SitRep – 5/23/2024

It has been awhile since I have written a SitRep, about 3 months actually. Since then a lot has happened, most of which you already knew was coming…no surprises…almost. However, I was blindsided with one particular data point. But more on that later, including how that impacts the current state of affairs. Yeah, I have saved it for the very end…seems appropriate.

I haven’t been writing much regarding current events for a number of reasons. One of which it has become boring, not writing about it, but the current events themselves. How bad is that when all the crap occurring becomes boring!? Maybe I should say mundane or expected, not sure.

On with the topics…

President (so-called) Biden –

Mark Levin used an expert and the international standard for assessing dementia in people. I will make this short…Biden is for sure in Stage 5 of dementia, possibly Stage 6. And that is according to the actual/factual symptom chart and objective observation. So why is that important? There are only 7 Stages of dementia.

  1. We know that Biden is not running the federal government, someone else is calling the shots but we don’t know who for sure.
  2. Biden holds the trigger for how America responds to international incidents.
  3. Biden makes the call on how to deal with internal US events and incidents. Yes, he can declare martial law.

Right now the world and the US are incredibly unstable with a man who is not rational or mentally fit holding so much, too much, power that could burn down either the rest of the world, the US…or maybe both.

Economy –

Every single month the US is setting new debt records, setting new debt default records, and we are seeing inflation that is crippling most American families. We are seeing massive employment issues including layoffs, along with real income trailing far behind inflation. We are seeing continually increasing corporate bankruptcies. Personal and business bankruptcy filings rose 18 percent in 2023 and setting record highs so far in 2024. Commercial Chapter 11 business reorganization filings shot up by 72% in 2023.

Home sales are slipping…badly. But for home prices…from 2019 – 2024 it costs over $1,000 per month more for the average America home. Tons of experts are now talking about how America is becoming a nation of renters…with no end in sight of that trend. Problem…rent increases are averaging 10% per year since Biden took office. The average overall rental in the US is now $1,400 per month…for a home it is now over $2,100 per month. Let that sink in for a minute.

Inflation…no, I am not going to talk about it…I won’t! Okay, maybe just a little. You already know what is happening with inflation. ALL studies show that inflation significantly disproportionately affects low and middle income Americans far, far more than high income and rich Americans. Think about this…since Biden took office the price of gasoline is far more than double what it was before his taking the reigns.

Income increases are lagging 80% behind inflation. Think about that one…let that set in on you as well for a few minutes.

Wars –

On top of the existing wars we are now looking at more major disruptions worldwide. There are some serious disturbances occurring in Africa. Iran’s President just died, or was assassinated, and that made Iran very unstable for the foreseeable future. Whoever takes the reigns in Iran will have to make a bold statement on who they are and how tough they will be on their eternal enemy Israel. And yes, I think Iran’s humiliating display with attacking Israel and the President’s death are directly related.

Taiwan’s new president Tsai Ing-wen recently warned China to stop its aggression towards Taiwan. How do you think that will impact China and what will their response be?

As we get closer to the election/selection in November, do you think it will embolden our enemies to become more aggressive and/or push the limits?

The EU –

Our US media is not reporting on it in any reasonable or rational way, but are you aware of just how unstable the EU is right now? There are still on-going widespread farmer protests, as well as radical environmentalist protests taking place. There are wide gaps growing between the most socialist of the EU countries and the more conservative countries. Their differences are getting to the point that there is considerable discussion and speculation that the EU is nearing collapse.

One of the most disturbing and potentially end-ensuring current event are the intense anti-Israel protests and associated violence. The rise of antisemitism in Europe is rearing its ugly head, nearing the 1930’s level.

Domestic Instability in the US –

I can’t imagine that you are not seeing the significant increase in criminal activity, especially violent crime. The recent anti-Israel encampments, protests, and violent riots only added to that chaos and anarchy.

One of the most disturbing aspects of this is the lack of judicial pursuit of those liberal violent offenders vs those who simply speak out against the radical trans-community and abortionists. Conservatives who speak out against the lunatic sexual perversion and the abortion clinics are getting arrested by FBI SWAT teams and sentenced to absurdly long prison terms. While those on the left committing actual violence and property destruction are rarely even charged.

Political Warfare –

Considerable additional evidence has surfaced recently that confirms there is, and has been, a coordinated effort by the radical left to keep Trump from running for President or being able to serve if somehow he is elected. At the same time, the DOJ and other judicial entities, are protecting the Biden family from virtually any investigation let alone any charges resulting in court trials.

It is now blatantly obvious that the US DOJ and FBI are protecting the Biden family and anyone else on the left of any significance while pursuing with uncommon vigor anyone on the right. Simply put, the entire US federal government is weaponized in favor of the radical left (i.e. Democrats).

Invasion is Complete –

The Biden administration, via DHS and CBP, have succeeded in allowing the invasion of the United States to be complete. 100’s of thousands of military age men from every possible/potential enemy of the US have entered the US via the southern boarder. And they have been assisted at every step by various federal agencies at the direction of Biden. 10’s of thousands of known criminals…many of which are the worse possible kind…have also invaded the country to create additional chaos and confusion. Then there are the thousands of known terrorists the Biden has brought in via an unsecured border.

The invasion is complete…but still is on-going to bring additional soldiers and criminals in. It is now only a matter of time.

Summary –

All of the above I am sure you are already aware of…and more. Let’s face it, I could write for hours, endless pages, of current event information. But here is the bottom line…

There are “Red Flags” everywhere!

No, much worse than that…ALL flags of any kind, every one of them, are Red Flags. The danger signs are everywhere, in every possible direction you can look.

And by that I mean this…

At this point the ‘crash’ could come at any time, any day, at any moment.

Yes, the crash of which I speak could be economic, but not limited to that. There could be any kind of Black Swan event, an assassination, a violent riot/protest that sweeps the country, a terrorist attack (or coordinated multiple attacks), bank holiday, or any other imaginable (or unimaginable) event that brings it all down.

The timeline, in my opinion, begins now, today. If it appears the left will lose the election/selection then I think it would happen before voting starts on November 5th. If the Republican candidate (especially if it is Trump) somehow pulls off a win on November 5th, then the most dangerous time would be November 5th, 2024– January 20th, 2025.

Now, if Biden really loses it mentally and the press can no longer hide it, then the most dangerous time would be from then until election/selection day. Especially dangerous would be the first week immediately after Biden would step down.

Regardless, from now until January 20th, 2025 the US is treading on thin ice…very, very thin ice. Meaning, you better be prepared for virtually any eventuality that might occur, especially large-scale violence that could/would result in martial law.

I can’t tell you what to do, but I can tell you some of the things that we’ve done (in no particular order):

1) paid off the little debt we had and expanding our cash reserve, 2) reviewing our personal defensive capabilities, 3) having a reserve of fuel on hand for our vehicles and tractor, 4) gearing up our food producing capability, 5) having a solid plan in-place for actions to take for certain events, 6) avoiding cities, 7) avoiding large gatherings, especially political events, 8) seriously upping our situational awareness, 8) acquiring supplies for next year’s garden, 9) reviewing our glamstead security, 10) and this is a very important one…we won’t confide in or trust any new ‘prepper’ who comes to us and sounds too good to be true.

Please take this very seriously…the next 8 months are CRITICALLY DANGEROUS…more so than any other time in recent US history. I mean that sincerely and emphatically!

I pray I am wrong, I hope I am wrong…I do pray for divine intervention so I am wrong. I will ask you to do the same thing…pray…pray that none of this comes to pass.

Here is where I got blindsided…”food insecurity”. Interpreted that means people going hungry. What exactly and officially is food insecurity? “The condition of not having access to sufficient food, or food of an adequate quality, to meet one’s basic needs.” In the US we just hit an historic record of food insecurity. When people get hungry they get desperate…especially when they see their children are hungry. Desperation brings unpredictability in people…and a far more likelihood of violence.

Remember, their plan is to create enough chaos, turmoil, crime, anarchy, violence, desperation, and hopelessness that the United States citizenry cries out for, demands, a solution…to make it stop…whatever the cost or measures. Therein lies the danger…they have a plan to do just that.

The next 8 months is critical…critical that you prepare…do not take this warning lightly!


Q & A Time…Ask me a question or send me a message…


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One thought on “SitRep – 5/23/2024

  1. Pingback: SitRep – 5/31/2024 (Economy) | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

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