arrest warrants for all the Texas Military folks that were there, the Texan commanding officer in charge of the border operation, and the commander of the Texas Military. Yeah, that didn’t go over well in Texas as you can imagine.

The Governor held a press conference and said this, “This is Texas, we have a long and rich heritage of standing against tyrants. In the words spoken nearly 200 years ago, with my minor change; Come and take them!” He wheeled himself off the stage and the Texas Military commander then spoke briefly. He said that the arrest warrants would not be recognized as legal, the FBI would not be tolerated, the military personnel were in protective custody on a Texas military base. Any attempt to arrest these men and women or enter a Texas Military facility would be met with all appropriate force, including lethal force.

Then it got worse.

A combined force of FBI HRT and SWAT teams approached the base that the commanding office was located on. This some 40+ FBI force showed up at the base main gate, they were met with Texans armed to the teeth, 7 Hummers with Ma Dueces mounted on them, and a freaking Bradly fighting vehicle. The FBI had 4 armored BearCats. Yup, a mismatch with the FBI on the losing end of that stick.

Now, I don’t know if I will remember it all as it really happened. But, as I remember it was a big ole Mexican stand-off. Eventually the FBI left without anyone in custody and no shots fired. One thing they did do was video everyone on the Texas Military side. Then the Texans did the same thing, posted it on Youtube that night. Youtube took the Texans’ down but by then it was everywhere on the web, including X and Rumble. Those sites didn’t take it down, at least they still believed in free speech and not bowing to the government god. Now everyone knew who the FBI was, individually, by name, they couldn’t hide themselves anymore.

I think it was the next day some Texans, not the Texas Military, found the FBI guys at a Holiday Inn Express in Austin. Might have been San Antonio, I don’t remember for sure. So the FBI guys had all their vehicles neatly parked backed into a block retaining wall. All nice and neat like a showroom or some parade thing. Well, that night a couple of semi trucks and two concrete trucks parked right in front of that nice neat row of them city boys’ toys.

Turns out that all the tires on the semis and the concrete trucks had holes drilled in them, flat as pancakes. And yes, the concrete trucks were full of dried concrete and the semi truck trailers were full of recycled cardboard bales. None of those government rides could get out and no one would come tow away the trucks. Not even a US military unit from Ft. Bliss would come help out. From what I hear a bus came in from Las Cruces to haul those FBI thugs back to whatever hole they crawled out from.

But it wasn’t all fun and games. I didn’t hear about it at the time, I learned about it a couple months later. North of Lubbock, Texas the FBI raided a Texas Military man’s home thinking he was there. They identified him as one of the leaders in the original shootout. Turns out only his wife and 4 kids were there along with their dogs. When all was said and done the house was in ashes and all were dead, bodies burned, including the dogs. Well, there was the boy, a teen about 13 or 14, right in the middle of it he came running out of the house with his dad’s shotgun. The FBI hauled the boy’s body off before the County Coroner could get there. But rumor has it there was over 30 bullet holes in the kid.

That FBI taskforce was only 20 or so folks. They stayed the night in Lubbock and headed back to their field office in Dallas the next morning. They stopped for breakfast in Snyder at some upscale eatery place. When they came out there was well over 100 armed men and women waiting for them. Rumor has it they [FBI] eventually put down their weapons and surrendered. Didn’t help them any. There are plenty of pictures of them all zip tied to the chain-link fence behind the restaurant. All of them had been shot at least a dozen times and their FBI badges were pounded into foreheads. Justice served. People just weren’t going to take it anymore.

Strange, not a single Snyder cop was in the area at the time, or available to respond at all. The County Sheriff’s department reportedly was at a training in El Paso along with all surrounding Sheriff’s departments. The only available Texas DPS officer was responding from Wichita Falls about 150 miles away.

FBI personnel were dispatched from El Paso, Oklahoma City, and Dallas. While those agents were in transit someone raided the FBI office in Dallas and stole everything and then burned the place to the walls. Huh, seems there was a problem with dispatching Dallas emergency services, not a single LEO or fire unit responded to the call.

At this point the US was really at war with itself, serious war. All hell was breaking loose.

Shortly after all of that went down the ATF, not to be outdone by the FBI, started raiding gun stores and then gun ranges that rented full-auto firearms to customers. That didn’t last long. By the third day of the raids three different ATF teams were basically slaughtered. The showed up in their typical Nazi SS raid style but they were ambushed. No prisoners were taken, people were over all of that by then, it was all out war. People were just fed up with the feds and saw them for who they really were, finally Saw them as nothing more than thugs and arrogant bullies with fancy badges.

By in large the ATF ceased to exist due to the casualties and those who just simply left never to return to the office. Whoever remained were absorbed into the FBI. The few, very few, FBI agents who were actually honoring their Constitutional oath deserted from the FBI within about 2 weeks of hostilities breaking out. There were damn few decent law-abiding FBI agents with any morals who left. Most agents were nothing more than thugs that got a rush from the badge, pushing people around, killing folks, and no one to stop them. Hell, no one to really even challenge them back then. The DOJ always protected them from any criminal charges.

Most, not all, police departments weren’t much better, at least not in the larger cities. As everything started to fall apart every big city police department went into full-blown martial law authoritarian mode. They didn’t think it through and realize what was actually happening and the root cause of all of it. They just wanted to exert authority over everyone. The absolute worst was New York City, oh my gosh! Chicago was a close second.

NYPD started with a dusk-to- dawn curfew but the mobs were just too much to handle. Then they went into a state of emergency with officially declaring martial law with a 24/7 curfew. When the violence just got worse the cops started firing on mobs. I think it was the third, maybe fourth, time they did that the gang members in the crowd fired back. The video made it look like a running gun battle from from Cartel City.

Within a week or two the cops were defeated, some 1000+ killed and maybe another 2000 – 3000 wounded. The gangs then took over the streets until the NY National Guard showed up. Heavily armed military folks with Hummers, machine guns, snipers, M4s, and a couple grenade launchers thrown in for good measure pretty much ruled the day. The NYPD then conducted retaliation raids. Blood flowed.

[Dad, Hayden wants the story of us leaving Florida. Could you just stick with that for now?]

Come on, I had to set the stage, layout the context so it is clear why you did what you did. Patience son, patience.

So the wars had started, basically everyone against everyone else. The worst of it was the law enforcement, they just wanted martial law and to control everything and everyone. Yeah, the Constitution and Bill of Rights was secondary for the most part. But it wasn’t national martial law yet, but pretty damn close.

Most states had set up road blocks on any kind of major roadways into their state. Most of them were looking for criminals, people with guns, and illegal aliens that had been invading for months causing crime, chaos, and havoc. Yeah, I mean them illegal aliens from the southern border. But Texas was also looking for any federal law enforcement officers. Go figure. People were getting real paranoid by then and knew a civil war was coming. A bunch of us knew it had already started.

So Hayden, you know back then your dad, my son David, was a pretty smart cookie. I can’t speak to the here and now though. [Dad loves it, Hayden understands it. I allow it. What a weird sense of humor, he always had it. Most never got it.] David and I had been talking for a long time about prepping and he was pretty dang dialed in. After he delivered the trailer back in 2023 we both agreed it was just a matter of time. While he was here we did a little work on the cabin, my shop at the time, including some electrical and plumbing work as well. We even spent some time expanding the area were we had planted the raspberries and blackberries in the fall. Doubled those patches. He got off easy on the blueberries though, had to do them myself.

Anyways, David had been doing that heavy-haul trucking for years and knew everyone in the business it seemed. The job he hated the worst was picking up the Abrams tanks at the Port of Miami and hauling them to different plants for major overhaul work or salvaging. The tanks were pretty shot up from Iraq and Afghanistan but hauling them paid well.

In early 2024 another round of those tanks were coming into Miami and being shipped mostly to a plant in Oklahoma. David was hauling wind turbine blades at the time but that kid is smart. He stopped doing that and returned home to Tampa and resumed doing crane maintenance through the union. He wanted to be close to home. And of course putting the final touches on his exfill plan. [SOF term for exit plan.] And he made contact with a good friend of his that was hauling tanks and made an arrangement with him. A $5,000 arrangement to be exact. Worth every penny!

When it all was ready to go down the crapper David contacted his guy who was more than grateful for the $5k and the opportunity to stay home. David got his buddy’s truck and headed for the Port of Miami. Fortunately for David the paperwork only had the truck and trailer ID and not a named driver. The next day he was pulling into a truck stop on I-4 where he met up with your mom, and you, plus Robbie, his wife and their two kids.

See David had already started a pilot-car business the year before and was licensed to do that work, and he could use any licensed driver he wanted. Robbie’s van was also on the company paperwork and insurance as well. So now David had two pilot-cars, vans actually, and they had both families in them. And rather than the standard yellow emergency flasher-warning lights, they were red. He had also swapped out yellow lenses on the truck for reds as well. Off they went, north on I-75, then west on I-10.

There wasn’t a single problem of any kind until Texas. He hit that border and there was no way around the roadblock, they were stopping everyone, including David’s little caravan. He timed it to hit Texas about 3am to get every advantage of sleepy cops at the roadblock. That kinda worked, but not really. It was David’s cocky attitude and confidence that won the day.

He didn’t really think they were going to let him pass at first but the bunch of flashing red strobe lights and the US Army Abrams tank was a sight to behold I bet.

He was headed to I-45 where he was to turn north towards Oklahoma according to the wide-load paperwork. The cops basically didn’t want to allow the tank in the state for the US Army but David told them that he didn’t get paid unless they delivered it. That made them a little sympathetic. The two pilot cars did raise a red flag to the cops. But David handled that without missing a beat. He explained that Florida was simply too dangerous to leave his pilot car drivers’ families home without their dad’s.

Once again, sympathy won out, decent cops. However, had they checked they might have questioned why there was only one dad driving but two families. But I am sure David would have handled that just fine as well.

And to add to all of the great planning, all of their equipment, clothes, food, guns, ammo, and tactical gear were safety stored inside of the tank. And they had spot welded the tank hatches closed. All that was in the vans was minimal clothing, toys, snacks, etc.. They looked exactly like they said they were; nothing out of the usual, not a single item to worry about, not any kind of weapon, nothing, had the cops done a close inspection. They hit I-45 a couple hours later and headed north at maximum legal and safe speed I am sure.

They hit Oklahoma state line about mid-day and crossed without incident or even stopping. They hit I-40 and turned west. A couple hours later they were doubling-thinking their plan to wait and do the 3am thing going back into, and through, Texas at the panhandle. They decided to just push on and let David work his magic.

Remember the paperwork said the load was headed to some factory in Oklahoma, that was now the opposite direction they were headed. David came up with a brilliant plan once he heard how the roadblock was set-up over the CB from other truckers. Texas DPS and DOT were working together and had the left lane open but pulled everyone over into a weigh station which was full and a long, almost two-mile long, back-up.

They had already stopped to fuel-up and eat before hitting the state line. They wanted to hit the state line just as it was getting dark and all those red emergency flashers would be putting on quite a show for everyone at the roadblock.

As they got close to the roadblock their little caravan stayed in the left lane as if they owned it. They did slow down a bit as they passed the first DPS cruisers, but they didn’t stop and did stay in the left lane. Nothing happened and no pursuit. As they approached the weigh station with everyone pulled over and cops all over the place they approached like the roadblock was for everyone else, not them. The troopers simple waved at them as they entered Texas. Same thing as they hit New Mexico three hours later. Arizona was a different story.

Arizona State Guard was manning the border and they meant business. There was a Bradly fighting vehicle there complete with a 25 mm M242 Bushmaster chain gun. They had barriers set up to make vehicles zig-zag through them and there was no by-pass lane of any kind. They didn’t yield way to David’s caravan. Not only did they stop him, they made them pull over into a special parking area. A Major walked over with two large MP types.Everyone stayed in the vans, David was the only one that got out.

After the Major looked over the paperwork, David explained to the Major that before he could deliver the tank to the plant in Oklahoma he had been called by the trucking broker to redirect to the Port of San Diego as quickly as possible due to some kind of BS emergency. The Major got on his cell phone and spent 20+ minutes talking to someone. When he got back to David he was not impressed.

There was no record of any kind that he could find that indicated that the tank was supposed to be anywhere but in Oklahoma. Undeterred David kept talking and trying to explain with everything going on it wasn’t surprising there wasn’t any readily available paperwork or tracking info. About that time your mom and Robbie’s wife came over with two very unhappy crying and screaming kids. Alice, your mom, winked at David and he went a whole different direction with the conversation.

David realized the roadblock was out in the middle of nowhere, new plan! He very politely asked the major for a favor, for help with the kids, the families. He wanted to take the load, pilot cars included, to Holbrook, about 80 miles to the west. There was a large truck stop there with a motel. He wanted to get the kids some food and into bed since they weren’t doing well. The kids even cried louder as if on cue. The wives had pinched them. He told the Major it would be impossible to try and escape with a 60 ton army tank on his trailer. And he offered to have the Major send an escort or put an Apple air tag on the tank to prove they would go to, and stay at, the truck stop.

The Major had a heart and saw that there was no threat there but he did tell David that a trooper would meet him in Holbrook at the truck stop. If he failed to show up he would send a highly-trained Javelin missile crew or an Apache helicopter after him. [Of course he was joking, the Major even smirked a little.] An hour and a half later he pulled into the Holbrook truck stop found a spot, parked, and met up with two men in a Hummer. They called the Major as the kids started crying again, short conversation, the men left, all was good.

Twenty minutes after the Hummer pulled out they were grinding the spot welds off, supplies and gear transferred to the vans, then the trailer was unhooked, and the little caravan was headed south minus the red strobe lights on. He was here early morning, minus the tank of course. Everyone pretty much slept the entire rest of the day, everyone needed it. I spent the day watching over everyone, AR-15 in hand being the bad a$$ I was. Lisa spent the day cooking for a huge comfort-food dinner that we all pigged out on that night.

And that is how you ended up here in Arizona and the Arizona State Guard ended up with an inoperable M1 Abrams tank. Well, there was a rumor going around that while the tank couldn’t be driven, there was nothing wrong with it loading and shooting. I imagine it was put to good use.

<- click here to read Chapter 3                                                                 click here to read Chapter 5 ->

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The Wars: Chapter 3

This is the third installment of my short story “The Wars”. If you haven’t already read Chapters 1 & 2 you can

< click here to read Chapter 1 >

< click here to read Chapter 2 >

Please read the Chapter 1 intro to understand a little more of this story.

Also, there is a disclaimer that you can read there as well.

[We left off last night talking about the county and county property taxes. Dad gets pretty worked up about this so I hoped he was up to this. Turns out he wasn’t. He was extremely tired last night. He seemed kinda distant as well. I think he is just fading away as if his time has come and gone. Well, almost gone. I think he just hangs on to make sure we are all going to be alright. I am 71 now but I am still Dad’s kid. I am grateful for that, I want to be his son, I want him to be my Dad. I made sure he slept in this morning, something he rarely does. He’s normally the first one up, and I usually find him in the garden doing one thing or another. It made me tear up last week when I found him in the garden, he had knelt down to pull weeds and couldn’t get back up on his feet till I helped him. I didn’t tell anyone, he has his pride and dignity. I don’t know for how much longer though. There will be a big hole in my heart when he is gone.]

Okay David, so last night we stopped at the place where the county government was trying to seize property because of unpaid property taxes. Bastards! Who in their right mind thinks that’s right? Well, I’ll tell you, only people who like big, expensive government likes that idea! Sorry, back to the story.

Well, at their next meeting [of county commissioners] a large group of citizens showed up, representatives from every part of the county except the Indians. Our county back then was something like 200 miles north to south and about 50 miles wide east to west. Two-thirds of that was Indian reservation. The population was about 50,000 people by then with 1/3rd to half of those being Indians. The county leadership didn’t represent the people, period. How could they? Some communities were 100 or more miles from the county seat!

So the reps simply told the county that they no longer recognized the county government, end of story. The reps told the commissioners they no longer had any authority and they would finalize a plan to divide the county into more commonsense county borders of approximately 4 – 5 new counties, none of which would include the reservation. Funny, at that point 4 Indians entered the meeting and stated they supported the plan and that the reservation would no longer be part of the county but simply the reservation, an independent entity. Turns out that 3 of them Indians were ‘elders’ and the 4th was their ‘war chief’.

One of the commissioners started banging a gavel but everyone ignored him. He threatened to have the room cleared but everyone ignored him.

A rep called for a vote, it was unanimous with the reps and Indians, the county was abolished, the Sheriff’s office no longer had any authority, commissioners were fired, and the meeting was called adjourned. They walked out. That was the end of the county, the property taxes, the raids, all of it! Just like that…we the people.

It kinda shocked a lot of people that they could just ignore the existing county government and form something that made far more sense. Then again, the Declaration of Independence states just that; reform or abolish government when it doesn’t do the job. Amazing what power people do have when they set their minds to it and flex a little muscle.

About 60 days later a county convention was held and 5 new counties were formed out of the old one, not including the Indian reservation. But the Indian delegation was present at the meeting. Each set of laws adopted by the new counties were identical, no property taxes, no income taxes, no public schools, and no services other than the bare necessities. There wasn’t even any fire departments any more, there would only be volunteer fire departments. There were no social services of any kind. I don’t remember all the details but each county seat had a single small building, a judge, and commissioners that would meet 1 time a quarter. Best of all…any tax or fee, any cost to citizens, had to be put to a vote of county residents. For a measure to pass 75% of registered voters had to vote and 75% of those voting had to approve it. And it was codified that there could never be any form of income tax or property tax ever!

My personal favorite, no codes department, no inspectors, no one telling people what they can and can’t build. Now that is freedom! A few of the new counties had what could be called a small city or town, their governments stayed in-place for the time being. But none of their laws, regulations, rules, measures, etc. could violate the county laws; county law was supreme.

So why no property tax? Simple, property tax is a main principle of Communism as outlined in the Communist Manifesto. So why no income tax? Simple, income tax is a main principle of Communism as outlined in the Communist Manifesto. And government people telling you how to build your house was the ultimate form of Communism and authoritarianism. We were having no more of any of that, period!

Everyone was excited at the meeting, I mean really a buzz and excitement in the crowd. People truly felt empowered and like they controlled their own lives again. Then the state got involved the next week.

Yeah, the Democrat Governor sent an individualized letter, hand delivered by a DPS trooper, to each of the new county commissioners telling them they were basically guilty of the equivalent of state treason, they were to cease and desist, and would be arrested within 10 days should they not comply. This move was expected and planned on. The reactions were identical. A letter was given to each  DPS trooper right then and there. The letter explained in detail why they had taken action, that it was irrevocable, and should the Governor take any action, or even threaten any additional action, the new counties would no longer recognize the state government. The press was there for each exchange of letters. We the people struck again! Honestly, people do have the power, the real power. Just too often back then people were afraid to use that power.

The two neighboring counties took the same action the next week, a third county did the same the week following. The Governor tried to take action in the state legislature but none of the four old previous counties’ reps showed up. Let’s just say they were strongly encouraged not to, if you get what I mean. But reps from the new counties showed up and presented each house of the legislature with a letter informing them of the new counties, the boundaries, and the new state reps until an election could be held.

The state legislature didn’t care too much for this move because the large cities would lose their majority since each new county would have a senator and two representatives. And a kicker, none of the new counties recognized the state’s right to property taxes or income taxes. And one more little tidbit, each county would be forming a county ‘militia’ that would supplement the new Sheriffs’ departments. And they [the militias] would hold the same authority when performing official duties.

The next two weeks saw three more counties sign on to the whole tax and militia aspect of it. Within three weeks after that a state convention was called to reorganize the entire state government. The Governor ordered DPS troopers to get involved. Luckily for them they refused. Then she called out the state’s Army National Guard, they refused stating it was a civil matter for government not the military.

The end result was a state government that was about 10% of the original! Thank God! People finally took back control and realized that we were much better off with a small, restricted government, and keep their money in their pocket where it belonged. Government never really had a right to all of the people’s money in the first place.

What’s really interesting what the state of Arizona looks like now, almost 20+ years later. It expanded to include a pretty wide strip all the way to the pacific ocean to encompass San Diego to get the naval base out of the Pacific compact states. The state also accepted the petition from some western New Mexico counties to join Arizona. Arizona now goes all the way to the Rio Grand river to the east. Same goes for a small chunk of southeast Nevada and southwest Colorado.

All the residents in those areas who weren’t thrilled about the changes were invited to leave. A bunch did, a few didn’t. It all worked out in the end.

Arizona is now a strong and vibrant state with a very patriotic population. The southern border is secured after years of battling Mexico. The wall is a beautiful thing and solid against the scum invaders from the south. There are very few illegals left in Arizona. Most were caught while committing crimes and immediately sent back south of the border. If you wanted to work in Arizona you had to prove citizenship, period. There is no, was no, welfare or government benefits of any kind, so many of the illegals deported themselves. To buy property you had to prove citizenship, period. To register to vote you had to prove citizenship, period.

What was fantastic to see was the compassion and empathy that was shown. If an illegal family was found-out, and friends and neighbors stood up for them, and they had no criminal record they were granted citizenship through actual birth certificates which circumvented national regulations.

[And yes, you read it right] The new Arizona include San Diego and the naval base there. Lots of folks laughed when you could now buy ocean-front property in Arizona.

Arizona was a shit storm for a while but it all came out for the best. A lot of the young people nowadays wondered why we hadn’t done it before. But back then government, at all levels, ruled with an iron fist, authoritarianism.If you resisted or even objected to what they were doing they would fine you, take your property, arrest you, or worse. They did rule with an iron fist. So many people just accepted it like it was government’s right to treat people like that. No more! Finally.

Once people realized that the true power rested in their hands, they realized they could control and run the government, not the other way around. Now in this day and age, if you are a politician or government worker, and you go outside of your boundaries, it doesn’t go well for you. More than a few people have been, let’s just say, corrected by physical means. Yup, a couple had their house burned down when they tried to by some butt-head authoritarian. One guy, the mayor of Tuscon, tried to be this tyrant king of Tuscon with his very large thug police force. It went bad for the average person for months, till they finally caught him. He was hung the next day at noon after a trial by his residents. Guilty on all charges. No more than two days later you couldn’t find a single one of his police officers. Justice served.

[I called an end to this session early, he just looks too tired. Maybe we will skip tomorrow and just relax and let Dad enjoy doing nothing but being around the kids.]

<- click here to read Chapter 2                                                                     click here to read Chapter 4 ->

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The Wars: Chapter 2

This is the second installment of my short story “The Wars”. If you haven’t already read Chapter 1 you can < click here to read Chapter 1 >

Please read the Chapter 1 intro to understand a little more of this story.

Also, there is a disclaimer that you can read there as well.

[Dad and I finished up last night with a discussion about what started everything. The following is my recollection of that entire conversation. This will be Dad talking as I remember it.]

Okay, maybe it was Jan6th that started it. But, the beginning of Jan6th began long before. It is clear now that the ‘insurrection’ was an FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation] operation. Not carried out by the FBI, but pretty much organized and instigated by them. What I mean, it is now well-documented that there were at least 200 FBI agents, informants, and assets at work that day in the crowd. It was those FBI scumbags that ginned up the crowd to enter the Capitol Building. Once all the video tapes were released and the FBI files dumped on the Internet it was clear that it was the FBI along with the Capitol Police who were behind it all.

[Dad started to really chuckle and I asked him why]

Son, who nowadays even knows what the FBI is, or was, if they didn’t learn about it through history books?

[Dad laughed again a little too hard, he started to cough pretty badly. He worries me.]

Hell, kids don’t even know what school was really like back then, thankfully. No more public schools, what a blessing for these kids for the last 20 years! Once people really woke up it was clear what public schools really were, government schools, government indoctrination prisons if you ask me. They started out in the 1700’s as nothing more than to benefit government and industry; and they didn’t change for 300 years. Thank God they’re gone!

Sure, there are some community schools but they are just schools organized by local communities, tightly controlled in what they teach, and families pay to send the kids there. Not one drop of any kind of government control, as it should be, as it should have been. Strange how people used to think it was fine to have their kids taught by government teachers for 13 years of their lives, and it was all required by law. Somehow people were so stupid to think that their kids would be little more than mindless puppets regurgitating whatever the government and corporations drilled into their mush minds. The 2020’s started the big change in that thinking and finally public-government schools all but disappeared. Well, I hear there are still some in the compact-states but not anywhere in the free-states.

Yeah, the FBI got what is deserved, finally. They will go down in history right next to the Gestapo, the KGB, and the Stasi. Weird how gullible people were back then eating up the FBI ‘good guy’ propaganda like it was M&M candy. People should have known better if they had any idea who J. Edgar Hoover was all along. When Charlie Wright dumped all those files on the Internet back in 2025 it was a real eyeopener and the nail in the coffin of the FBI. If folks would have just listed to the Founding Fathers and stuck with the Constitution! Yeah, the FBI was not, is not, authorized in the original Constitution. That should have been the first clue just how evil the FBI would turn out.

Yeah, ole Charlie put a smack down on those FBI thugs. Everything, every single case file, every single operational file, and every single personnel file released to the web. It was great!!

Remember I worked for the federal government for 16 years. I think it was 2012, we had been using Microsoft Office products. Microsoft won the new 4-year contract that year. But then for some strange reason, yeah right, we were told we were switching to Google products. Later that year we learned, from Glenn Beck, I think it was, that $20million dollars showed up in Obama’s election fund. Yup, you guessed it, those millions came from Google, its leadership, and employees. Go figure! It was so corrupt back then, kinda mind boggling when you think of it.

Well, ole Charlie worked for Google. And by 2023 or 24 the feds used Google for all of their data storage and back-ups. One night when Charlie, a shift manager in their data center, decided he had enough of the crap the FBI was pulling. That night before the quarterly back-up started he had set-up a VPN to a massive data server that had been built by the some former folks from Wikileaks. As the FBI back-up files were being streamed to the Google server farm in California they were also going to this covert server. By the time the NSA [National Security Agency] figured it out, it was too late.

Within an hour the files were decrypted and posted on hundreds of websites around the world. Oh boy!!! That was something, evil exposed on a global scale. The depth of the evil and darkness of the FBI was finally open for all to see.

The next day FBI SWAT teams and HRT were raiding businesses all over the US where the servers were located. A lot of the sights they raided were just dummy sites with repeaters only not the actual servers. There were dozens of them, no people there, just the repeater equipment.

Unfortunately, but in-line with the FBI mentality, at sites where they were data servers and people, almost without exception, there was “armed resistance.” And where gun battles broke out not a single civilian came out alive, and not a single FBI agent got even a scratch. Odd, eh? When some of the covert video came out it showed FBI goons just shooting people at random. In one case it showed a SWAT team line 20+ folks up against a loading dock wall and gun them all down. The FBI didn’t know about the newly installed security camera across the industrial park that took in the web provider building. It was all on video.

Wait, back to Jan6th. While a case can be made that Jan6th was the beginning of it all, it was due to the FBI instigating it. And the FBI being so active in covert Jan6th related activities to overthrow the US Constitution began back in BigT’s election campaign in 2016. They placed actual spies in his campaign staff personnel. And they [FBI] also worked with tech and social media companies to see to it he lost. Well, BigT didn’t lose, he ended up in the White House. But that didn’t stop the FBI!

The FBI joined forces with the CIA [Central Intelligence Agency] and the DOJ [Department of Justice] in a coup against BigT. It almost worked. But then came the 2020 election and it was just too much for BigT to overcome, he supposedly lost. But the FBI wasn’t done yet. The released files shows hundreds of meetings, dozens at the highest leadership levels, where the planning took place to destroy anyone associated with the patriot movement. This began their big push to transition to authoritarianism in America. It almost worked. But we paid a hallava price fighting it.

There were even files that exposed how the ‘deep state’ led by the FBI was able to create enough false flags to prevent the 2024 election from taking place. That was the final straw, at that point it was war!

You would have thought that Congress would be involved and investigate the FBI and hold them accountable. But, nope! With the release of the files it became clear why they didn’t. They were blackmailed plain and simple. One of two things happened, their Hoover File was shown to them with the incriminating evidence, or they were told that a Hoover File would be created with whatever evidence was needed.

The Hoover Files were literally files on virtually every politician and government employee since 1943. And there was a file on almost every American since 2001, thank you President Bush and your f*****g Patriot Act! David even found mine in late 2025 I think it was.

I still laugh to this day, there was only one file that was missing, the JFK assassination file. References to the file were found, 6 or 7 I think, in other files, but not the actual file itself. Several journalists put together enough information from all the files to pretty much point to the fact that the CIA did it. All circumstantial evidence, but pretty convincing.

A couple days after the first web server raids came the gun battles. The FBI was still raiding the sites where they thought the information might be stored, they expanded the raids to who they identified as domestic terrorists involved with the data breach. That was their mistake.

At first the FBI, the mainstream media, 99% of social media and cable news reported that the released information was all fake and that it was the product of foreign agents inside the US. That didn’t make sense to a whole lot of folks. Even Putin [Russian President in the 2020’s until his assassination in 2030 or 31] held a press conference and laughed outright at the statements. But then the same folks started talking about it being domestic terrorism, a data hack. That really contradicted their story that it was all fake and created by foreign agents. That was a big red flag. It turned into the Black Swan event of the century.

I think it was the third day of raids that the FBI ran into an armed group protecting a site, gun battle broke out. It wasn’t the only raid that day, they were averaging 5 or so a day then. But this raid was their first big mistake, half the agents died or were wounded, ‘casualties’ you would call them. That’s when ‘the war’ started big time!

Yeah, some call it American Revolution 2, others call it Civil War II. I call it simply a war, sometimes I call it the ‘revolt’, the revolt against the tyranny the US federal government had cleverly crafted for 120 years. Whatever you call it, a whole lot of people died. Estimates of total US population deaths at 20million, others go as high as 150million. No one knows for sure, there hasn’t been a census since 2020, probably won’t even be another. No one trusts the national government at all any more. Can you blame them?

By day 10 after the first resisted raid the FBI had to stop the raids, too many agents getting killed. Besides, a whole lot of FBI personnel quit coming to work. Others had to flee because their houses had burned down and families threatened. Some were killed. A bunch of FBI informants came up dead, other simply vanished, most of them probably not wanting to die. A few are still in prison.

I think it was maybe 3 months or so later that there was a huge fire at the FBI headquarters in Washington DC. It burned to the ground, no firefighters showed up. The FBI training facilities at Quantico, Virginia burned about a month later. Some new FBI recruits died in a gun battle there too. After that, the FBI couldn’t get any new agents at any price. I think it was within about 6 months there wasn’t an unburned FBI office left in the country. But, that doesn’t mean that FBI teams weren’t still out there killing people.

It took about a year more for the ‘squads’ to finish hunting down the FBI killer teams. Rumor has it that some FBI made it to the compact-states and formed their state versions of the FBI, but they’re are only rumors. Had it not been for the squads who knows how long they would have kept on killing ‘enemies of the state’ as they called it. Once done, the ‘squads’ disbanded. They didn’t want to become the ‘new boss, same as the old boss’ as the song goes. And they were some tough hombres! All former Delta, SEALS, and a few Green Berets thrown in for diversity.

[Dad chuckled, not sure why.]

So it doesn’t really matter exactly what started it or when it started, it just did. It was bitter sweet by any measure. Yes, a lot of people died, by sickness, starvation, disease, or violence. Yes, the USA doesn’t look anything like it did 25 years ago. Yes, the USA is weaker globally than it once was, but it also isn’t an ‘empire’ anymore being the world’s arrogant bully. But, to those of us in the free-states we see the USA as far more in-line with what the Founding Fathers wanted us to be.

You almost never hear about the national government, I don’t even know anybody who works for them. And in the last 15 years I don’t even remember ever meeting anyone that does. None of our money goes to them any more, the national budget is based mostly on tariffs, and no federal income tax or other taxes to them. They [the national government] don’t own any land anywhere and I don’t even think there is one of their offices in all of Arizona that I know of.

Granted, it was tough for a long time without social security, Medicare, and other government programs. But we got through it, all without the help of those government bastards. We stood up to them and let all levels of government know that they no longer ruled, we were in charge and we would tell them what to do. It didn’t go over very well, they were used to being the tyrants, the bullies, and the bosses; they soon learned they weren’t. They learned ‘we the people’ and who had the actual power.

Like back in 2025, no 2026 I think, it could have been 2027. The first time the county tried to collect property taxes, it didn’t go well for them.

First off, there wasn’t a whole lot of money floating around. The Fed [Federal Reserve] had closed the banks, seized people’s money, and tried to implement a digital currency. Of course this was all for the benefit of the people since the government was collapsing by then. Yeah, of course it was, uh huh. People weren’t having any of it. So the Fed just closed the banks, end of story, no real currency or money other than cash that people had hidden under their mattresses. That move on the part of the Fed threw one big monkey wrench into the system. But of course that didn’t stop government from wanting their money, oh no! Most banks were looted but no cash found, so the banks were mostly burned to the ground out of frustration and anger.

Anyways, the county released a statement saying they had been kind and benevolent by not requiring property taxes to be paid, but that was over. Their plan was every 90 days a prior year’s property taxes were due, in cash. I think it was 3 years of back taxes all due in a 9 month period in cash that basically no one had. And of course if a family didn’t have the money to pay the taxes the property would be seized and ownership transferred to the county until it could be sold. Not more than a handful of folks paid the property taxes.

So the first round of letters went out telling families that their homes had been seized, it now belonged to the county, and they had 10 days to vacate. Those first letters all went out to families in a little community called Concho, big mistake. Those folks lived in the remote community for a reason, and it weren’t coz they loved and supported government.

The county had formed a special enforcement task force. It consisted of a few remaining rouge deputies, some local PD cops, and a couple ‘citizen volunteers’. Rumor has it that the Sheriff’s department had refused to do it by themselves so the county commissioners had to put together the ‘task force’, then pass a law authorizing it.

The second place they raided was a family of 4 with 2 teenage boys. By the time the dust settled every single member of the task-force was a casualty. They weren’t all dead, although a couple were, but every one of them was either wounded or dead. No civilian was even injured, the task-force had been ambushed. No more raids took place.

What did come out of the two raids wasn’t exactly what the county commissioners had expected. I’m tired though, maybe we could take that up tomorrow or some other time.

[Dad seems to be getting tired more easily now. I can see it in his eyes. I think he is just worn out and I know he misses Lisa more than I can imagine. At times he seems alone but I know he loves having the kids around. I think he is fading. I better not push him.]

<- click to read Chapter 1                                                       click here to read Chapter 3 ->

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The Wars: Chapter 1

This is a short story that I have been working on for about a month now. It isn’t to be considered a book because it is far too short for that. But, there are multiple chapters to it that you might enjoy over the next week or so.

It is written as if a person was telling it to his son and grandson…kind of like reminiscing about the past. A man going over history but as he saw it, his personal opinion of what happened…along with some embellishments of course.

I’ve not had it proof read and I’ve done all the editing myself so please forgive the errors. There are some grammar issues that I intentionally used to make it sound more like an old man talking rather than some polished work of fiction. And yes, this is all fiction. No names or characters are real and any indication that they apply to anyone alive today is purely by accident. Same applies to any government or their various agencies. No events are real, all are works of fiction and fantasy. I do not advocate violence against anyone as is depicted in this story.

I hope you enjoy!

AH Trimble

P.S. Please don’t reprint or repost this. You are more than welcome to post a link to this story but let’s leave the story here where it belongs. Thank you!

Note: To the federal agents, agency analysts, and informants that will be reading these chapters…they are only works of fiction, pure fiction, just like the hundreds of thousands of other books, stories, and articles that have been written before by a long list of authors. Any reference to any US government agency is simply fictional content and doesn’t represent any truth to any degree.

Transcribed from his diary, notes, and conversations with the original AH Trimble over the course of 6 months just prior to his death in 2049. Some editing was needed to make it all a bit more coherent. The places, dates and facts may be a little off, but the content is pretty accurate and related by a man that was there, a man who lived it, a man who suffered from a lot of it…my father.

When you see a [ ] that means I added an explanation, word, phrase, etc. to help explain what my father meant. I think I did a pretty good job. What’s amazing is how lucid my father was at his age. He was 93 when he shared all of this with me. He died last month just 2 days short of his 94th birthday. Unfortunately, he lived his last 9 years without Lisa his wife of 35 years. He sure did miss her but the grand kids, great grand kids, and families sure helped him through it.

You might be wondering why I decided to call it “The Wars”. Starting in 2024 the US saw one kind of war or another for more than a decade. Who knew that the US could devolve into such a mess; but thanks to the US government and their puppet masters we did. Through all the wars a lot of good people died; fortunately, more bad people, evil people died and things turned out okay for the most part. Probably the best they could given the circumstances. The title just seemed appropriate; mostly the wars were between good and evil.


It’s been almost 25 years to the day and my son David has asked me probably 10 times to write down what I saw and did back then. Even his son Hayden has asked me several times, and it is hard to refuse him, but I have. But when Tommy [Hayden’s 10 year old son] finally asked me, well, I just couldn’t refuse. It’s probably best, so much crap has been written about what happened that it is now hard to tell fact from fiction. Not that I know all the facts, I just know what I saw and did. So here goes…

Some say it was the border crisis that started it all. Others say it was the Great Crime Spree in New York City that triggered it. A few even talk about a former President going to prison was what lit the fuse that blew it all up. Not me, I know what started it. Most folks don’t remember, most who could have are already dead, and it almost went unnoticed, but I was there. US District Court house in Flagstaff, Arizona. Yes sir, US District Court building on San Francisco Street in Flagstaff, Arizona, it all started there.

I can’t imagine a more historic change in the world than this. Some declare it destroyed America, most say it saved the US. For me, I look at it as saving the Constitution because the USA doesn’t look anything like it used to back in the early 2020’s. And that my friends is a good thing.

Now look, I am not saying that all of those events I already mentioned didn’t have an impact, they did. And many more like them, especially all the mass shootings and the horrific increase in crime starting in 2022. But is was the Flagstaff 15, we called them the F15, that really kicked it all off in a big way, as it should have. And I was there, I was part of it, although I didn’t have to fire a shot. Let me explain…

The FBI [Federal Bureau of Investigation] had been arresting Christians for a while, for maybe 10 years or so, for their presence at abortion factories. Christians, mostly Catholics bless their souls, had been showing up at abortion mills for years praying and singing hymns. They wanted to be the last line of defense for unborn babies before the monsters dismembered their bodies while alive and ripped the pieces out of the mothers. About 2020, maybe a little before, the FBI began violent SWAT raids against these Christians arresting them for violations of federal law. I am not positive of the name but I think it was called the FACE Act and I don’t have a clue when or why Congress passed it. I never really knew of it until 2023 when the FBI raids really gained notoriety.

In 2023 it came out that the DHS [Department of Homeland Security] had been tracking religious people, almost exclusively Christians, for years. They called them potential domestic terrorists, and Catholics were at the top of the list and right under them were the evangelicals and LDS members. In a congressional hearing it even came out that the FBI had been tracking people who had bought Bibles. Anyways, the FBI began these horrifically violent SWAT raids arresting people who had been at these abortion clinics praying and singing hymns. Almost all of the people arrested were senior citizens over the age of 70 along with some pastors, priests, and preachers. And those raids were violent! Those FBI goons even held guns on toddlers and young kids while dragging parents out of their homes.

Thankfully, there were videos of some of those raids, mostly cellphone videos, some RING videos, and a couple of security camera videos. A lot of the video disappeared, especially if it was only on the Internet stored in a cloud. Turns out it [the raid videos] was taken, stolen truth be told, by the NSA [National Security Agency] and then originals were deleted and no longer available by the owners. Yeah, the NSA was the root of a whole lot of evil in America and most folks never realized it until it was too late. Thankfully the NSA, along with the rest of the fed dark shit no longer exists. We should have never had them to begin with but their lies were believable and we bought it hook-line-and-sinker for years.

Sorry, the raids…yeah, a lot of folks were arrested; some were even shot “resisting” arrest. The first one that I really remember was some 300+lbs white guy from Utah, I don’t remember his name now. The FBI showed up with 20 agents armed to the teeth, even an armored vehicle of some kind. Threw what they said was ‘flash bangs’ in his house, then yelled ‘gun’ real loud for the cameras and some 30+ shots were heard. I think that woke a lot of folks up to what was happening. The guy was almost 100% disabled, had to use a walker, and was on an oxygen machine. But he was a “domestic terrorist” and they shot him dead to save the country. Yeah, uh huh.

The F15 didn’t really come from Flagstaff, they just were sent there for trial. I don’t remember where they came from, it wasn’t even Arizona. The DOJ [Department of Justice], an oxymoron if I ever heard one, wanted to have the trial in a liberal city far away from any major city with large populations. Back then any city or town with a college was a raving den of liberals with the stupidest people you would ever want to meet. And these dumb-ass queers who dressed up as women even though they had ****s hanging. God, is was weird back then, more like perverted and insane if I was to tell the truth.

The trial was short and the outcome was a foregone conclusion…guilty! No one expected anything else, the liberals were demanding it and the protesters were out there out there every day making a scene. It did get pretty tense when AntiFa started showing up. More than a few fights broke out. Of course all the ‘news outlets’ only showed video of the white Christian males throwing punches. And oddly, the police only intervened when AntiFa started losing the fights. And oddly again, it was only the pro-life folks who ever got arrested. The police there were as corrupt as you can possibly imagine. But back then, most police were either corrupt, authoritarians, or just incompetent. Nothing like they are today. Thankfully today they are far and few between but they do their job and solve crimes. Back then most of them were worthless, some were great people; and that saved the day in Flagstaff.

Just after the trial started a really good, trusted friend of mine called and wanted to have lunch. He had never done that before, my curiosity was pricked of course. We went to this little Mexican place that was quiet, and he wanted to eat at 2pm, well after the lunch crowd on a Tuesday. It struck me a little more weird but I didn’t know at the time just how weird. So he was already there, even though I was 15 minutes early. I was always early, gave me a chance to…well, it was a habit I picked up…we’ll leave it at that.

We ordered some appetizers, I was starving, a little jittery, low blood sugar, hypoglycemia plagued me my whole adult life. We chatted for just a minute then he brought up Flagstaff trial. Why? Let’s just say he and I had similar feelings and outlooks of the world at the time. [I asked dad who this person was, he didn’t tell me. Said he never would.] A couple minutes later my friend asked if he could introduce me to someone. Of course he could.

A guy from a table on the other side of the place got up and came over after a discrete nod from my buddy. I remember thinking to myself…’007 stuff’, this would be interesting. Oh, it was!

See, I’ve always been a bit of a ‘gray man’, meaning I don’t stand out in a room or in a crowd, I just kind of fade into the background. Good in some ways, bad for me with the girls at school dances as a teenager though. This guy wanted me to go to Flagstaff and observe the men that were escorting and guarding the F15, then give him my opinion of who they were. Strange request but I got kind of excited about it, taking me back to my VIP bodyguard days. He wanted me to be there tomorrow. I was to drive myself and not tell anyone what I was doing. Given who my buddy was I had a pretty clear idea what was going on, or what was going to be going on. I was okay with it, plenty good with it. It was time that people stood up.

The next morning I left early in my wife’s plain-Jane SUV, enjoying my burrito along the way. I wore everyday street clothes, I didn’t even take, let alone carry, my everyday carry pistol. Yeah, I loved the S&W Shield when I had the 157gr TSP loaded up. I really enjoyed that day, I felt very alive and purposeful.

I met the guy in Holbrook on the way back home. I never did know his name, never wanted to know. And that seems strange considering I had a picture of his driver’s license for years. When we met for lunch, before we did much talking, I pulled a fast one on him. Let’s say I was cautious. The FBI had waged a full-on war against not just Christians but against militias, conservatives, patriots, veterans, and anyone else who believed in the Constitution. To make sure he was not an FBI asset, or at least reduce the possibility, I made him get his wallet out right there and then. He did.

I took a picture of his driver’s license and a picture of his family of 7; him, his wife, and 5 kids. He also had a conceal carry permit; I can’t imagine an FBI agent with a conceal carry permit. He got a little nervous when I took a picture of everything, but he understood what I was doing. I just told him it was my insurance, that I would leave it all with a buddy that had done hard time just in case things were not as he represented. He wasn’t thrilled but he understood. You know, I never did look at the picture of his drivers license. I wonder why.

I told him that the men guarding and transporting the F15 were Tier 2, maybe Tier 3, men. I felt that the core group (8 – 10) were FBI SWAT team members. Another group (6 – 8), the outer parameter were probably Marshall’s or something similar. None of them were locals. All armed with pistols and mostly MP5’s but probably a few FN P90’s thrown in for the heck of it. All had some degree of body armor. I hadn’t spotted any overwatch.

I also told him I noticed a couple of older males in the crowd that I thought were plants. Sleeper agents mixed in the crowd in case trouble broke out. He smirked just a bit, odd I thought. Later I found out that there were two other guys there just like me doing recon. I had given the most complete report but also had been noticed by one of the other guys. The next day I had breakfast with him.

Yeah, probably boring you to death by now so I will shorten it. On the last day of the trial, when they were sentenced I was asked to be part of an ‘operation’ in Flagstaff. Come to find out later, one of the FBI agents involved in the detail was actually a hardcore Christian and didn’t agree with any of what they were doing. But rather than quit and become a whistle-blower, he stayed in and was a sleeper agent passing on information. Which he did about this entire detail he was on. If they were sentenced to any prison time he wanted the F15 freed by any means possible.

Well after the operation I found out I was one of 4 ‘blocking assets’ to be used if the ops guys were followed. And the ops guys were to be an interdiction unit. That means they confronted the F15 transportation detail. There 9 of them. Watching them work I would say they were all SpecOps, probably a mix of Delta and maybe DevGru, maybe a Green Beret thrown in for good measure.

They knew exactly when the F15 would exit the building, do a perp walk, and then be herded in to the prison bus. Evidently the FBI sleeper got the info out, including that there would be a diversionary group exiting through the parking garage to try and derail any mischief. So there were ½ the number of guards and they were smart enough to not take on our guys.

It happened so fast if you blinked you would miss it. They disarmed the guard detail and moved the F15 folks into the prison bus and were gone in maybe 90 seconds. And that is saying something considering the average age of the F15 folks. From what I understand there was an old folks home mini-bus a couple of blocks away waiting to take the F15 on out of town. The prison bus was blown up with a pretty big fireball.

I was given a white baseball cap to put on as soon as the operation started, along with 3 others. I saw 2 other white baseball caps in the same area at the same time, never saw the last guy’s cap. The caps were to identify us to the ops guys and for the holders to recognize the other holders, and not kill each other. It was easy to ID the ops guys. The caps were also equipped with some kind of light on the brim that was supposed to distort any cameras and defeat facial recognition software. Must have worked, I was never caught, no one was.

A couple of other cool things happened that day. No traffic cameras were working in Flagstaff that day, they all went offline about 3 minutes before the op took place. Any other camera in the area never caught any usable image of anyone. And all the media cameras were confiscated by the FBI but nothing ever came of any of it.

One unfortunate issue…the FBI sleeper agent. He and his family were never seen again. He was married and had 8 kids, ages 2 – 17. Come to think of it, he was seen, or at least someone who looked a lot like him, was caught on a gas station camera in Utah about 2 months later. No one could say for sure it was him. Rumor has it he was whisked away by some underground railroad group to northern Idaho. Another rumor that circulated was the FBI HRT team caught him and his family, all were killed point blank, the agency guy being the last one shot. Knowing the FBI back then, I believe the latter rumor.

I did get to keep the short barreled 300 blackout, that was pretty cool. They gave me that weapon to use since it was supposed to be untraceable and enough stopping power. That F15 operation also started me down the path involved with the resistance movement.

Oh, the F15 folks, pretty cool actually except for one. An elderly man died sometime after they were moved to the mini-bus, he died of a heart attack. The rest ended up in Texas with asylum and a pardon granted by the Texas Governor. No one ever messed with them, they all lived out the rest of their lives in peace with their families around them. I think each one wrote a book about the ordeal, you would have to look online.

One thing that has always struck me about that day, the lack of violence. The feds guarding the F15 were obviously dialed in, fairly tough men from what I could see. No one I would want to tangle with. But there was virtually no resistance, no gun fight, not a single shot fired, and no overwatch. I did a lot of VIP security back in my day and there should have been at least 1 – 3 overwatch snipers posted to keep an eye on things. If there were any there that day they never fired a shot. I have my ideas on what really happened but I will keep that to myself.

That Texas Governor was already on President Perv’s shit list and this didn’t help. But Abbott secured the border when CBP [Customs and Border Patrol] wouldn’t. And all of that mess came to light a few years later. The cartels and coyotes pretty much abandoned Texas later that year. The Texas Military shut it all down and a year or two later those caught bringing in drugs or guns were, for the most part, hung on sight after a 10 minute military tribunal hearing. It didn’t take long for them to just leave the bodies hanging in place, or hung over the fence. Ranchers used to do that when they killed coyotes so the other coyotes would smell the death and stay away. It worked in both cases.

In my opinion this [F15 event] is when the war really started, I mean the shooting war that was out in the open. Some folks would say that it started at the border in 2023 when the Texas Military kicked the CBP in the balls. Most folks thought that CBP was just incompetent, turns out that agency was a corrupt as any ever was, along with their DHS brothers and sisters. A crime family if there ever was one. And the leadership of both were as treasonous as a person could ever dream of. And that’s the truth!

Back at the beginning I talked about the crime spree in New York, well, it was more widespread than that. Every big city was hit hard, lots of smaller towns and cities as well. I say that because it was also almost exclusively the result of the problems at the border. Hell, not problems, a full-scale invasion it was!

At the time it all started to fall apart real bad there was almost 50million illegal aliens in the US. There were some decent families mixed in there, but most of those illegals were just plain criminals. Some of them would make the hardest US criminals cringe. There were the drug cartel men, some flunkies, some dealers and mid-management types. But the cartel hit-men were ruthless as humans ever could be, some of them as young as 12 years old. The worst of the lot were the human traffickers. Turns out that over the course of 10 years over 1million of the illegals were brought into the US as sex victims. The pedophile rings in the US were flooded with these kids, some as young as 2 and 3 years old. They catered to the rich and powerful, including Jeffery Epstein, a name we’ll never forget.

I remember about 10 years ago a computer was found that supposedly had a file with names on it with who bought the kids or used them. If I remember it right, it read like a whose-who of the political class, the big-tech owners, and lots of federal bureaucrats. No one was ever charged at the time because the DOJ protected virtually all of them. The FBI of course never investigated anyone unless it was to target someone outside of the deep state. It was a mess. Once the list came out a lot of folks on the list that were still alive disappeared. Good riddance.

Hayden asked me to tell the story again of everyone ending up on the “ranch” so it can be written down. I shouldn’t have to, David knows more of it than me since he lived most of it firsthand. I think Hayden just likes hearing me embellish it a bit. But what Hayden wants, Hayden gets. But only because he is Tommy’s father.

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