What’s going on & Where have I been…

Both are easy to answer…let’s take “Where have I been” first.

The simple answer is…working my tail off! Remember I am 69 years old now so I’ve slowed down a bit and can’t quite do as much as I once could. That being said…

  • I’ve been building a greenhouse then nurturing and tending to my greenhouse plants.
  • Installing an irrigation system for my 12-tree orchard.
  • Prepping a yard area that could be turned into a 6,000sq’ garden.
  • Fixing neighbor’s tractor…and then my own.
  • Installing a large brand new irrigation system in both gardens.
  • Helping a neighbor build his multi-room addition.
  • And a whole host of other things that would bore you to death.

So yeah, I’ve been very, very busy. I have a sense of urgency that is driving me, driving me hard.

Now…”What’s been going on” is the larger and more complex subject.

If you a regular visitor to the site you are already really well tuned in to current events. If this is your first time or two, you probably can also see for yourself what is happening in the world around us.

I have been watching very closely the events of the last several weeks. To say “disturbing” would be a huge and gross understatement! I haven’t really felt the need to write any articles on any of those items since they are pretty damn self-explanatory. Or rather…pretty damning and self-explanatory.

Let’s take an obvious one…the pro-terrorist college riots. Ah no, these are self-explanatory if there ever was one…radicalized empty-headed students being manipulated by college professors and outside agitators funded by evil men such as Soros. But these riots are far more violent and confrontational than the 60’s anti-war peace protests with more potential.

Then there is the on-going invasion of America at the southern border by those that have a single goal…destroy America and build an authoritarian paradise. (Yes, I know…an oxymoron.)

And if you been watching any of the Congressional hearings you know that every single Biden administration official is a traitor to the Constitution and are hell-bent on destroying America. And openly flaunting it our faces!

The economy…need I comment? There is, and has been, an intentional and determined program being carried out by the Biden administration, the Fed, Congress, and behind-the-curtain folks to destroy the economy…collapse it completely and totally. And their plan is working. There is no “good” area of the economy right now with one exception…the markets. And who does that benefit the most?

When it comes to the average American, the middle and lower class folks, the economy is destroying us…period. Inflation is out of control, unemployment is horrible, job creation is miserable, layoffs are rampant, and just think about the price of food and fuel for a minute. The housing market is a complete mess and collapsing in that the average American can no longer afford an average house.

There is clear and compelling evidence that there is no doubt, there is no question of a two-tier justice system in the United States. It is just as clear that the Department of Justice is 100% corrupted, that it is weaponized, and run by an Attorney General that would be completely at home working for the Nazi Germany government or the KGB or any petty, but dangerous, third-world dictator. There is no longer a Department of Justice that gives a damn about the Constitution let alone simple right vs wrong.

One of the most disturbing aspects of America today…the upcoming election. America’s judicial system is doing everything it can to keep Trump from running for President and winning. Think about it…a presidential candidate being prosecuted by his political opponent’s minions! That is purely the stuff of some weird banana republic, a fascist style government. The “gag orders” are the most troubling in my opinion. He can’t even talk about his opponent and their tactics without violating a judge imposed court order. Violating one of those orders could literally land him in jail. Thank you to the modern day Adolf Hitlers!

But then there is the election itself. Have you seen the survey numbers on people trusting the upcoming presidential election results!? The Republicans don’t trust the election results if Trump loses. And of course the Democrats don’t trust the election results if Trump is elected. Then there is the whole crowd that believes that the entire presidential election process is simply a “selection” process with votes/voting meaning absolutely nothing. If truth be told…I can’t argue against that one.

The chances of a free and fair election is ZERO. That ship sailed 8 years ago when the FBI embedded spies in the Trump campaign then, with cooperation of the CIA, began a coup against Trump. Let me say it again…there is NO chance that we have a free and fair election…period.

To me it is not the election itself that is the most significant point…it is what comes after. I’ve been saying this for 3 years now…whoever gets elected there will be a very high likelihood of riots, violence, and maybe worse. Think about it…if Trump is not elected what will his supporters, and Republicans in general, do? Same is true for the radical leftists (i.e. any Democrat), what will they do? We already know that the CIA and FBI will take the lead and initiate another coup against Trump. Of course they will, they did it the last time!

Then in my opinion…no election is a realistic possibility. Then what happens? What do the radical left and right do? Hell, what does the average American do? More importantly, what would veterans do? Maybe that is one of the reasons that DHS and the FBI have labeled veterans as potential domestic terrorists. Yeah, think about a whole bunch of trained folks who swore to uphold the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic…and no election.

The United States is a complete and total mess right now…on brink of another civil war or revolution. And it is all thanks to the US federal government, who are the ground forces, and the elitists who are pulling their strings.

Yeah I know…I haven’t even touched on the two world wars…Russia vs NATO and Israel vs Terrorism. And no, I didn’t mention China making overt moves/threats against Taiwan…and the US unable to defend Taiwan if it comes to that.

All it is going to take is one spark, one False Flag, one Black Swan event and it all goes up in smoke and flame.

Did you hear this past week the Congresswoman actually talk about her “insight” that a Back Swan event is a very real possibility?

The presidential election/selection is less than 6 months away. I have two major concerns; 1) an event that is of such a magnitude that “for our own safety and protection” the election/selection is canceled or postponed, 2) if there is an election/selection what happens within the following 3 months between the election and the inauguration (and the time period immediately afterwards).

And yes, of course I am truly, genuinely worried about entirety of 2025 regardless of who occupies the White House. Biden has all but destroyed the economy beyond repair…but it could get worse, much worse.

Why haven’t I been writing about any of this?

Damn! You already know about this stuff…you are already following this stuff…I don’t need to tell you what you already know, what you already see and hear because you have both eyes and ears to do so. But yes, I know that if you are here, reading this, you put some value on my take of things/events/people. So here it is…

  1. America has collapsed and we are in very dangerous times.
  2. The election/selection will bring more problems than it solves.
  3. The US federal government is the root of most evil.
  4. Those controlling the US government are the root of all evil.
  5. It will get worse. It could be far, far more worse than we can even imagine.

There are two bright spots, two areas that I think are shining, amazing, give me hope, keeps me going, brings me joy…

  1. Americans, the actual people (at least most) are some of the greatest people the world has ever known and, given a fair chance, will make the right choices and stand up for what is right…even if they know they will lose that fight. The amount of real and potential “good” in the American people is staggering!
  2. The Constitution is a divinely inspired document outlining the most perfect system of government that the world has ever known. And its principles will not be lost; the Constitution will be saved by those patriots that understand and cherish it…and take the necessary steps to do something about it.

Please, please continue to plan, prepare, and practice (train)…you will not be disappointed if you do. Then pray…pray for divine intervention.

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Garden: Big Mistake!

I’ve been really working hard at expanding our garden this year. Our goal is to try and eat out of the garden as much as possible. A secondary goal was to become independent of buying plants from a store to go in the garden. And we also wanted to gain the last of sufficient knowledge to be able to grow as much food as possible in the event of a food chain disruption or grid-down.

So what is the big mistake? I was blindsided last night.

Two years in a row we’ve been hit with a hail storm in roughly mid-September. Both years it destroyed our garden with the exception of the strawberry plants. We now have a plan in-place to deal with that this year…more on that in a later post. Last night was different.

Background: We monitor two different nearby locations for our weather forecasts, there is not one for our immediate area…we live in the sticks. Both nearby locations are within 5 miles. For the most part the forecasts are pretty spot on. Last night was different.

I’ve been working really long and hard hours for several weeks lately…this morning I decided to sleep in way late…I got up about 5:45. I slept so well last night it was amazing! Cool night air coming in through the windows and just a perfect night for sleeping. Then I woke up.

Problem: One of the first things I check when I get up each morning during the growing season is the outside temperature. And yes, the inside temp as well in case I have to turn on the electric baseboard heaters for my wife. I was stunned when I saw the outside temp was 32o outside!

Besides my berries I have my potatoes in the ground and coming up beautifully. I am also experimenting with planting some plants early and prepared to protect them if a freeze will hit. Last night it was supposed to be 37o – 40o…no lower…so no protection steps taken.

I have no idea what the damage will be yet. I know the berries can handle it and the potatoes should be fine as well. My experimental plants…who knows? But, I can afford to lose those since I have nearly 80 plants in my greenhouse that are my primary stock. And therein lies another problem.

I have a routine in the evening…that includes closing the greenhouse door and window. Yesterday was kinda cool so I left the door closed all day but had the window open for air circulation.

Remember I mentioned the long and hard hours I’ve been working? Last night I was exhausted and kinda took a little time to just veg…and I neglected some of my evening routine. And one item of that “some” was neglecting to close the greenhouse window. BIG MISTAKE !

I don’t know yet what the damage may, or may not, be. I think the damage won’t manifest it self clearly until tomorrow at the earliest. I am hoping for the best…a tender mercy. There were almost 80 plants in the greenhouse last night, if we lose those we are hurting big time when it comes to our garden this year. Actually we will be mostly wiped out for this year.

There will still be time to plant seed directly in the ground for many plants but not for things like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, etc. that need to be started indoors and then transplanted. You see we took the money that we would normally pay for plants from the store and invested it in the greenhouse and plant starting equipment. There is simply no budget to replace all those plants that might be lost from, last night. We’ll see.

So why am I sharing this experience, this mistake?

Remember the last two years of hail in September that destroyed the garden? Well, this would be the third year in a row of a major catastrophe making a serious adverse impact on our garden.

Think about that for a minute. Let’s say we were living in a grid-down scenario right now and had to depend on our garden producing food to supplement our food storage. That is 3 years straight that we would have lost part of the garden production…that could spell disaster!

I think it was 4 years ago, maybe 3, that I shared with you a real strong encouragement to start gardening. I said maybe not to become some master gardener with 2 acres under cultivation to feed your family year-round. What I encouraged you to do was to learn…that’s it. Learn your soil, your weather, what plants would do well in your climate, etc.. Just learn to garden so “if” the time came…you would have the skill-set to do so.

The same goes for me.

I will be doing a “lessons learned” post soon on this event and I hope you get something out of this post and the upcoming one. I know I learned a valuable lesson.

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US Senators say ATF weren’t wearing cameras when they killed Malinowski.

  • I read an article that says none of the ATF agents who raided Malinowski’s home wore body cameras. So now what? BTW you nailed this situation!

The articles you are referring to was based on both US Senators from Arkansas stating that fact publicly in a joint statement. They were given that information from the Department of Justice. So let me turn this around on you…

Why do you think that out of all of the ATF raiding party not a single one of them was wearing a body camera that recorded Malinowski allegedly opening fire on them and the ATF returning fire killing him with a bullet to the head?

Follow it up with this one…How could none of the 20 – 40 man highly armed, highly trained, totally professional ATF operators not have a body camera on? Not a single one of them remembering clearly that it is an ATF policy for 2 years now that they must wear body cameras for such an operation.

We good so far?

Now here we go…

  • Do you think that any of those involved in killing Malinowski will face charges for his death…or even an actual legitimate investigation?
  • Do you think all/any of those ATF operators will face disciplinary actions for clearly and intentionally violating a strict ATF policy on body cameras?
  • Do you think all/any of those ATF operators will get promoted and performance bonuses this year?
  • Do you think that maybe, just maybe, the DOJ will cover for the ATF actions and policy violations?
  • Why do you think the DOJ would do something like that cover-up?

Let me get flip for a moment…Why did you ask me a question you already know the answer to? And yes, I know that you can answer the questions that I posed as well.

And I “nailed it” because we all know how these unconstitutional federal law enforcement agencies work in this day and age…it is clear as a bell to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. Or…they wouldn’t act this way now would they? And we wouldn’t have a bunch of dead US citizens laying around would we?

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Can the US be saved…Why not?

  • In a previous post you were asked ‘Can the US be saved?’ I read your answer. It was incomplete. Why not?

There are three major insurmountable obstacles to America being saved.

#1 – Debt. Never in the history of the world has any empire using fiat currency and implementing modern monetary theory (MMT) ever been “saved”…they have ALL fallen. Just to be clear, the US is an “empire” by definition. The debt the US has accumulated cannot be sustained, which is modern monetary theory. Debt will crash the US Empire, that is an indisputable fact, and proven by thousands of years of history…the US will be no different.

#2 – The invasion of illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants now make up approximately 15% of the population of the US. The extreme danger involved is the majority of the illegals are criminals before they cross our border, and all are criminals for crossing our border illegally. The chaos, crime, and financial impact cannot be overcome. It is past the tipping point, it is now on an exponential curve to destruction. And no, US citizens do not have the stomach to deport all of the illegals. Hell, we don’t have the stomach to depart just all the harden criminal illegals.

#3 – Political Parties. George Washington warned us against political parties, specifically a 2-party system, just over 200 years ago. And he was exactly right! The problem is, as Washington pointed out, a political party is simply interested in getting into, and staying in, power. In the US we are stuck in a death spiral with the Democrats and Republicans. Neither party does a damn thing to actually improve the country as per the Constitution…as in rights, freedoms, and liberties. Both parties are war-mongering, both parties can’t control their spending, both parties are tied into the military-industrial complex, both parties are corrupt….both parties are destroying our country. And that is a simple, indisputable fact. So, as long as we are stuck with, and vote within, a 2-party system there is no saving the US from destruction.

There is a fourth reason out there, vague to be sure…kinda lurking in the shadows. It is easy to see, hard to adequately describe, and vehemently debated when brought up. The dark horse to America not being able to be saved is the accelerating rise of authoritarianism in the US. And it is coming from not just from the deepstate, but also from both parties. And remember this…in the entire history of the world, in the totality of mankind, authoritarians have never given up power willingly.

FYI…”Empire” is described as being a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. The US covers a huge territory consisting of political units such as states (50), territories (11), and one district. The “single sovereign authority” is the federal government. So the US is by definition an “empire”.

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Malinowski and the ATF follow-up question…

  • I read your article on Malinowski and the ATF. Pretty much spot on from what I can tell. Why do you think the ATF is like that and what do you think there opinion of you and your article is?

Well, two questions but they go to the same issue…mindset. Let me hit on that which answers both your questions.

ATF personnel are true believers. They think the are serving the Constitution, they see themselves as heroes. They are convinced that they are striving to keep America safe against the bad guys. It starts with their initial training…their boot camp if you will.

Think about this…do you for a minute think they ever bring up the subject that the ATF as a federal government agency isn’t authorized in the Constitution? Of course not. To the contrary, I am sure the recruits hear repeatedly how great their agency is, how rich their agency history is, how much the ATF serves the American people, and the country is safer for their existence.

The precursor of the ATF was formed in 1886 as the “Revenue Laboratory” more commonly referred to as revenuers or “revenoors”. Basically, collecting tax revenue and/or smashing unregistered liquor producing stills. In 1968, with the passage of the Gun Control Act, they became what we know as the ATF. Raising money through “tax stamps” and licensing.

So here is the fact of the matter…the Gun Control Act of 1968 is in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment. And based on that unconstitutional law the ATF was reformed to enforce the infringement of people’s gun rights. I wonder if they ever teach that in the ATF school?

Let’s recap a couple things…the major gun laws that have destroyed the 2nd Amendment…

First, in 1934 there was The National Firearms Act (NFA) pushed through by Progressive/Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Second, in 1938 the The Federal Firearms Act (FFA). Also pushed through by Progressive/Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Third, in 1968 there was the Gun Control Act, pushed through by Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Notice a trend there…one was a Progressive/Democrat who was clearly an authoritarian and often considered a closet socialist. The other was also a Democrat and without any question an authoritarian. Do you find any of that interesting?

So, let’s wrap this up…I am sure any ATF personnel that read my article think I am a whack job at best, maybe a bit of an idealist, and possibly a marginal threat. They would immediately dismiss my statement that the ATF is not authorized in the Constitution as pure hooey, the ravings of some right-wing backwoods hillbilly radical.

Have you ever heard of “group think” or the “hive culture”? In either situation individuals mostly lose the ability to think for themselves…and to makes matters worse…they don’t even know it.

So let’s touch on one more thing…$money$. An ATF field agent can earn between $85k – $115k per year…BEFORE any locality pay, overtime pay, law enforcement “offset”, etc.. So add to their base pay another $25k – $35k for those niceties. Oh wait…there is an incredible health insurance program and pension program. For health insurance add in another $12k – $18k per year. And for pension add in $26k – $34k per year. So now you are looking at an annual salary of somewhere around $148k – $202,000 per year when all is said and done. Not bad, eh?

Well now, let’s talk the average person in the USA…they make approximately $41k per year. So the average ATF agents are making almost 4 to 5 times the average American. Whoa…sweet, eh?

Oh, I forgot to mention…if an ATF agent retires after 30 years of service they are bringing in about $76k – $103k per year in pension money…for the rest of their lives!

So is the money a huge motivation to join the ATF…and to go along with the program regardless of any moral or ethical issues?

As for my article…there is no way they would put any credibility to it at all. Coz if they did…think of that nice fat paycheck they would be jeopardizing. And that is also food for thought when it comes to wondering why there are virtually no ATF “whistleblowers” coming forward. Actually, I can’t think of a single one.

Doesn’t life get interesting when a person has the courage to stop and truly and honestly think through issues?

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Can the US be saved?

  • Can the US be saved?

Well, that depends. Why? Because it is a relative question. Relative to “saved” to what point in time, and how do you described “saved”.

So I would describe “saved” meaning restoring rights, liberties, and freedoms back to the “we the people”. What “rights, liberties, and freedoms” am I talking about? The ones outlined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, along with the intentions of the Founding Fathers. Basically moving power back to the people and away from government…as the Founders envisioned.

As to what point in time…compared to when I was a kid, the US is long lost…and I mean by a long shot. Compared to pre-9/11 the country is already lost as well. Who do you see that could take the reins of government and return it to its Constitutional foundation?

As far as I can see…no one. Maybe you think differently but I can’t see a single person that has a desire to restore the Constitution and return the government to its very restricted and limited place. Do you see anyone?

And even if you could name one…do you think the deep state, the bureaucrats, the elites, the globalists, or the rich would allow them to do that? Of course not, they aren’t going to give up their power at all…not a single one of them. So no one has a chance to restore even if someone had the desire.

So let’s ask the question again…Can the US be saved? Yes.

However, there is only a single way that the US can be saved in any definition of the word. And that is through divine intervention…period.

So now ask the questions…Could it happen vs will it happen? And if it would happen…Why?

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Multiple flights of C-17’s this morning…

This morning I saw multiple flights of C-17 Globemasters flying overhead. They were transiting from west to east at a relatively low altitude. They were also flying in a specific formation. The flights were spaced about 15 – 20 minutes apart.

Odd or interesting?

For me it was both. Why?

In 8 years there has never been a single military aircraft fly over our property or anywhere in the area. And there is no military air base anywhere near by. And no, no airport nearby other than a very small regional airport and an air park. I live in the southwest US.

Anyone else seeing an uptick in USAF air traffic?

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April 19th…National Day of Prayer?

Today is April 19th, 2024. It was 249 years ago today that events changed the world. It proved that when a group of dedicated and committed people band together with divine help they can defeat tyranny and oppression even when it seems insurmountable. They pledged everything for their cause…everything!

As Americans may we always be willing to pledge enough, to care enough, to do enough, and to always have courage enough, the morality, the willingness to defeat tyranny and oppression wherever it may be found.

If there was ever true need to be a National Day of Prayer…it would be today.

Pray…if not for our country…at least pray for our children.


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249 years ago tomorrow…

Do you remember the article I posted on 3/19? The article talked about 249 years ago when the American colonists began their armed struggle to defeat tyranny and oppression. It reminded readers of how simple farmers, tradesmen, and businessmen picked up arms and defeated the largest, most professional, most powerful army in the world. It took 8 years, but they did it. And in so doing changed the world for the better by establishing a new form of government, a divinely inspired type of government centered on “we the people.”

At part of that article I asked you to do something. Here is what I asked…

“On April 19th, one month from now, I would like you to gather with friends and family, enjoy a picnic, a quiet meal, or simply a desert together. Review the events of April 19th, 1775. Point out that the British government not only was the most powerful government/empire in the world at the time, it was the richest, and had the largest, most powerful, most professional, most lethal military in the world.

Talk about how a group of idealistic colonists formed citizen militias, fought, and won the day. If you have time, discuss the Declaration of Independence that came about the next year, what it meant, what it did, and the movement that it not just documented and started…but what it meant to the entire world in the following years…and what it means to us today.

Take a moment and read aloud the “Concord Hymn” to each other. Feel the swell of pride well up inside of you. Feel the awe and reverence for those men that day, in that place, at that time, what they did, and what they risked.

Then, as if in prayer, read together the last sentence of the Declaration of Independence. Quietly, in deep reverence, listen. Listen to that still small voice inside. Listen to the Spirit that you feel deep in your heart. Then follow that prompting.”

Tomorrow is April 19th…I am asking you again to do this simple thing. But from simple things can come greatness. Just look what those colonists did.

Concord Hymn

The last sentence of the Declaration of Independence reads, “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

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Why haven’t you written about the ATF killing Malinowski?

  • Why haven’t you written about the ATF killing Malinowski?

Should I have to? It’s pretty clear what happened and why. Well, to anyone who understands the big picture…as well as the details.

Let’s talk about this in a realistic, honest, clear, and logical manner. No government propaganda and no conspiracy theory tinfoil hat hooey. Just talk about facts based on information that is current and pretty well documented.

Here is what we know about Bryan Malinowski:

  1. Malinowski was a public official, well-known, well-respected, high-profile member of the community with no criminal record of any kind.
  2. He was suspected by the ATF of selling 150 +/- guns over an approximately 3-year period.
  3. Allegedly, six of those guns were suspected of being used in a crime by the person he sold them to.
  4. 3 – 5 of the “crimes” were marijuana possession.
  5. Allegedly, three of those gun sales were to undercover law enforcement officers.
  6. None of the sales were identified as actually being “illegal”.
  7. Allegedly, paperwork on some (number unknown) of the guns that were sold were initially identified by Malinowski for personal use and not for resale. Note: There is nothing under current law that prevents a person from changing their mind and later selling a gun.

The law covering #7 states “…purchase of firearms for the purpose of resale for livelihood and profit without a Federal firearms license is a violation of Federal law.” Since Malinowski had a well-paying job (livelihood) providing a comfortable living there is no violation since he wasn’t doing it for “livelihood” and there is no indication that he made a “profit” on any sale. Hence, no violation was committed and none documented by ATF on the search warrant or any other court document…according to the law.

Here’s what we know about the search warrant:

  • There was no description of any crime committed by Malinowski only a suspicion of potential crime(s).
  • The “warrant” was to search for evidence since the ATF didn’t have sufficient evidence to show any criminal activity had already been committed.
  • There was no “arrest” warrant which means they had no evidence to even indicate a reasonable suspicion that Malinowski had actually committed a crime.
  • It was executed before dawn when the ATF knew Malinowski would be asleep.
  • There is no evidence whatsoever that the ATF SWAT team announced their presence; making this a “no-knock” warrant.

So here are the questions:

  • If the ATF considered Malinowski a criminal and selling guns illegally, why was there no arrest warrant for criminal activity?
  • If this was only a search warrant why not have it executed during the day, with regular agents announcing themselves and then working through the search with Malinowski? You know, simply ask him about the sales and did he have paperwork to back up the sales…reasonable actions to a normal and reasonable person.
  • Why the necessity of a 20 – 40 man highly armed military operation in a civilian neighborhood?
  • If a “no-knock” warrant was considered vital, why? Was Malinowski that extremely dangerous? There is ZERO evidence that this was the case.
  • If he was that dangerous, why was there no arrest warrant as well?
  • Why has no ATF video released showing the raid?
  • Why did the ATF agents disable the home’s video camera prior to breaking through the door?
  • Has the ATF identified the agent shot and confirmed he was shot by Malinowski or “friendly fire”?
  • How did the ATF personnel manage to shoot him directly in the head during a supposed “gunfight”? Actually, how many times was Malinowski shot and where?

So here are a couple of thoughts:

  • Executing a pre-dawn military operation while people are still asleep is to gain maximum surprise making it far easier to kill the enemy. That is a well-known military tactic, especially for US special forces.
  • The ATF knew Malinowski would be asleep.
  • The ATF knows that any normal person who owns guns would have one ready to defend their home and family against break-ins or home invasions.
  • The ATF knew Malinowski would defend his home and family against home invasions.

And finally let’s touch on a couple of issues:

  • Brian Malinowski had not been charged with any crime, no arrest warrant had been issued.
  • There is no evidence that any gun sale was illegal, only alleged, and without any evidence to support the allegation.
  • There is no indication whatsoever that Malinowski was prone to violence, had ever committed any violence, or would commit any violence.
  • The laws that the ATF were attempting to gather evidence on from Malinowski are all violating the Second Amendment since the amendment states “…shall not be infringed.” There is no wording that allows for excluding buying and/or selling of arms in the amendment. The US Constitution is a negative rights constitution, meaning that if the right isn’t stated, then the government doesn’t have it. So there is NO authorization in the US Constitution for the federal government to infringe on a citizens gun rights.
  • The US Constitution does not authorize any agency such as the ATF. Therefore, the ATF is, in and of itself, an unconstitutional government agency with no right to even exist.

So let’s carry this out logically, pure and simple, no bullshit involved:

  • The US Constitution doesn’t allow for laws to be written infringing on a citizen’s gun rights. So the law(s) Malinowski supposedly violated are invalid.
  • The judge that authorized the no-knock raid violated Malinowski’s 4th Amendment rights. So the warrant was illegally authorized.
  • The agency (ATF) that conducted the raid is not a legally established agency under the US Constitution.

So, if the anti-gun law isn’t Constitutional, and if the people carrying out the raid aren’t legally representing the US government, and the warrant was issued contrary to the 4th Amendment…then who is at fault for Malinowski being dead?

But, let’s look at this in an entirely different light for just a moment.

It is clear, proof positive, that the US federal government is anti-gun; absolutely all in on that. All governments that are anti-gun are authoritarian in nature. All authoritarian governments fear losing power over their citizens. Governments’ primary means of controlling citizens is by fear…fear of violating the law, fear of being fined, fear of being put in prison, fear of being killed, even fear of just being spotlighted by the government.

So why would the ATF kill Malinowski? Well to answer that one, consider…

Why did the FBI kill Craig Deleeuw Robertson, an invalid, a handicapped senior citizen with no criminal record and no ability to carry out any kind of violent crime?

Why did the ATF/FBI kill Randy Weaver’s wife and child?

Why did the ATF/FBI burn nearly 80 people alive in Waco?

Amazingly, in every situation the ATF/FBI always maintains that the person/people targeted fired first. And yet, they have failed to ever provide proof of such, or failed to show that people were simply defending themselves against armed attackers who were unknown and unidentified?

Would it be realistic to say that we have some very psychotic and dangerous…potentially evil/demonic…killers working for the FBI and ATF?

If not, then why raid a person’s home with a no-knock warrant, by complete surprise, military-style raids by lots of heavily armed men who readily and willingly kill US citizens at the drop of a hat?

I guess then you might have a lot of reason to pose this question…

Is this what happens when you have an authoritarian federal government create agencies that are not authorized in the Constitution trying enforce laws that are in direct violation of that same Constitution?

Maybe all this about messaging? Ever read the book, or see the movie, “1984”? Maybe the answer to all of this can be found there.

Please pray! Pray for softened hearts and open minds. Pray for kindness and compassion. Pray for justice and mercy. Pray for calm. Pray for peace.

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