Three of the most significant indicators/signs of an authoritarian/totalitarian regime is the controlling of media, promoting government propaganda, and suppressing voices of opposition.

A person only needs look to countries such as the former Soviet Union, current Russia, China, and North Korea to see the most fully implemented examples of such behavior. And the European Union countries are examples of almost fully implemented authoritarian media controls. But here in the USA the First Amendment has protected, for the most part, our right to free speech for over 230 years…until now.

Let’s be honest…the media has been earnestly bullied and attacked since the Nixon years. And since Clinton the effort to transform the media into an extension of the government propaganda arm has become serious and focused. Every President since Nixon has gone after the media and the people therein…some Presidents with gusto, others more subtly. And for the most part, the media has complied and become little more than shills for the US federal government.

And to be fair, there are a couple major media outlets that still maintain some margin of objectivity and fairness in reporting. However, and unfortunately, they tend to be conservative agenda driven organizations. And being such, almost exclusively promote a conservative agenda vs true objectivity.

The US government has for the most part been discreet, subtle, and used subterfuge to bring the media into compliance. However, they are not above using threats, intimidation, and the legal system to bring the most wayward of media under their control. The most recent example is the NSA’s spying on Tucker Carlson. But Carlson is not alone…the NSA has been well-documented to be spying on all of us. But government spying on media personnel is especially troublesome.  And for this article I won’t even begin to discuss the truly troubling programs the FBI has and is using against specific journalists.

Now to my point…On July 14th, 2021 the US Government went from subtle anti-free speech program towards full blown censorship. On 7/14 the US Surgeon General released a report outlining how big technology companies, especially social media platforms, are to censor any dissenting speech that falls outside of federal government approval. While stopping short of criminalizing dissenting speech, the government declared exactly how big-tech was to use all methods at its disposal to silence dissension.

This is no small development…actually, it is the largest single outright blatant attack on the US Constitution and Bill of Rights that I can remember in my lifetime. This is a huge development, although not a surprise at all for those who have been reading my website for even a few months.

I have been writing extensively about the federal government’s efforts to destroy the Constitution for a very long time. I have outlined how big-tech was nothing more a tool of the US government, both working towards the same goal. This latest move is simply a blatant public release of the goal the federal government of the United States, with the assistance of big-tech, is moving us towards. And that goal…a solid and unchallengeable authoritarian/totalitarian state.

The most dangerous specifics in the policy statement:

  1. Page #11 –
    1. All media companies and journalism schools are to train personnel to identify any information source that doesn’t conform to federal government “truth.”
    2. Use only information, including graphics, that will keep public opinion in-line with what information the federal government is promoting.
  2. Page #12 –
    1. Change their technology software and hardware to ensure that any “misinformation” is identified and suppressed.
    2. Identify all users who dissent from federal government propaganda and make that information available to all government personnel, government compliant media sources, and government approved academic personnel.
    3. Penalize anyone and everyone who the federal government has identified as “repeat offenders” of misinformation.
    4. Identify misinformation and move to counter that content with an overwhelming amount of content that is compliant with federal government propaganda.
    5. Promote media sources of complaint information over dissenting sources.
    6. Protect cooperative federal government media sources from any information that would challenge or discredit them.
  3. Page #14 –
    1. The promotion of extensive private funding towards any and all organizations that promotes federal government propaganda.
  4. Page #15 –
    1. Directs all levels of government to comply with the federal government propaganda promotion program, including the promotion of all compliant sources and the penalization of all dissenting speech and sources.

Yes, there are more statement points to be made that prove beyond even a shadow of a doubt that the US government is now actively, publicly, blatantly, and seriously going public in their program to  crush any dissenting speech. Meaning…the US Government is now openly suppressing/eliminating free speech. Free Speech…the most fundamental of God-given rights guaranteed to us under the Bill of Rights.

I have written repeatedly that from the perspective of the US Government, and its renegade agencies (FBI, NSA, CIA, DIA, DHS, etc.), the US Constitution is dead and gone. Period!

The only saving of the US Constitution will come from dedicated and committed people willing to give all to defend its principles.

The US Government, all branches, have no desire whatsoever to uphold the Constitution. That has been made clear by decades of eliminating rights, freedoms, and liberties. Till now they have been the evil lurking and working in the shadows…but that has now changed. They have now moved into the full light of day…unafraid of showing their evil for exactly what it is!

I want to state clearly, and hear me clearly… on the 14th of July, 2021 the US Federal Government, under the direction of an authoritarian Biden/Harris regime, made it public that they are now working openly to eliminate ALL rights that have been previously guaranteed under the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. And they started with the most fundamental and the most needed right of all…Free Speech.

This latest version of an authoritarian regime is the most extreme in philosophy and action than anything previously seen in the USA. This is the most major and significant -and dangerous- step ever taken in modern times to subjugate the citizens of the US to the point of no return.

For those of you who are aware and informed…this is the FULL implementation of “1984”… make no doubt about it.

Where do they go from here? I am not 100% sure…but it will become obvious fairly soon. This bold step towards the destruction of the last vestiges of the US Constitution is a major mile post…one that will be followed up rather quickly by those dark and evil powers that now control every aspect of the US federal government.

Now, one more extremely disturbing point…I am sure you are aware, but let me remind you…The US Surgeon General holds the rank of Vice-Admiral. Yup, that means they are a member of the 8 branches of the armed/uniformed services of the United States of America.

I told you earlier this year that we have lost the military…this recent move makes it crystal clear that the US uniformed services no longer honors their oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Those organizations are now rogue…and working openly against US citizens.


Take such actions to prepare yourself, your family, your congregations, and your communities against further implementation of authoritarianism. Failure to act now ensures you will have to comply with their demands in the future…and become nothing more than sheeple.

Who is US Surgeon General Vivek Hallegere Murthy? <click here to find out>

Note: I am attaching the official full report (US government PDF file) for you to research and conclude your own opinions. < click here for the OFFICIAL-surgeon-general-confronting-health-misinformation July 14 2021 statement>

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16 thoughts on “EXTREME DANGER !

  1. Pingback: >>> CRITICAL – Here it is… | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

  2. The Demoncrap party must be warned they can be HANGED for their treason. But we haven’t done it before so until they do they won’t stop and will use any nefarious means to do so as we have seen over and over for over a hundred years.

    Maybe the next hundred should be used to start hanging them for their treason and constitutional violations.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Why Biden has no worries. First, white conservatives are cowards. A small but determined criminal element was able to destroy dozens of cities with no consequences. Feds stated no one would be punished, not even for attacking and burning federal buildings. Now look how they handled Trump supporters. Hundreds locked up with tens of thousands soon to be arrested. Military is now completely owned by left. They will follow orders and will be used to crush whites once Biden feels confident to begin such ops. Sadly, the biggest reason feds can now do as they please is regular law enforcement. Local and state police followed any and all orders concerning mask mandate, a major violation of the Bill of Rights if even there was one.
    Make no mistake, police like their pay and perks and if ordered will happily turn their guns on conservatives.
    What will soon happen here will make what went on in Nazi Germany seem mild in comparison. Democrats are already building the camps needed to house conservatives, gun owners, and Christians. To all you smart asses that say where are the camps? They already exist. They are called sports stadiums and underground parking complexes. A few guard towers and concertina wire and presto, instant camps. There are also huge amounts of cleared land on US military bases that can quickly be converted. Eglin Air Force Base in Florida and Ft Stewart Army Base in Georgia have thousands of acres easily convertible to such facilities. Remember Democrats already have experience with how to move and imprison huge segments of population. Ask tge Japanese on the West Coast how quickly Democrats were able to move and imprison hundreds of thousands of loyal Japanese Americans during WW2. Also, further back, see how they wiped out millions of American Indians. The US military figured heavily in both these historic episodes.
    Right now, your only hope to save yourself and your families is to form armed militias. Training needs to start right now. Once military gets their orders they will quickly move to round up any and all people Democrats label as enemies of the state. The Constitution is dead and gone.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Welcome To The U.S. Reich Minister of Health And Propaganda | Gain Of Function - The Hunger Games

  5. We lost our military on Obama’s 2nd reign of terror. We share somewhat similar resumes and I do not believe having “firefighter” on a resume as being a plus IMO.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sharon, I didn’t mention UN troops being invited in. And personally that is something I don’t think can/will happen. At least no our lifetime. The UN troops would be crushed by those who would oppose them (i.e. think veterans). There are some folks who do believe the will be invited in and I personally don’t support that concept. AH

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for your quick reply! I apologize, someone in the comments mentioned it, and I wondered where they got the information from, as it sounded far fetched. I appreciate your reply and article to begin with!

        Liked by 2 people

  6. Fighting “misinformation” with lies, and silencing any whose opinion does not match the government’s narrative, including Nobel prize winning scientists. It is clear they have no interest in actual truth, but what is truly sad is that so many do not even attempt to see beyond the thin veneer of their lies, much to their peril I’m afraid.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. You’ve got it backwards. The government didn’t get control of media, those who control media ended up controlling government in part due to their control of the media. For example, Nixon didn’t attack the media, he was attacked by it. The success of the media’s campaign against Nixon was seen as a warning shot by future politicians.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey Zorost, I appreciate the comment…keeps me on my toes.
      Nope…I didn’t get it backwards at all. I got it spot on! What you need to understand is the relationship of money and power. Money of the media and big-tech has bought power because they bought politicians. The government’s power gets them the money from corps.. So it is a symbiotic relationship. Media and big-tech don’t have the power the government has, the government wants the money that the corp’s have. And government doesn’t have the kind of freedom of power that the corp’s have. They both want money and power…and use both/either to get what they want. And together they want authoritarianism because then they both get ALL of what they want.
      And yes, Nixon attacked the media…first with an undercover operation and then through his own media campaign. And yes, the media attacked him exposing his crimes. But, he was a target primarily because he wouldn’t bend 100% to TPTB agenda.
      And yes, Nixon was attacked as a warning shot exactly for the reason I said…he wasn’t 100% compliant.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Not only are you spot on. The next step was taken this week. The Biden/Harris regime invited the UN to send troops to help “put down the resistance” to the regimes agenda. Your warning is timely. Thank You for all you do keep us sheeple informed.

    Liked by 1 person

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