Why haven’t you written about the ATF killing Malinowski?

  • Why haven’t you written about the ATF killing Malinowski?

Should I have to? It’s pretty clear what happened and why. Well, to anyone who understands the big picture…as well as the details.

Let’s talk about this in a realistic, honest, clear, and logical manner. No government propaganda and no conspiracy theory tinfoil hat hooey. Just talk about facts based on information that is current and pretty well documented.

Here is what we know about Bryan Malinowski:

  1. Malinowski was a public official, well-known, well-respected, high-profile member of the community with no criminal record of any kind.
  2. He was suspected by the ATF of selling 150 +/- guns over an approximately 3-year period.
  3. Allegedly, six of those guns were suspected of being used in a crime by the person he sold them to.
  4. 3 – 5 of the “crimes” were marijuana possession.
  5. Allegedly, three of those gun sales were to undercover law enforcement officers.
  6. None of the sales were identified as actually being “illegal”.
  7. Allegedly, paperwork on some (number unknown) of the guns that were sold were initially identified by Malinowski for personal use and not for resale. Note: There is nothing under current law that prevents a person from changing their mind and later selling a gun.

The law covering #7 states “…purchase of firearms for the purpose of resale for livelihood and profit without a Federal firearms license is a violation of Federal law.” Since Malinowski had a well-paying job (livelihood) providing a comfortable living there is no violation since he wasn’t doing it for “livelihood” and there is no indication that he made a “profit” on any sale. Hence, no violation was committed and none documented by ATF on the search warrant or any other court document…according to the law.

Here’s what we know about the search warrant:

  • There was no description of any crime committed by Malinowski only a suspicion of potential crime(s).
  • The “warrant” was to search for evidence since the ATF didn’t have sufficient evidence to show any criminal activity had already been committed.
  • There was no “arrest” warrant which means they had no evidence to even indicate a reasonable suspicion that Malinowski had actually committed a crime.
  • It was executed before dawn when the ATF knew Malinowski would be asleep.
  • There is no evidence whatsoever that the ATF SWAT team announced their presence; making this a “no-knock” warrant.

So here are the questions:

  • If the ATF considered Malinowski a criminal and selling guns illegally, why was there no arrest warrant for criminal activity?
  • If this was only a search warrant why not have it executed during the day, with regular agents announcing themselves and then working through the search with Malinowski? You know, simply ask him about the sales and did he have paperwork to back up the sales…reasonable actions to a normal and reasonable person.
  • Why the necessity of a 20 – 40 man highly armed military operation in a civilian neighborhood?
  • If a “no-knock” warrant was considered vital, why? Was Malinowski that extremely dangerous? There is ZERO evidence that this was the case.
  • If he was that dangerous, why was there no arrest warrant as well?
  • Why has no ATF video released showing the raid?
  • Why did the ATF agents disable the home’s video camera prior to breaking through the door?
  • Has the ATF identified the agent shot and confirmed he was shot by Malinowski or “friendly fire”?
  • How did the ATF personnel manage to shoot him directly in the head during a supposed “gunfight”? Actually, how many times was Malinowski shot and where?

So here are a couple of thoughts:

  • Executing a pre-dawn military operation while people are still asleep is to gain maximum surprise making it far easier to kill the enemy. That is a well-known military tactic, especially for US special forces.
  • The ATF knew Malinowski would be asleep.
  • The ATF knows that any normal person who owns guns would have one ready to defend their home and family against break-ins or home invasions.
  • The ATF knew Malinowski would defend his home and family against home invasions.

And finally let’s touch on a couple of issues:

  • Brian Malinowski had not been charged with any crime, no arrest warrant had been issued.
  • There is no evidence that any gun sale was illegal, only alleged, and without any evidence to support the allegation.
  • There is no indication whatsoever that Malinowski was prone to violence, had ever committed any violence, or would commit any violence.
  • The laws that the ATF were attempting to gather evidence on from Malinowski are all violating the Second Amendment since the amendment states “…shall not be infringed.” There is no wording that allows for excluding buying and/or selling of arms in the amendment. The US Constitution is a negative rights constitution, meaning that if the right isn’t stated, then the government doesn’t have it. So there is NO authorization in the US Constitution for the federal government to infringe on a citizens gun rights.
  • The US Constitution does not authorize any agency such as the ATF. Therefore, the ATF is, in and of itself, an unconstitutional government agency with no right to even exist.

So let’s carry this out logically, pure and simple, no bullshit involved:

  • The US Constitution doesn’t allow for laws to be written infringing on a citizen’s gun rights. So the law(s) Malinowski supposedly violated are invalid.
  • The judge that authorized the no-knock raid violated Malinowski’s 4th Amendment rights. So the warrant was illegally authorized.
  • The agency (ATF) that conducted the raid is not a legally established agency under the US Constitution.

So, if the anti-gun law isn’t Constitutional, and if the people carrying out the raid aren’t legally representing the US government, and the warrant was issued contrary to the 4th Amendment…then who is at fault for Malinowski being dead?

But, let’s look at this in an entirely different light for just a moment.

It is clear, proof positive, that the US federal government is anti-gun; absolutely all in on that. All governments that are anti-gun are authoritarian in nature. All authoritarian governments fear losing power over their citizens. Governments’ primary means of controlling citizens is by fear…fear of violating the law, fear of being fined, fear of being put in prison, fear of being killed, even fear of just being spotlighted by the government.

So why would the ATF kill Malinowski? Well to answer that one, consider…

Why did the FBI kill Craig Deleeuw Robertson, an invalid, a handicapped senior citizen with no criminal record and no ability to carry out any kind of violent crime?

Why did the ATF/FBI kill Randy Weaver’s wife and child?

Why did the ATF/FBI burn nearly 80 people alive in Waco?

Amazingly, in every situation the ATF/FBI always maintains that the person/people targeted fired first. And yet, they have failed to ever provide proof of such, or failed to show that people were simply defending themselves against armed attackers who were unknown and unidentified?

Would it be realistic to say that we have some very psychotic and dangerous…potentially evil/demonic…killers working for the FBI and ATF?

If not, then why raid a person’s home with a no-knock warrant, by complete surprise, military-style raids by lots of heavily armed men who readily and willingly kill US citizens at the drop of a hat?

I guess then you might have a lot of reason to pose this question…

Is this what happens when you have an authoritarian federal government create agencies that are not authorized in the Constitution trying enforce laws that are in direct violation of that same Constitution?

Maybe all this about messaging? Ever read the book, or see the movie, “1984”? Maybe the answer to all of this can be found there.

Please pray! Pray for softened hearts and open minds. Pray for kindness and compassion. Pray for justice and mercy. Pray for calm. Pray for peace.

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2 thoughts on “Why haven’t you written about the ATF killing Malinowski?

  1. Pingback: US Senators say ATF weren’t wearing cameras when they killed Malinowski. | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

  2. Pingback: Malinowski and the ATF follow-up question… | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

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