Malinowski and the ATF follow-up question…

  • I read your article on Malinowski and the ATF. Pretty much spot on from what I can tell. Why do you think the ATF is like that and what do you think there opinion of you and your article is?

Well, two questions but they go to the same issue…mindset. Let me hit on that which answers both your questions.

ATF personnel are true believers. They think the are serving the Constitution, they see themselves as heroes. They are convinced that they are striving to keep America safe against the bad guys. It starts with their initial training…their boot camp if you will.

Think about this…do you for a minute think they ever bring up the subject that the ATF as a federal government agency isn’t authorized in the Constitution? Of course not. To the contrary, I am sure the recruits hear repeatedly how great their agency is, how rich their agency history is, how much the ATF serves the American people, and the country is safer for their existence.

The precursor of the ATF was formed in 1886 as the “Revenue Laboratory” more commonly referred to as revenuers or “revenoors”. Basically, collecting tax revenue and/or smashing unregistered liquor producing stills. In 1968, with the passage of the Gun Control Act, they became what we know as the ATF. Raising money through “tax stamps” and licensing.

So here is the fact of the matter…the Gun Control Act of 1968 is in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment. And based on that unconstitutional law the ATF was reformed to enforce the infringement of people’s gun rights. I wonder if they ever teach that in the ATF school?

Let’s recap a couple things…the major gun laws that have destroyed the 2nd Amendment…

First, in 1934 there was The National Firearms Act (NFA) pushed through by Progressive/Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Second, in 1938 the The Federal Firearms Act (FFA). Also pushed through by Progressive/Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Third, in 1968 there was the Gun Control Act, pushed through by Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Notice a trend there…one was a Progressive/Democrat who was clearly an authoritarian and often considered a closet socialist. The other was also a Democrat and without any question an authoritarian. Do you find any of that interesting?

So, let’s wrap this up…I am sure any ATF personnel that read my article think I am a whack job at best, maybe a bit of an idealist, and possibly a marginal threat. They would immediately dismiss my statement that the ATF is not authorized in the Constitution as pure hooey, the ravings of some right-wing backwoods hillbilly radical.

Have you ever heard of “group think” or the “hive culture”? In either situation individuals mostly lose the ability to think for themselves…and to makes matters worse…they don’t even know it.

So let’s touch on one more thing…$money$. An ATF field agent can earn between $85k – $115k per year…BEFORE any locality pay, overtime pay, law enforcement “offset”, etc.. So add to their base pay another $25k – $35k for those niceties. Oh wait…there is an incredible health insurance program and pension program. For health insurance add in another $12k – $18k per year. And for pension add in $26k – $34k per year. So now you are looking at an annual salary of somewhere around $148k – $202,000 per year when all is said and done. Not bad, eh?

Well now, let’s talk the average person in the USA…they make approximately $41k per year. So the average ATF agents are making almost 4 to 5 times the average American. Whoa…sweet, eh?

Oh, I forgot to mention…if an ATF agent retires after 30 years of service they are bringing in about $76k – $103k per year in pension money…for the rest of their lives!

So is the money a huge motivation to join the ATF…and to go along with the program regardless of any moral or ethical issues?

As for my article…there is no way they would put any credibility to it at all. Coz if they did…think of that nice fat paycheck they would be jeopardizing. And that is also food for thought when it comes to wondering why there are virtually no ATF “whistleblowers” coming forward. Actually, I can’t think of a single one.

Doesn’t life get interesting when a person has the courage to stop and truly and honestly think through issues?

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One thought on “Malinowski and the ATF follow-up question…

  1. Pingback: US Senators say ATF weren’t wearing cameras when they killed Malinowski. | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

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