Answer: What should I do?

I was talking with a long-time friend last night. And yes, for the record…I have friends. With this particular friend…45 years of really good friendship.

As we were talking we discussed the 7 part May 2022 SitRep…she loved it, thought it was well presented, good editing, and the research was excellent. But she had a criticism…a valid one…the 7 part article was over 18,000 words. And the average person would need a little over an hour to read all of them…or about 10 minutes per part. Too much time!!

So after I got over being truly offended that people would object to spending an hour reading my most excellent series of article(s) I realized she was correct. Her suggestion was to take the “answers” part and make it a standalone article for folks to read…about 4 – 5 minutes. Then include links to the rest of the parts if a person was interested.

She is one smart lady so I will take her advice…and here it is…

My response to the question, “What should I do?”

  1. FIRST and FOREMOST – In order to stay alive and out of prison do not participate in violence of any kind. Do not attend protests, demonstrations, or any kind of rally. At this point in time all of these have the real potential to turn violent. Do not get involved in those activities! Don’t even talk about committing violence no matter how patriotic it may sound. When you are around people do not allow them to talk about committing violence, or even advocating for it. If they do, then tell them you will have no part in it and leave. Why? Same as I have told you before…the federal law enforcement agencies have agents or informers in every militia in the US and any other group they see as a threat. They will look for and find any reason to arrest and imprison anyone they can. And if that can’t find a reason they will manufacture one as they have done so numerous times. Stay away from any anti-government style violence or discussion of such…period!
  2. Have a clear set of core principles that you believe in no matter what. If you don’t already have them, develop that set of core principles. Those principles must be based on both temporal (i.e. US Constitution & Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, etc.) and spiritual concepts (i.e. 10 Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, etc.). Make the decision to stand by those principles no matter what, and then do not compromise those principles. When challenged, do not shrink from defending those principles using sound reasoning, logic, and compassionate understanding of others.
  3. Clearly see the magnitude of the problem and the utter enormity of the collapse that has already occurred and more which is coming…and stay situationally aware. Focus on knowing what is going on in the country and world from only trusted sources of information. But, do not become obsessed over current events, ignore all non-trustworthy sources of information, stay away from those promoting conspiracy theories, avoid “fear porn”, and do not give time to the “static” in life.
  4. Be willing to have am emergency preparedness plan, make a plan, and be committed to work that plan. The plan must be based on solid, practical, and proven concepts of emergency preparedness. The plan must cover all areas of threats/risks and above all, it must be realistic.
  5. Forget acting globally, forget acting nationally, but do act locally. Be involved in your family, community, congregation, and possibly at the state level (if you feel prompted to do so). It is highly likely that you can have no impact at the global or national level to right this sinking ship…so don’t waste your time, talents, efforts, or resources on that pointless effort. Stay focused and engaged where you can make a difference. Start at the smallest/lowest possible level and then expand from there. Concentrate on where you can be both active and effective in your ability to help others. Serve.
  6. Do not be part of political party politics and do not support any political party platform. Advocate, support, and advance only your principles as outlined in #2 regardless of politics or political parties. Push forward the sound principles that you have formed when you are involved in your community. Do not compromise those principles. Seek consensus not compromise. When you vote, vote for the candidate whose principles and ideas match yours regardless of political party affiliation. Do not donate your money to any political party; you have no true knowledge of what they are doing with that money.
  7. Talk about emergency preparedness whenever appropriate to get as many people aware as possible. But, do not show your preps to anyone and do not be specific regarding the extent of your preps.
  8. Gently, quietly, without fanfare, find others who think and act as you do. Start a moderate conversation regarding emergency preparation in general terms. Gauge their response, move forward if there is common ground, but do so only in small steps. Know who you are talking to. As trust and confidence grows move the conversation to mutual support and assistance in your emergency preparedness endeavors. A good place to start would be at church. But, don’t assume that just because they are fellow church goers that they share all of your preparedness beliefs or share your core principles.
  9. Do everything you can to be as independent of all levels of government as possible, especially the federal government. Think “self-reliance” in every aspect of your life.
  10. Be willing and committed to defending yourself, your family, your principles, and your community against all threats that would jeopardize those principles or the safety of those you love and have joined with.
  11. Have “realistic expectations” of yourself and your family when it comes to emergency preparedness. It would be wonderful to be 100% prepared for any emergency that might come your way…but that is 100% unrealistic. Do the best you can with what you have…and that is good enough. Focus your time and resources on that which is the greatest risk/threat against you and your family, solve that, and then move on to the next item. Work your plan but do not become obsessive.

I apologize if you were expecting some great “silver bullet” solution. But I don’t apologize if you were expecting me tell you to join a militia, take up arms, revolt, become an Alexander Hamilton, etc. These times are not those that cry out for violence as our Founding Fathers did after decades of trying to solve the problems with England. If you are drawn towards violence at this point, a repeat of the 1/6 disaster, etc. then I am not your guru, I don’t have your answers.

What we need in this country right now is civility, compassion, willingness to serve, level-headedness, calm, and people determined to be prepared for emergencies, disasters, and grid-down. We need people who Preparedness Communitycan reach out to their families, their communities & neighbors, and their congregations with helping hands. We need people with strong principles, or at least those willing to embrace strong righteous principles, willing to stand-up for those principles, and then share them with others in a calm and gentle manner.

Look at what the federal government is doing, what bureaucrats are doing, what politicians are doing, and how they are behaving and what their position related actions are. We need good people doing the exact opposite. We need good people doing good things for the right reasons, helping and serving others. Embrace selflessness…abandon selfishness.

The best way, actually the only way, to fight evil is to fight it with good. And you must be that source of good. For this is truly a struggle of good vs evil. Right now evil is wining on a global and national level for the most part. But that can and will change. I am asking you, imploring you, to be part of that good that makes that change.

Now, just for clarification…I am not advocating that you not physically defend yourself or your family against threats and acts of violence. You have a God-given right to defend yourself and you have a responsibility mandated by God to defend and protect your family. And I urge you to take both of those responsibilities seriously, as seriously as you need to…only you can make that judgement as to what degree.

This is not a month long struggle, not even a year long struggle; it may not be resolved even in your lifetime. But, you are part of the solution, today’s solution, tomorrow’s solution…be the part of the solution that you need to be.

May 2022 SitRep –

Other Articles that Relate to the Whole SitRep –


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2 thoughts on “Answer: What should I do?

  1. Pingback: Intensify | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

  2. Pingback: I was on the radio!! | A.H. Trimble - Emergency preparedness information for disasters and grid-down

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