Garden: Q & A – Why in the he$$ are you preparing a 6k square foot garden?

  • Why in the he$$ are you preparing a 6k square foot garden?

First off…the total area I worked on was 10,000sq’, only about 6,000sq’ is going to be usable for a potential garden area. I hauled in about 15 or so yards of dirt. Then I put on about 8 yards of really good compost. Then added a good application of an organic soil conditioner. Once that was all done I put down 40lbs of grass seed, then ¼ (or so) of peat moss.

Why the dirt? To level off the area that I wanted for a potential garden area.

Why the compost? The dirt here is mostly a fine sand kinda soil that is lacking when it comes to nutrients. And the soil just doesn’t hold water worth a dang. The compost will help with both of those issues.

Why the soil conditioner? It adds in a bunch of micro nutrients and other good stuff in addition to a good application of balanced organic fertilizer.

Why peat moss? To sit on top of the grass seed and aid in germination by retaining moisture for the seed to use.

So why 6,000sq’ of potential garden? Well, if it hits the fan in any way that disrupts the food supply chain I have some extra garden space that can be put into production for crops like; potatoes, corn, wheat, lentils, and other crops that take lots of space beyond what “square-foot” gardening can do in my current raised bed garden boxes totaling 350sq’.

Preparing now will give this area a chance to get healthy and productive. My plan is to aerate and add additional compost plus soil conditioner 3 – 4 times a year to keep improving the soil’s nutrient capability plus water retention ability. Then should I need the garden space it will be ready to be worked into a healthy and productive garden.

Does that work for you? Your thoughts, opinions, suggestions???

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