SitRep – 5/31/2024 (Economy)

Yeah, everyone is talking about Trump being found guilty by the New York kangaroo court…not me, not yet. What is far more important is the crumbling economy and its potential impact on you and your family.

We all heard about Red Lobster last month…first, closing nearly 100 locations, then filing for bankruptcy. Then comes the news that Family Tree and Family Dollar are closing 1,000 locations. In my last SitRep I relayed that “Commercial Chapter 11 business reorganization filings shot up by 72% in 2023.”

Well try this on for size…

  • Commercial bankruptcies are up 24% in 2024.
  • Corporate bankruptcies are up 43% in 2024.
  • In 2023 more than 260,000 tech jobs alone were lost.
  • In the first 2 weeks of 2024 25,000 tech jobs alone were lost.
  • 40% of all companies are expected to lay off employees.
  • Google alone has plans to lay off 30,000 people this year.

Back to Red Lobster and Family Dollar/Tree…that is 20,000 – 25,000 employees losing their job right there. But it also means lower income folks losing a major source of lower cost essential items available to purchase. And, more than 1,100 vacant store fronts no longer producing commercial incomes for their owners. Yeah that adds up to about $2million a month of lost rental income hitting the economy. Think of the combined ripple effect on the US economy. The numbers start looking like this…1) over $50million in direct lost $’s, 2) about $200million in indirect $’s lost. And that is just from Those two corporations having financial problems. AND…that is per month!

We already know all forms of debt (government, commercial, credit card, auto, mortgages) are at an all time historic high. We also already know that debt payment delinquencies are at similar historic highs. As far as US government debt…it is entirely unsustainable and in no realist terms can it be paid off. And think about this one…more Americans that ever before are using credit cards to pay basic living expenses.

Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan Chase CEO) recently talked about the debt market. In that statement he said in reference to any wobble at all, “There could be hell to pay!” Well, think about these issues on top of everything else:

  • Mortgage rates are still climbing.
  • Rent is still climbing.
  • Just yesterday it was announced that US growth rate is steeply slowing.
  • Government is reporting inflation is slowing…at the same time they announced that all essentials for the average family continue to rise significantly.
  • Consumer spending is slowing at an alarming rate.

It goes on and on and on! So what does it all mean?

I have been relating to readers for years how step-by-step the US economy is crumbling, falling, crashing…being destroyed. These things should come as no surprise to anyone here.

I can’t tell you what to do…I am no expert. But I can warn you again what we are doing…we are preparing for the “crash”, the “collapse”, the whatever you want to call it. For us the writing is on the wall…it is just a matter of when. And we think the “when” is soon.

As I have written about before:

  • The US is an empire and all empires collapse…ALL!
  • The US has embraced Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and all countries that have adopted MMT have had their economies collapse…ALL!

Prepare accordingly. Prepare quickly.

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