Who would be the Dem nominee?

  • From: TM

If Biden is out, who would be the Dem nominee?

  • From: Michael

YES YES YES. 100% yes. That is exactly why they pushed the debate early in the process – so they could replace him. So the public could truly see that he is not able to run and “lead” the country. Not only did Biden take himself out of the running, the members of the left will demand it be done “for the good of Biden and the country”. They planned on replacing him, but this was the key to allowing it to be done “effortlessly”. Now…who will the replacement be? Hillary? Michael (sorry, Michelle)? Newsom (I highly doubt this one)?

That is a tricky question to be sure. I can’t read the minds of the Democrat Party masters. From a purely political perspective I would think that Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and Cory Booker would all be in the top tier running.

I don’t think that Hillary Clinton would be their nominee at all. I just don’t see it; too old, too controversial, too easy to hate, to overshadowed by Bill, and she can’t resist making a fool of herself when she speaks.

I don’t think Kamala Harris would be their nominee either. She is dumb as a rock…sorry about the insult to rocks. There are far too many video clips out there of her making a complete and total fool of herself. And I don’t think she is well liked within the Democrat Party either.

I think the outlier to watch out for, a valid dark horse contender to not be ignored…Michelle Obama. I could see the Dems begging for her to save the election, to save the country…and she would have to accept…it would be her civic duty to save the world.

But my guesses are all based on politics…not on power. Remember I said that Biden wouldn’t be the nominee in 2020…I sure did get that wrong! The problem…again, I was thinking politics not power.

What I mean by that is the power behind the curtain wanted an easily controlled tool as President. Someone that they could force to do their bidding, not Biden’s…and certainly not what is best for the country. In that light…Biden was the perfect choice…and I missed it not thinking “power”.

And here is a “gotcha”…If the power people still want a tool/fool…why not have Biden elected/selected again!? He fades away…and the Vice-President steps in. Interesting thought, eh?

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