GREAT question!!

  • From: xpansan

Would that question be, what are the rest of the world leaders, particularly China, Russia and North Korea, thinking of last nights debate?

That was not the question I was thinking…but it is a GREAT question!!

I would love to hear what you think.

For me…I can only imagine! The Tier 1 countries are probably laughing their butts off thinking how stupid we are for electing/selecting Biden. The most powerful country in the world whose President can’t tie his own shoes…or even know what shoes are. We are a joke to them.

For our enemies…they have to be shaking their heads wondering why we would want to be run by a clown…a fool that can’t put a full sentence together…a man who wears Depends coz he craps himself in public.

For the third-world countries…they are probably saying, “Welcome to the club US!!”

Now…in regards to the possibility of Trump being President…dang! The world’s countries’ leadership probably are worried coz they never know for sure what he might do…about anything. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. Our enemies are probably just saying to themselves and each other…”Crap!”

As for the actual, true leaders of the world…I don’t know what they are thinking for Trump. But for Biden I am sure they smile to themselves and know they completely control him…and thus the USA.

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