The Day ‘Freedom of Speech’ Died

Our Founding Fathers knew clearly that freedom of religion was the single most important right that American citizens should have…freedom of religion without any interference from government. That is why it is the first freedom guaranteed in the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. The second most important right…freedom of speech.

The Founders knew how important that right was…if there was ever a way to keep a government from becoming oppressive and tyrannical, it was the ability of people to expose it by openly and freely being able to discuss it. For when the freedom of speech dies, the lights go out, evil wins, and people die.

Mark on your calendars that on 6/26/2024 the US Supreme Court (SCOUTS) gave its blessing to the right of the United States federal government to control what people say…and even to arbitrarily decide what is truth and what is not. Yesterday SCOTUS moved the US government squarely into the company of Mao, Stalin, Castro, Hitler, Lenin, Kim Jong Un, and Mussolini.

With one fell swoop the federal government was empowered beyond any Constitutionalists’ wildest imagination…beyond any patriots’ worst fears.

But freedom of speech was not the only casualty yesterday…so was freedom of the press. Freedom of the press was the third most important freedom that the Founders wanted to ensure was never threatened. They knew that with the press an oppressive and tyrannical federal government couldn’t hide its evil in the dark corners and shadows. That too has been snatched away from US citizens yesterday.

Brothers and Sisters, yesterday was one of the darkest days in the history of the United States of America…maybe even the world. The US federal government can now single-handedly determine what can be said, written, or posted online by simply labeling it ‘misinformation’. The petty and power hungry politicians and bureaucrats can now openly work together to eliminate any information, and even the person or organization, from the public square.

Yesterday evil won.

I want to thank Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas for voting against evil, voting against tyranny, voting against oppression, voting against 1984, voting against the demise of the United States Bill of Rights. Unfortunately there weren’t enough true Americans on the court to uphold the most basic and important of our rights, freedoms, and liberties.

I mentioned Mao, Stalin, Castro, Hitler, Lenin, Kim Jong Un, and Mussolini earlier and for good reason. One of things they all had in common was the ability to control their citizens’ speech and their counties’ press. The USA, thanks to SCOTUS, joined them…we are now firmly going down the same road that those regimes and countries did.

There are two more things that those countries have in common; 1) they all failed and destroyed their countries, 2) the millions and millions of people their governments murdered. I guess Washington knew what he was talking about, eh?

The question to ask now…What do the tyrants and demons in Washington DC do next, then next, then next?

Believe him when he said…

Q & A Time…Ask me a question or send me a message…



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