I wanted to say ‘thanks’ this morning!

Last week was interesting for the website. Yes, I posted something each day last week, Monday – Friday. And yes, 3 out of the 5 posts were about the economy…seems to be my favorite subject, but it isn’t actually. Monday was the creepy article…at least creepy to me it what the real implications could be. What didn’t show up last week was Part #5 of the public schools series…that should show up this week once the editing is complete.

What really surprised me was the number of ‘likes’ I got on articles. Not only were the ‘likes’ far more than normal…it was on a wide variety of articles by a large number of different people. The total number of ‘likes’ set a new record for the site.

Why is that worth noting, let alone writing a post about it? Well, you see it is personal to me. The ‘stats’ page tells me how many people are viewing each article but the ‘likes’ page tells me how many people are saying thank you by hitting the ‘like’ star and on which articles. It shows me that people are appreciating the information I am posting. And while the likes don’t drive my desire to write…it is satisfying to know that that what I write has worth to folks out there.

So to all of you that hit the ‘like’ star at the bottom of the articles last week…

Last Week’s Articles –


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