2024 Presidential Debate – my take…

My wife and I turned on the presidential debate last night wanting to see who had something worthwhile to say. And secretly…I was wanting to see who had the biggest train wreck. I took notes, formed opinions, started thinking about what I would write.

About 2/3 of the way through I thought to myself…complete waste of time. Then a single word came to mind…”pathetic.” We turned off the weird old guy show.

As my wife and I talked briefly about the performances I told her my one word description…she agreed. Then the question popped out…”Is this best we can do?

So last night’s presidential debate wrapped up in a nutshell…

The debate was pathetic and are you kidding me…these two the best we can do?

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12 thoughts on “2024 Presidential Debate – my take…

  1. Pingback: ! DANGER ! I’ve been thinking about the debate… | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

  2. This is for anyone who thinks Trump is ever going to change!! He will NOT change. He is a narcissist and he is GOOD at the political game.


  3. Pingback: GREAT question!! | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

  4. Pingback: Who would be the Dem nominee? | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

  5. Pingback: So exactly what is the most important question altogether? | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

  6. Pingback: Okay, okay…just a couple Presidential Debate thoughts. | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

    • I will be voting for Trump

      We know the democrat party are criminals

      Hopefully we can push together as citizens to move our country ahead.

      Otherwise we are allowing the democrat party to win with another big criminal

      Liked by 1 person

      • So Rosemary,
        Thank you for the great reply, I appreciate it.
        You were clear on who the Democrats are.
        I completely agree that it will take “citizens to move our country ahead.”
        You referred to democrat party candidates as criminals…I agree. So you think republican candidates are not criminals?
        I get it that you are voting for Trump, but it sounded more like you were actually voting against democrats. Yes? Is there a positive reason you are voting for Trump?


      • He is the republican nominee. He was not my choice in the primary. Our whole government is crooked and needs overhauled. I think I will switch my “party” affiliation to a Contitutional Conservatarion. Independents need to crap or get off the pot. Dems and Repubs are all too crooked and Librataians don’t always know what they want.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Love it!
        You know your mind and heart well…nice!
        “Our whole government is crooked and needs overhauled.” AMEN ! !
        Independents are all but worthless…they ride the fence…blow with the wind.
        Libertarians are looking more and more like passive anarchists any more. I use to claim to be a “Civil Society Libertarian” but that doesn’t fit well anymore considering who the libertarians are now.
        I think I am more along the lines of “Classical Liberal” like our Founders were.
        “Dems and Repubs are all too crooked” Truer words have never been spoken!!!!
        Thanks for getting back to me 🙂
        Thanks for sharing!


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