So exactly what is the most important question altogether?

  • From: TM

So exactly what is the most important question altogether?

I am so glad you asked 🙂  I wanted you to work for it.

No one…and I mean no one expected Biden to do well in a debate with Trump. Okay, maybe Biden himself thought he would do well but he has dementia.

So why did Biden’s handlers and masters allow him to go on stage with Trump in a debate they knew he would lose? Actually, the question should be…

”Why did Biden’s handlers and masters make him to go on stage with Trump in a debate they knew he would lose?”

By default Biden was the Democrat Party nominee…period. He is the sitting President, that gives him the right to it…it was his to turn-down or not. And he didn’t turn it down…he expected to be, demanded to be, the Democrat Party nominee for the 2024 Presidential election cycle.

Could the party take him out of the running? No, plain and simple…it would wreck the party.

So it fell to Biden’s handlers and masters to take him out of the running…to open the door for another nominee. There was absolutely no need for them to try and talk him out of the nomination…it would create too much stress and tension within the party and diminish the power of the handlers and masters by putting them into the position of convincing him…or even discussing it with him.

The answer…go along with him, make him feel important, keep the party together…and let Biden take Biden out of the running. And Biden did just that at the debate…he effectively removed himself as the Democrat Party presidential nominee.

How do I know that?

Don’t listen to the Republican/Conservative talking heads and politicians on how the debate went. Listen closely to what the Democrats are saying about Biden’s debate performance. Especially important are what the Democrat Party insiders are saying…the true power players. Without exception they are all saying they are worried about his debate performance; but they are also clearly voicing their concerns about his ability to beat Trump in the election.

Remember David Axelrod, Democrat Party operative and Obama handler? Well, Axelrod publicly stated “If, for whatever reason, there’s a change at the top of the ticket, you guys are in trouble with Donald Trump. Because the guy who was up there tonight is not a guy who’s going to inspire people.” That is Biden’s political death sentence.

Don’t get me wrong…the real power behind the Democrat Party was never going to let Biden be the nominee…they just had to decide on the right way to kick him to the curb. And they did that Thursday, June 27th, 2024. Well played!

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