Okay, okay…just a couple Presidential Debate thoughts.

  • From: TM

No, you don’t get off that easy! What did you think of the debate?

Okay, okay…just a couple thoughts.

Let’s take the easy one first…Biden. His lights were almost totally off. When they did come on, they flickered, at best. Come on, Joe Biden is 81 years old…a very, very old man for the job he supposedly is doing. On the debate stage he acted like an 81 year old man with mid-stage dementia…which he has been diagnosed with. His confusion, mumbling, fumbling, freezing, disorientation was all symptomatic of his age and his dementia. I would like to say he lied about most everything. But, I could see in his very diminished mental state he believed what he was saying. For his age Biden did fairly well. Overall, for the office he supposedly holds…he was a complete and total disaster. Actually, he is extremely dangerous for the country considering the power he could wield should his handlers allow it.

Now Trump. Well, Trump is Trump is Trump. He came across as a narcissist…borderline megalomaniac . He is a man who talked/attacked with a large club vs any style or eloquence. Most of the time he avoided the moderator’s direct question and bloviated on how he is so great, so wonderful, so smart, so tough, so strong, better than anyone at everything. He should have addressed the question(s) directly and then commented on Biden’s issues that he brought up. He missed so many opportunities to talk policy and plans, discouraging. He made it WAY to personal…but that is Trump, it is all about him.

I was pleasantly surprised at the CNN moderators…they did a decent job for who they are and who they work for. I am not going to disparage them because I don’t think they deserve it.

But you missed the most important question altogether.

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